Sentences with phrase «systemic collapse»

The added liquidity kept our system afloat and avoided systemic collapse that would have brought a much more painful shock to the global financial system.
Thus the key national financial regulatory systems allowed major financial institutions extraordinarily high leverage and did not have the means to monitor the possibility of systemic collapse in the US and the UK.
If the Fed raises interest rates, we will witness perhaps the the fastest systemic collapse in history.
In short, in response to your question about whether a bank should receive assistance, my answer would be «No», but if we are to avoid another bungled policy response when the next crisis occurs it would be wise to have a credible Plan B in place to address upfront the Armegeddon scenario of a possible systemic collapse.
This reminds me of 2008, when then - Treasury Secretary, ex-Goldman Sachs CEO, Henry Paulson, and Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, paraded in front of Congress and threatened a complete systemic collapse if Congress didn't authorize an $ 800 billion bailout of the biggest banks.
While there is truth in that picture, it ignores the complexities of a system that led the initially small perturbation of the «sub-prime» mortgage crisis to morph into systemic collapse.
In her latest pieces, the materials are shaped with critical attention to the extensive gluttony and unapologetic glamour that accompany contemporary capitalism: the consolidated accumulations of wealth, the global economic recession, the persistent fluctuation of value, and the threats of total systemic collapse.
The commission's title, «Pylon and Pier», is extracted from the second stanza, a description of the demolition of a modernist building facing into a square read as a metaphor for systemic collapse
«In other words, a hands - off haircuts policy runs a significant risk of systemic collapse,» says Haldane in a speech available on the Bank of England website.
Central banks, and particularly the US Federal Reserve, are deploying their heavy artillery in the battle against a systemic collapse.
Singer has been quite vocal recently about the inevitability of an eventual market / systemic collapse.
Once a bank has failed, policy makers really sit up and do almost anything to avoid a systemic collapse.
I am of the opinion that if the rising student loan debts in America is not quickly addressed, it might lead to systemic collapse of the economy.
Closing mortgages within half an hour of application might sound like a systemic collapse waiting to happen.
More than once, Ingenuity abandoned her daily missions, citing patterns of «risk of systemic collapse», «bubble - fatigue» and» distortions».»
«The basic truth is that our system of energy production and consumption is wholly unsustainable, and dramatic changes are needed or we risk a systemic collapse.
As I argued in my piece on why the Occupy Movement articulates its agenda just fine, it seems absurd to expect a movement that is tackling the complex, multifaceted, systemic collapse of our entire economic paradigm for not yet having a complete list of fixes ironed out just yet.
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