Sentences with phrase «system of thought»

They are not easy ideas to grasp, and in isolation from his whole system of thought they prove less convincing.
It is easy to become consumed by details, which lead us into closed systems of thought and blindness to the limitations of those systems.
We need understanding based on a consistent system of thought giving us insights and appreciation for how each aspect of our lives effects us.
When we acknowledge that our pictures do not represent reality, then we can also give up the quest for a coherent system of thought to describe the world.
We need to explain how these claims are true and of how they function as a part of an integrated system of thought.
They are not logical deductions from special systems of thought.
But, quite apart from the fact that many anthropologists — for instance, Jevons and Frazer — expressly oppose «religion» and «magic» to each other, it is certain that the whole system of thought which leads to magic, fetishism, and the lower superstitions may just as well be called primitive science as called primitive religion.
«They are all reckoning with systems of thought — scientific, political, religious, economic, sexual — that have asserted their authority through suppression and omission, setting in motion a legacy of trauma and disempowerment that will take generations to unravel,» explains the director.
When we are dealing with complex systems of thought such as democracy, capitalism, socialism, communism, Christianity, and so on, the testing of an image becomes more difficult.
Eschatology — the theology of end times — is a religious concept, but crops up in many other systems of thought.
3, centers directly upon the «structure of faith as trust in God» (6:91) and, in effect, «pierces [Paul's] own system of thought» (6:102) by allowing Abraham's faith actually to define the content of Christian faith; (3) Mt. 25:31 - 46, the description of the last judgment, in which humanistic actions of a general nature actually «interpret what the Christian confession really means (6:73).
In philosophical terms he denies any notion of the Transcendent - because he rejects what he sees as a flawed system of thought about the meaning of life, although in truth it seems he hardly understands it - only to appeal covertly to transcendent moral ideals in order to construct some new theory of his own, which can not stand up to scrutiny.
Pope Leo XIII surveyed the intellectual landscape and sought a Catholic system of thought upon which this renewal could be based.
As they describe in this roundtable discussion, they also resist the categorical terminology and methodologies of rational systems of thought, instead looking to emotion and spirituality as alternative methods to consider the relationship between the natural world and ourselves, in which we are neither in control nor completely eclipsed, neither anthropocentric nor post-human.
For this reason he correctly treats both the older fundamentalism (still preserved in some quarters) and the more modern evangelicalism under the same label (offensive as it is) as the same system of thought.
Therefore, the implicit suggestion that the Christian community should distrust equally all philosophic systems of thought because they in turn are restrictive and even corrupting in their religious effects is basically idolatrous in character.
Sorry, that should have been «our passion for and our comfort with our individual systems of thought...»
The pair positioned themselves on the cutting edge of psychology, pioneering new systems of thought and trying to create the code for engineering a reliable lie detector test.
They enjoy the traditional freedom to experiment with all sorts of intellectual attitudes and systems of thought without the restraining influences which bind the fully fledged adult.
Such a comprehensive system of thought does not really invite or even permit the outsider to tinker with it, or to pull out one piece only for closer inspection, or to conclude, «Yes to this, but no to that, please.»
Spirituality, religions, and mythologies do not deal with factual based systems of thought.
Although Whitehead is reacting primarily to the popularity of logical positivism during the early part of the century, he also takes to task the presupposition that the method of philosophy should lead to «premises which are severally clear, distinct, and certain; and to erect upon those premises a deductive system of thought» (PR 8).
Sculptures representing systems of thought through coding, inscription, and movement will also be on view in this exhibition.
Dogon mythology is thought to incorporate the belief systems of several different cultures, as well as astronomical, mathematical and philosophical systems of thought.
It is also the foundation of reasoning and rationality; it's a great deal easier to find out how things work if you use a consistent system of thought, whether intentionally or not.
Churchian teachings are designed to support and spread systems of thought and material resource control that are HYPOCRITICAL BY DESIGN.
But it is important to distinguish between constructive systems of thought which involve assumptions that allow one to increase one's understanding of the world and his situation in it, versus assumptions which simply lead to more unanswerable questions.
The creationists have pointed to genuine problems in the teaching of science which the scientific community would do well to acknowledge: (1) Evolution has been presented by various leading evolutionists in an anti-theistic, secular, humanistic system of thought, suggesting that these are scientific conclusions rather than a credo attached to evolutionary readings of the data.
These ideologies are not unified systems of thought, and given alternative, even mutually exclusive, ways of construing these «ideologies,» Koyzis chooses the one most convenient for his argument.
Formulas like these are great and true, but they no longer have a place in our overall system of thought and world view; they stand in need of new translation and comprehension» (p. 135).
For Buddhism the encounter with this science was an encounter with a foreign system of thought.
In Religion in the Making, Whitehead says that there are three great systems of thought, Buddhism, Christianity, and science.
The Ephesian Diana cult, a pastiche of stories, superstitions and systems of thought endemic to the ancient East, served the city's religious needs.
The claim of Christian belief is not first and foremost that it offers the only accurate system of thought, as against all other competitors; it is that, by standing in the place of Christ, it is possible to live in such intimacy with God that no fear or failure can ever break God's commitment to us, and to live in such a degree of mutual gift and understanding that no human conflict or division need bring us to uncontrollable violence and mutual damage.
From the ten year course in which Principia was produced, Whitehead retained not only the emphasis on its procedure but also its general aim of producing a universal system of thought.
MacIntyre certainly holds that it is undeniable that many culturally embodied systems of thought and action exist with their own standards of excellence.
noun an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.
In the latter system of thought, nature separates levels of reality according to a hierarchical arrangement — God, angels, man, animals, plants and inanimate matter.
Most previous systems of thought Held that events were all the actions and whims of many gods.
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