Sentences with phrase «system of ideas»

It is, then, more consequent to say that adequacy concerns whole system of ideas, rather than particular metaphysical statements.
It is not essentially a philosophy or an ordered system of ideas; neither is it merely a kind of behavior that imitates the earthly life and teaching of a historical figure.
Creative religious education aims not at the inculcation of a rigid system of ideas but at the acquisition by the learner of a searching, experimental approach toward religious truth.
Philosophers have largely abandoned the expectation of discovering a single system of ideas that will contain the ultimate truth about nature, man, cognition, and values.
In Session 4 of Sent, we discuss the difference between the people of the world and the fallen system of ideas that work in rebellion to God.
For Whitehead, «Speculative Philosophy is the endeavor to frame a coherent, logical, necessary system of ideas in terms of which every element of our experience can be interpreted.»
Modern rationalism uses the Cartesian method of discard as a preliminary guide to imaginative construction; but its essential point is that it starts with an imaginative system of ideas, the logical connections of which have been thoroughly explored.
Certainly the church can't help when it is preoccupied with itself and its obsolete system of ideas and practices.
What, in the end, are all our verifications but experiences that agree with more or less isolated systems of ideas (conceptual systems) that our minds have framed?
Unlike simplistic «how - to» books, Passionate Marriage provides a tightly integrated system of ideas and tools for couples seeking greater passion, intimacy, eroticism, and love.
Whitehead ascribes the requirement of adequacy to the whole system of ideas, and Hartshorne speaks rather about a priori truths (or statements).
Christianity is a faith, not simply an ordered system of ideas, or a behavior that imitates the earthly life and teach of a historical figure, but a commitment of men and women to the supremely worshipful reality called God.
An awareness of this fact and of the limitations it entails is itself a condition of the credibility of any system of ideas, and that may finally be so because time belongs to the essence of truth and of reality itself.
Marxist - Lennist Atheism Klas - Göran Karlsson writes that «Ideologies are systems of ideas, which can not commit crimes independently.
Yet in another sense exclusivism is impossible certainly the exclusivism of a system of ideas and conclusions that someone claims to be final and absolute.
All the semiological systems, along with the linguistic system, must be decoded, and, as Ricoeur says, «that requires a special affinity between the reader and the kind of things the text is about» (19) What is appropriated is not a system of ideas but deep values of truth that are imposed «with such power that no further proof is needed to perceive their validity and reality».
Forget «Christianity» for a moment — Christianity as a system of ideas competing with others in the market; concentrate on the place in the world that is the place of Jesus the anointed, and what it is that becomes possible in that place.
My system of ideas has partial support in many countries.
(Note the parallel with the system of ideas about evolution in which I suggest that the character of a living organism is determined by the particular natural selection it is subjected to, and that the natural selection it is subjected to is dependent on what its character leads it to select out of the range of environments available to it.)
Usually it refers explicitly to, and identifies itself with, a recognized body of doctrine or a system of ideas.
The idea that reality can be directly perceived just as it is, without recourse to any system of ideas, is idiotic.
Approximately 30 years ago, Andragogy was designed as a system of ideas, concepts, and approaches to adult learning in the United States by Malcolm Knowles.
It focuses on the systems of ideas which frame teacher accounts of the
Webster's definition of ideology is: «A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.»
«Ideology» is nothing more than a system of ideas, or beliefs, much of which is embedded in, and transmitted through, culture.
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
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