Sentences with phrase «systemic illness»

However, diarrhea can also be a symptom of a more serious underlying disorder such as allergies, bacterial or viral infections, inflammatory intestinal disease, organ dysfunction, or other systemic illness.
Left untreated, dental disease can lead to painful tooth decay as well as systemic illness due to chronic infection.
This will be done to rule out systemic illnesses such as distemper, diabetes, and liver disease.
If we can crack the puzzle of autism and be clear about how we did it, that may have huge implications for other chronic environmentally triggered systemic illnesses.
Dog skin allergies are characterized by inflammation of the skin, redness, rashes & sometimes systemic illness.
And in some cases, dental disease can lead to serious systemic illness and a shortened life span.
These finishing touches help to keep teeth clean, healthy and also to assist in preventing systemic illness.
It's imperative that medical professionals properly diagnose systemic illnesses and initiate treatment as soon as possible.
In cats with signs of urinary tract inflammation, blood work is evaluated to check kidney function and to determine if there is any evidence of infection or other systemic illnesses.
These might go away without treatment, or could progress to systemic illness such as pneumonia.
Chronic cases can develop in to a generalized systemic illness with symptoms such as emaciation (thin looking when the body loses fat under the skin), thickened & hardened skin, fever and other complications.
This is most often caused by dental disease but could also be an indication of systemic illness
Discomfort from systemic illnesses can also lead to a decrease in activity.
Behavioral changes can be the result of many disorders including systemic illness, organic brain disease, true behavioral problems or cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)(Nielson et al., 2001; Gunn - Moore et al., 2007).
The pathogenesis of the disease is still not well understood, but there is no underlying systemic illness associated with it.
Dogs experience systemic illness, lethargy and fever if the condition worsens, including the appearance of pyoderma (Puss producing skin infection) or cellulitis (bacterial diffused infection of skin tissues).
These can not only cause intestinal and systemic illness in pets, but can also infect owners that handle the food or the pet's feces, with the young and elderly at an especially high risk.
The flukes may cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal signs, but do not cause systemic illness.
They also had no antibiotic exposure for at least one month, and no known genetic metabolic disorders or severe systemic illnesses other than the uncontrollable seizures.
There are quite a lot of causes for a pet to pant, cough, or appear to have troubles breathing, from primary respiratory issues to heart disease to systemic illnesses involving other internal organ systems.
A decrease in activity is often a sign of arthritis or systemic illness while an increase in activity can be caused by hyperthyroidism.
Inflammation that arises anywhere in the biliary system leads to systemic illness thusly named cholangitis.
The early stage of a bacterial infection of the prostate is very painful, and can spread throughout the body, causing fevers and even systemic illness.
Periodontal disease can lead to secondary systemic illnesses.
Though you have to be vigilant in watching for telltale signs of systemic illness, Mr. S. Pouch does indeed seem like a normal hamster.
Discomfort from systemic illnesses can lead to a decrease in activity.
Predisposed breeds include Great Danes, boxers, Rottweilers, English bull dogs, German shepherd dogs, Doberman pinschers, and Rhodesian ridgebacks.2, 5 Most dogs will display progressive clinical signs over several weeks, but vertebral pathologic fractures can cause acute deterioration.2 Clinical signs may be nonspecific and include systemic illness, such as depression, anorexia, pyrexia, and lethargy.
Due to secondary bacterial infection, a dog may experience systemic illness, fever, lethargy, lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), cellulitis (Spreading bacterial infection deep in to skin tissues), weakness and more suppressed immune response.
Bacteria and chronic gingivitis are a bad combination and can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, or other systemic illness as the bacteria gets seeded into the bloodstream.
Systemic illness in the dog occurs if the fluke is infected with a rickettsial organism, Neorickettsia helminthoeca.
Linda LeMon: The clinical definition of mastitis is a tender, hot, swollen, wedge - shaped area of breast associated with temperature of (101.3 F) or greater, chills, flu - like aching, and systemic illness.
Typical mastitis symptoms include a fever of 101.3 °F (38.5 °C) or greater, chills, flu - like aching, malaise and systemic illness.
Additionally, D2 also has an opposite response from that of D1 to physiologic and emotional stress, depression, both dieting and weight gain, PMS, diabetes, leptin resistance, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, inflammation, autoimmune disease, and systemic illness.
D1 but not D2 is suppressed and down - regulated (decreasing T4 to T3 conversion) in response to physiologic and emotional stress (11 - 22); depression (23 - 45); dieting (46 - 51); weight gain and leptin resistance (47 - 91); insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes (91 - 99); inflammation from autoimmune disease or systemic illness (11,100,102 - 115); chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia (121 - 125); chronic pain (116 - 120); and exposure to toxins and plastics (126 - 134).
Autoimmune diseases are systemic illnesses that occur when different body organs (tissues) are mistakenly attacked by the body own immune system.
New Developments in Gut Health and its Relationship to Systemic Illness: American Academy of Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
Impairment of intestinal functions can contribute to the development of food allergies, systemic illnesses, autoimmune disease, and toxic overload from substances that are usually kept in the confines of the bowel for elimination.
Here at Framingham Animal Hospital, we do a thorough physical exam on your pet before administering anesthetics, to ensure that a fever or systemic illness won't be a problem.
Other dogs are affected by a systemic illness with nasal and ocular discharges, coughing, vomiting and diarrhea.
Your vet will also want to conduct a complete blood count (CBC) and a biochemical profile to check for infection and systemic illnesses.
Enoxaparin is a medication that is primarily used to help reduce the risk for intra-vascular (in blood vessels) clot formation secondary to other systemic illness.
Gum disease and infections can cause fever and systemic illness.
Other dogs are affected by a systemic illness with nasal and ocular discharges, coughing, fever, depression, lack of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea.
If your pet currently has a systemic illness that requires extended technician and doctor care or requires treatment more than twice daily, they will be upgraded to hospitalization status in order for us to be able to provide them with the special care that they require.
Palpate lymph nodes, abdomen and skin — By using the hands to touch and feel for abnormalities such as bumps, lesions or hair loss, Dr. Mel can detect dermatological and systemic illnesses.
Clinical improvement of signs associated with systemic illness and pain is expected in the first week of antibiotic therapy.3 It is important that patients return for follow - up neurologic exams and radiography every 1 to 2 months to monitor for disease progression and to help direct therapy.
Clinical improvement of signs associated with systemic illness and pain is expected in the first week of antibiotic therapy.

Phrases with «systemic illness»

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