Sentences with phrase «system of doctrine»

Consequently, the unity of the Bible is not found in a comprehensive system of doctrine of theology.
Such courses provide one of the best ways of introducing Christianity — better than presenting it as an abstract system of doctrines.
Men might as well attempt to confine the ocean in buckets of their own formation as to confine the vast range of divine revelation within the feeble enclosures of human systems of doctrine.
As a Presbyterian minister, Carter believes that what the Bible teaches is summarized best by the Westminster Confession of Faith, although he acknowledged that, as a system of doctrine, the confession is not inerrant.
In the past the Church has appeared to many Catholics as an absolutely monolithic structure, a system of doctrine and life which had to be either accepted or rejected as a whole, without degrees or nuances of importance in its various components.
It is essential, therefore, to do some independent study, travel and field work in order to appreciate more completely the unity and diversity of the various religions and the systems of doctrine flowing from them.
Tietjen quotes longtime Concordia professor Arthur Repp's observation that «the Preus people... think we have to have a system of doctrine that spells out everything in detail to nail down what the Bible teaches.
For example, it argued that liberalism, contrary to its critics, is not a system of doctrines but simply a method of inquiry — a free method unbound by orthodoxy's rigid and authoritarian norms.
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