Sentences with phrase «system than smaller firms»

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And DB5 gains the potential brand appeal from an outsourced, automated system that helps it appear more like a corporate titan than a small business — key for a firm with big clients such as GE, AT&T and Girl Scouts of the USA.
The market is much more diverse, more centered (most items are bought for K - 12 educational uses), much larger in sales than the library market, and the K - 12 publishers aren't the Big Six but rather smaller independent firms that work far closer with the school systems to survive.
While — considering regional differences and variations — many smaller and mid-size firms will allow paralegals to gain experience this way, many others lack the time and financial resources to train new employees on more than firm - specific policies and computer systems, and prefer candidates with at least some basic educational background in the field.
Some may argue that many of the «independent» European law firms are smaller in total size than the large US and UK global firms and perhaps don't have the resources for AI systems.
The vast majority of individual members of the public are better off with 10,000 small independent law firms than they will ever be in a system that features 7 to 10 behemoths (see the real estate agency cartel) or even just 4 behemoths (see the US title insurance industry cartel).
The Systems Shop is a boutique IT consulting firm that has specialized in the needs of small and medium sized law firms for more than 30 years.
Large US firms with over 350 lawyers are adapting to new IT far more slowly than smaller practices — with poor use of document management systems, only half using document assembly and many still using fax, photocopying and couriers.
Small law firms can and often do have billing and practice management systems that generate large amounts of data (probably not as much data as BigLaw would generate of course) and more likely than not coded in a way that does in fact
Personally I think that for the smaller firm, products that incorporate some DM into a wider case management system are a better choice than a plain DM system.
Small entities and inventors have been given far too little voice on this bill when one considers that they rely far more heavily on the patent system than do large firms who can control their markets by their size alone.
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