Sentences with phrase «systemic circulation»

Systemic circulation is the process where blood circulates throughout our body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues. It is like a highway that transports blood from the heart to different parts of the body, making sure everything gets what it needs to function properly. Full definition
The entry of such substances into systemic circulation directly stimulates the immune system to react in order to deactivate them in the body.
«We found that high pharmacologic levels of the bioactive drug of interest can be achieved at the intestinal surface without systemic circulation of the drug,» Chung explains, so the drug can be administered without the threat of potential toxicities associated with exposure to kidney, liver and brain tissue.
Since these are essential steps in the absorption of cholesterol (and all fats), green tea lowers the amount of cholesterol reaching systemic circulation.
This targeting approach reduces risk by avoiding systemic circulation from intravenous administration.
«Linking the navigation capability with these new results would allow therapeutics to be delivered directly to a specific site of the brain, potentially improving significantly the efficacy of the treatment while avoiding systemic circulation of toxic agents that affect healthy tissues and organs,» Carret added.
This systemic circulation of the pesticide bolsters concern by Lu's team that imidacloprid can move into corn kernels.
«This lymph - node - targeting modification causes pretty much all of the material to get caught in the draining lymph nodes, so that means it's more potent because it's getting concentrated in the lymph nodes, and it also makes it more safe because it's not getting into the systemic circulation,» Irvine says.
Therapeutic compounds (TA) upon entering the systemic circulation undergo various clearance processes, which hinder the activity of the drug by either decreasing the amount of drug that reaches the site of action or by causing toxic side effects in various vital organs.
In a study involving 12 patients with bladder cancer, who also underwent prostate surgery as part of their treatment, she identified the ICOS molecule as the first immunologic marker identified in both tumor tissues and the systemic circulation that can be used as a biomarker for monitoring of anti-CTLA-4 treated patients as a possible marker of therapeutic activity.
Structural damage to the gut is thought to contribute to this immune activation because of microbial translocation — the leakage of endotoxins and other microbial products across the gastrointestinal barrier and into systemic circulation — but the precise mechanisms driving immune activation, and ways to alleviate among HIV - infected individuals is still not clear.
Topical hemp oil can be applied directly to areas of pain or inflammation, though it can also be absorbed into the systemic circulation.
The low activity of this enzyme in the human liver, combined with a high intake of folic acid, may result in unnatural levels of unmetabolized folic acid entering the systemic circulation.
Once absorbed, it is then moved into the systemic circulation, picked up by the liver, to finally cross the blood - brain barrier into the central nervous system.
Formulated in a lipid matrix to bypass the liver so that the pregnenolone is presented directly to the systemic circulation.
From reading the section below from the Merck Manual it is clear that bioavailability is the amount of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation.
But over the long - term the immune system becomes overwhelmed, allowing toxins to sneak into the bloodstream, and «troll» our systemic circulation.
For example, bifidobacteria and other beneficial microbes can prevent the efflux of LPS into systemic circulation, while in human beings, the administration of probiotics may diminish systemic access of gut - derived LPS and also reduce reactivity to the endotoxin [90].
The end result of these two mechanisms is that much more of the statin drug enters the systemic circulation than would normally be the case, leading to a build up in statin levels that can be quite dangerous, and may trigger a rare but serious statin - associated disease called rhabdomyolysis.
Much of it is released from the liver into the systemic circulation to be stored as muscle glycogen (3,7).
The one cell thick lining of the gastrointestinal tract is normally tightly regulated by conformational changes in tight junctions, which supervise the paracellular trafficking of molecules from the intestinal lumen to the submucosa and into systemic circulation (2).
My favorite professional - grade, high quality curcumin supplement linked here is present in a liposomal formulation wherein the curcumin is bound to sunflower - derived plant phytosomes to increase delivery into systemic circulation.
A novel approach to the delivery of nutrients and other supplements is via the rectal veins, where there is a unique connection between the portal and systemic circulation.
Butyrate is also released into systemic circulation, so it has a way to act on all cells.
After digestion, absorption, and metabolism, nearly all foods release either acid or bicarbonate (base) into the systemic circulation (146,147).
The portal vein is a large vein that collects blood from the systemic circulation and carries it into the liver, where toxins and other byproducts are removed.
This backpooling of blood causes an increase in blood pressure in the systemic circulation where the liver blood vessels can engorge and edema of the abdominal cavity can occur.
Specialists in veterinary cardiology are experts in the diagnosis and management of diseases of the heart and circulation (both pulmonary and systemic circulations).
In left - sided congestive heart failure (LS - CHF), when the heart contracts or pumps, instead of the left ventricle pushing the blood into the systemic circulation, some leaks through the mitral valve back into the left atrium and then it backs up into the lungs.
This blood backs up into the systemic circulation (the main circulation of the body) and consequently becomes «congested».
The fasting SBA is often increased but can be normal, because during prolonged fasting, the liver may eventually clear the bile acids from the systemic circulation.
Portosystemic Vascular Anomalies (PSVA) or Portosystemic Shunts (PSS) are anomalous vessels that allow normal portal blood to pass directly into the systemic circulation without first passing through the liver.
The portal vein is a large vein that collects blood from the systemic circulation and carries it into the liver, where toxins and other...
Management of Portosystemic Shunts Portosystemic Vascular Anomalies (PSVA) or Portosystemic Shunts (PSS) are anomalous vessels that allow normal portal blood to pass directly into the systemic circulation without first passing through the...
The right side of the heart responsible for pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it becomes oxygenated (this is known as the pulmonary circulation) and the left side of the heart responsible for subsequently pumping oxygenated blood it receives from the lungs to the rest of the body (this is known as the systemic circulation).
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