Sentences with phrase «systematic thought not»

This inevitable procedure of systematic thought not only breaks down because of its own inadequacy and because of its failure in helping us to understand ourselves but in the long run results in idolatry.

Not exact matches

«I generally think that as far as privacy laws go the security breach disclosure ones are not a bad thing — they're focused, they only kick in when there's actually a problem, and so on,» Singleton says, but they can sometimes focus attention on the errant business rather than on systematic security issues.
To answer your first question, Cy, I don't think foreign participation matters too much, partly because I don't think foreign firms will ever play a significant role in the Chinese economy except in a few consumer areas, but mostly because they have no systematic impact on the way growth is generated.
The faithful Mormons are offended because they think Christians are calling them evil people, although many of us are not, while those of us who went to seminary and suffered through a course on systematic theology keep stressing that there is actually a precise definition of «Christian» and that Mormons differ from that definition in a very few important ways.
His lack of systematic thinking makes him not only inconsistent, but also undermines his own claims to being «pastoral»!
Distracted by other projects, and always gracious to the demands of others on his time, he did not complete what came to be recognized as the first systematic theology shaped by process thought until 1967.
Accepting this requirement, I infer from it the way in which theology should seek to be systematic: not by trying to go behind or beyond what the texts affirm (the common caricature of systematic theology), but by making clear the links between items in the whole compendium of biblical thought.
That seems to be the case if one really wants to think out a model for systematics that would develop and not merely forget the criteria articulated in fundamental theology.
But the third source of Tillich's thought, the tradition of German idealist philosophy, gives greater emphasis to impersonal conceptions and is more evident in his systematic discussion of the doctrine of God.33 He does not accept Hegel's vision of participation in the all - inclusive Absolute in which all differences are overcome in harmonious synthesis.
While not denying the systematic possibility of a «naturalized» Whiteheadian metaphysics, Hall argues that Whitehead grounds rational religion in distinctive aspects of experience which can not be reduced to ethical modalities, as Sherburne suggests, without greatly impoverishing «the sources of thought, action and feeling to which civilized men refer for self - understanding.»
Hence McHenry's systematic arguments are not persuasive with respect to the historical question of what Whitehead thought at earlier stages.
On the contrary, he proposes that a major, if not the principal, task in natural philosophy is to show how to reconcile systematic thinking with mythopoesis.
In my own case, it was not only Tillich plus Troeltsch with his sometime roommate Max Weber and Adams with his colleague George H. Williams who were influential, but also Walter Rauschenbusch's use of the social analysis of his day to restate biblical themes; Reinhold Niebuhr's refutation in The Nature and Destiny of Man of Marx's, Kant's, Nietzsche's and Freud's understanding of human nature; Talcott Parsons's systematic study of the role of religious values in The Structure of Social Action; George Ernest Wright's exposition of the Prophets; and Masatoshi Nagatomi's gentle introduction to Asian modes of thought.
Thus, it is not necessary to think of systematic philosophy as synonymous with or as necessarily based on an ontology.
Professor Tillich himself, to whom we referred at the beginning of this lecture, although not at all identified with process - thought, was insistent on the necessity for the development of a modern philosophical theology and was increasingly finding himself in sympathy with many of the conclusions of thinkers such as Hartshorne; and more recently, as he himself acknowledged in the preface to the third volume of Systematic Theology, he associated his own views with those of Teilhard.
This decision is not an act of systematic philosophic thought: rather, it furnishes the philosopher with his premises.
Do you not think Cub is benefiting from the systematic bugs we have in the UFC rankings and / or the brawl he had from Choi?
by Renée Fran hey book on Parent depression for children Rewriting Love Stories: Brief Marital Therapy by Patricia O'Hanlon Hudson and William Hudson O'Hanlon The Defiant Child: A Parent's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder by Dr. Douglas a Reilly Putting on the Brakes: Young People's Guide to Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Patricia Quinn and Judith Stern Patricia Quinn M.D. Judith Stern MA Step Systematic Training For Effective Parenting The Parents Handbook Don't Think by Meyer and Gary D McKay SOS Help For Parents by Lynn Clark PhD The Parent's Guide to Attention Deficit Disorders: Intervention Strategies for the Home 2nd Edition by Stephen McCarney Ed it Ed.D..
«And it's important that we not get too focused on any one of them, and instead think about it as a broad, systematic set of problems with a series of solutions, all of which we should consider and many of which we should implement.»
«This is a scandal that we think is not limited to just Officer Pantaleo [but rather] is a systematic cultural problem» at the police department, he said.
A group at the Open University, led by Professor Andy Lane, has taken the first systematic look at what large - scale, commodity farmers - not those mainly involved in organic growing - think about genetically - modified crops.
Investigators in heuristics and biases contend that people can't help but make many types of systematic thinking errors, such as being overconfident in their decisions.
The prose is so lively, the thinking so lucid, and the use of such devices so artful, one might not notice it all adds up to a 500 - page systematic analysis of a massive, dry, sometime jumbled philosophical corpus from a profoundly alien society.
Franco believes that the new European legislation — which would require systematic evaluation of all research involving laboratory animals in all E.U. countries, with ethical considerations a big part of the assessment — makes now a good time «to assess what [researchers] think about using animals, what effect training can have not only about their knowledge of the three R's but also how it affects their attitudes.»
And he thought about that not just on the patient level, he thought about it on the systematic level.
The task of writing such is not as formidable as it seems if it is thought out in advance as a definite procedure with systematic perpetration.
My thinking was becoming systematic and practical, and my early matchmaking experiments had become fraught with that particular video - game anxiety of «not doing it right.»
in other words, I don't think «systematic» skeptics have much of a role to play in the debate.
Iin other words, I don't think «systematic» skeptics have much of a role to play in the debate.
If it is not a simple task to divide thinking into two separate systems, it will not be easy to reduce the complex interactions between unconscious biases, background beliefs, and deliberation in any given case to an identifiable and systematic error.
Imagine yourself in that place and think, wouldn't your job become a tad easier if you found a very confident and systematic candidate?
Strategic thinking Despite the pressures for Indigenous communities to look for short term outcomes, the Project has noted the key importance of longer term strategic thinking and planning, involving a systematic examination not only of assets and opportunities but also of priorities and concerns.
Despite the pressures to look for short term outcomes, the Project has noted the key importance of longer term strategic thinking and planning, including a systematic examination not only of assets and opportunities but also of priorities and concerns.
by Renée Fran hey book on Parent depression for children Rewriting Love Stories: Brief Marital Therapy by Patricia O'Hanlon Hudson and William Hudson O'Hanlon The Defiant Child: A Parent's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder by Dr. Douglas a Reilly Putting on the Brakes: Young People's Guide to Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Patricia Quinn and Judith Stern Patricia Quinn M.D. Judith Stern MA Step Systematic Training For Effective Parenting The Parents Handbook Don't Think by Meyer and Gary D McKay SOS Help For Parents by Lynn Clark PhD The Parent's Guide to Attention Deficit Disorders: Intervention Strategies for the Home 2nd Edition by Stephen McCarney Ed it Ed.D..
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