Sentences with phrase «systematic theologian»

I used to tell my students that my hair was not the right color to be a systematic theologian.
But as a systematic theologian, these claims constantly raised for me challenging metaphysical questions.
Of course, it is not even written by a professional systematic theologian; my own special interest in the Old Testament no doubt shows through all too plainly.
More recently, systematic theologian Donald Bloesch has explained that while «God's ultimate purposes, are unchangeable... his immediate will is flexible and open to change through the prayers of his people.»
Here I am at present, and as a result of the change, a self - confessed Christian systematic theologian working in a large department of religion in a state university.
They usually are content to demythologize it.11 Here again, if one makes the opposite judgment as a systematic theologian, based in Scripture and tradition, that belief in the resurrection of Jesus is not only necessary to Christian faith, but one of its most distinctive and important elements, one may find it possible to express that belief in Whitehead's understanding of the person.
According to David Tracy, the public which the systematic theologian interiorizes is primarily the Christian Church.
If he is arguing as a systematic theologian, with a sense of both Scripture and tradition, he should have no doubt that the reality and the essential importance of Eucharistic presence is central to Christianity even though each and every Christian might not agree.
After worship, Bryson Arthur, a Scottish systematic theologian at JETS, approaches the podium to read from Matthew 8.
Paul Tillich, a distinguished Systematic Theologian, who was the personal friend of Eliade, responded most positively to the challenges that History of Religions posed to the theologians.
Jesus never specifically defined it, for he was not a systematic theologian dealing with precise distinctions in terms.
Younger Catholic systematic theologians are likewise moving past the strife between Rahnerians and Balthasarians that has paralyzed many systematicians in their 50s and beyond.
In the past generation systematic theologians in general have looked to ethicists to deal with public issues.
And the book also offers a deliberately wide array of approaches to trinitarian issues, including not only historical and systematic theologians, but biblical scholars and analytic philosophers of religion, writing from a variety of theological and communal points of view» Roman Catholic, Protestant, and, in one case, Jewish (the New Testament scholar Alan Segal, who contributes an instructive if somewhat technical chapter on the role of conflicts between Jews and Christians in the emergence of early trinitarian teaching).
Through the work of New Testament scholars and systematic theologians.
And we really don't have any systematic theologians on our university faculty.
Most, if not all, process theologians are basically philosophical theologians rather than systematic theologians who interiorize the understandings within the Christian Church community.
The project, chaired by systematic theologians Wolfhart Pannenberg and (later Bishop) Karl Lehmann, included scholars from Reformed and United churches, as well as Lutherans and Catholics.
Respondents were a cross-section of systematic theologians, mostly from denominational seminaries (Protestant and Roman Catholic), university divinity schools and evangelical seminaries.
But surely the systematic theologians are the closet - naturalists of the deity, even in Captain Mayne Reid's sense.
The preacher who is doing his reading these days has been encouraged by the fact that there are a number of recent attempts «to find a new way through from exegesis to the sermon».1 That these efforts among biblical scholars, systematic theologians, and practical theologians are taking place has several clear implications.
Among cautious systematic theologians, there began the search for a theology which was as independent as possible from exegesis.
Hence, once again, the direct task of theology is left to the systematic theologians, and not all of these are comfortable to take it up.
To this day I find it ironic but also revealing that scholars regularly reference his early (1947) book «The Uneasy Conscience of Fundamentalists» but seldom make reference to a work that represents the accumulated wisdom of an additional quarter century of thinking on the part of one of the most recognized and celebrated systematic theologians of the twentieth century.
We are concerned here with the resources of intermediary theology, with what theologians might attend to were they concerned, not to be poets, on the one hand, or systematic theologians, on the other.

Not exact matches

In the same period, the systematic theology tradition in Scotland suffered something of a decline, and when it began to revive in the 1990s it was with the help of several English theologians, so that there has been considerable convergence with England and Wales.
Ask for a systematic theology, and the Lutheran might point the person to any one of several theologians, old or new, who wrote subsequent to Luther.
In more recent years under the stimulus of Whitehead's thought and the constructive work of Charles Hartshorne, certain theologians have been developing «process theology» as a systematic theological outlook.
, but Barth certainly seemed to him the best exemplar of a «descriptive» theologian who eschewed systematic apologetics and simply tried to lay out a Christian view of the world with attention to its own internal logic.
While mission historians such as Gustav Warneck, John Foster and Kenneth Scott Latourette argued that mission should be included within church history, a small minority of theologians also suggested that it be placed within systematic theology.
One must not forget that, in systematic botany, androgynous means the male flowers are above (superior to, as botanists say) the female flowers, which is hardly the image intended by the appropriation of the term by process theologians.
But other process theologians, like Schubert Ogden, would disagree and argue that while there is no systematic reason for rejection there is also no special reason for acceptance.
Second, how and why does that systematic principle change when later theologians (especially Rahner in relationship to Aquinas, and Schleiermacher and Troeltsch in relationship to Calvin) attempt a new systematic construct for a particular religious tradition?
Process theologians need to distinguish between the requirements and objectives of philosophical and systematic theology.
8 The overwhelming number of Christians through time have testified to the centrality of the Eucharist in Christian life; and some distinction between philosophical and systematic theology is recognized by most theologians today.
Theologians were also usually «solo» players, each concerned to write his (the «hers» were in short supply) magnum opus, a complete systematic theology.
The individual theologian, who laboriously over several decades works out multi-volumed works of systematic theology, may play a decreasing role in the total theological enterprise.
For example, theologian Wayne Grudem (once with the Vineyard, but now more associated with Calvinists) would write a very popular systematic theology (and other books) that hold continualist views, without the doctrine of subsequence.
His many hooks include America's Theologian: A Recommendation of Jonathan Edwards (1988), the two - volume Systematic Theology (1997; 1999), On Thinking the Human (2003) and, most recently, a commentary on Song of Songs for the Interpretation Bible Commentary series.
B. Boedder's Natural Theology, London, 1891, is a handy English Catholic Manual; but an almost identical doctrine is given by such Protestant theologians as C. Hodge: Systematic Theology, New York, 1873, or A.H. Strong: Systematic Theology, 5th edition, New York, 1896.)
The author is not a theologian, certainly not a systematic theological thinker; but he is profoundly interested in an idea, or m a group of ideas, which can be described only as «theological.»
Neither author was writing a systematic treatise in theology, but Paul is assuredly more of a theologian than Mark.
Although they cite the Baptist theologian Timothy George in a way that shows his awareness of the ground - breaking work of the World Conference on Faith and Order at Montreal in 1963 on «Scripture, Tradition, and traditions,» Noll and Nystrom make no systematic use of his insights; they also neglect to note the phraseology of Pope John Paul II when he called for further study on «the relationship between Sacred Scripture as the highest authority in matters of faith and Sacred Tradition as indispensable to the interpretation of the Word of God» (Ut Unum Sint, 79)» a formulation that I think may hold the best promise of resolving the question since the sixteenth century.
He is neither a historian nor theologian, but the film, «Monumental,» shows him consumed with Christianity - and with rage over what he says has been the systematic removal of religion's role from American history.
In Wales, Rowan Williams is a poet as well as a theologian who often engages with literature, Donald Allchin is in deep dialogue with poets in many traditions, and Oliver Davies, having ranged through German, Russian and Welsh literature as well as Meister Eckhart, is now engaged on a major work of fundamental and systematic theology with a strong literary dimension.
There is a more theological way to put this» a way suggested by the work of the French literary critic turned American theologian, René Girard, whose latest book, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning, is as clear and systematic a primer to his thought as he has yet produced.
(14) Similarly Carl Henry, the leading, distinguished evangelical theologian, sees the current upsurge in the religious use of mass media as «a des - tructive trend which neglects a systematic presentation of Christian truth.»
One of the major research tasks now facing the radical theologians is a thorough - going systematic interpretation of the meaning of the death of God in nineteenth - century European and American thought and literature, from, say, the French Revolution to Freud.
Does our theologian write books in systematic theology?
Steven Studebaker, associate professor of systematic and historical theology and the Howard & Shirley Bengal Chair in evangelical thought at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, is planning on including in his Protestant theologians class John Polkinghorne, physicist and Anglican priest, and Philip Clayton, philosopher of religion and science.
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