Sentences with phrase «systemic injustice»

"Systemic injustice" refers to a situation where unfair treatment or discrimination is not just caused by individual actions, but is deeply embedded within a system or structure. It means that unfairness is ingrained in society's rules, policies, or practices, which often leads to consistent disadvantages for certain groups of people based on factors like race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Full definition
Where do you get the perspective to recognize what is wrong in the face of a unified front of systemic injustice?
The younger generation believes that a world without systemic injustice is achievable in their lifetime.
What would comprehensive reform of a school district's nutrition services in order to overcome systemic injustice and improve student health and academic performance look like?
For years, many have critiqued racial reconciliation as a concept that does not go far enough in addressing systemic injustice.
As the three athletes prepared for the medal ceremony, Smith and Carlos wanted to use this opportunity to protest issues of systemic injustice in the United States in three distinct ways.
As Ta - Nehisi Coates documented recently in his long and compelling cover story for The Atlantic, «The Case for Reparations,» the government of the United States for centuries has perpetuated systemic injustice against African Americans.
Our partner in this effort is the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice, an independent and nonpartisan research and advocacy organization which seeks to remedy systemic injustices facing vulnerable populations within our court systems.
Pastor Crump, continues in part two of this post on acknowledging systemic injustice, that white evangelicals need to recognize that a problem does in fact exist and that we must rise to the aid of those in need.
The resources below have been generated by MFTs and can help with navigating the emotionally complex areas involved with systemic injustice, trauma, racialized climates, and prevailing fear.
In part two of a series on racial issues and Ferguson, Missouri, Pastor Leonce Crump shares his thoughts on systemic injustice and asks when white Evangelicals will address this issue.
Systems must be put into place to help them navigate to a better version of themselves — save that there are also real systemic injustices also needing to be addressed, which has led to unfair prison sentencing.
Furthermore, because traditional regnant approaches to legal practice seldom lead to the amelioration of systemic injustice experienced by clients and communities, students spurred on by moral outrage to confront injustice through traditional legal approaches will also find themselves disappointed and possibly deflated.
A gunman opened fire and murdered 49 people at a club in Orlando, underlying issues of systemic injustice hit us in the...
I'd like to ignore mothers in Newtown and Palestine, I'd like to forget about systemic injustice, hungry babies, sex trafficking, loneliness.
Maya Moore is continuing to challenge systemic injustice even after a year in which the WNBA was perhaps the most outspoken American pro sports league and players faced repercussions for it.
It is not a problem of one struggle but it is where our struggles come together and are compounded by the same systemic injustices.
For more than 30 years, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) has campaigned to preserve forests, protect the climate and uphold human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through research, education, partnerships, non-violent direct action, grassroots organizing, strategic campaigns and communications.
Stevenson explores complex and controversial themes, such as exploitation and racism in our history and systemic injustice within our current - day criminal justice system.
POW builds capacity through leadership training, workshops, and talking circles, facilitates public speaking and consensus building, and engages women in community action such as marches, public gatherings, and city council meetings with the goal of transforming policy and combating systemic injustice, all while prioritizing the voices and experiences of marginalized women.
Even in the context of the criminal justice system, legal aid and funding tied to s. 15 of the Charter will often be inadequate to advance substantive equality claims — particularly when the litigation targets systemic injustices.
However, Fletcher and Weinstein do not explicitly connect the emotional responses to legal practice to larger systemic injustices, nor do they critique dominant assumptions about emotions as personal, private reactions of individuals to situations and conflicts.
These students, mostly white, sacrificed a summer in order to address systemic injustice.
For nearly six years as a founding leader of the ASD, I have had the privilege of working alongside just such dedicated warriors: educators, school operators, district and state leaders, community members, and student support providers all helping families zoned to TN's Priority schools get the attention they deserve; to be heard above the din of competing zoning, funding and political priorities that if left unchecked can perpetuate systemic injustice.
She argues that given the structural and systemic injustices faced by indigent clients, it is impossible to work as a legal advocate in this context without finding occasion for outrage at injustice.
In «Will White People Ever Acknowledge Systemic Injustice» Pastor Leonce Crump provides some valuable insight that should guide the response of white evangelicals.
Ken believed there are systemic injustices in our justice system.
As others slumber in the face of systemic injustice, they say, «Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion.»
In part two of this series on racial issues and Ferguson, Missouri, Pastor Leonce Crump shares his thoughts on systemic injustice and asks when white evangelicals will address this issue.
I'd rather learn to laugh with my new friends than resist the current assault of humor on corrupt power structures rooted in systemic injustice.
I am aware of power differentials and privilege, of systemic injustice and evil, of my own anger and my gross tendency towards an evangelical hero complex.
EUGENE: I think there is a trend, even if it may be slow, even if it may be messy, for the eager Church to examine its complicity of racism and especially in the last five years with the movement of Black Lives Matter, with some of the realities of systemic injustice, whether it be incarceration, immigration, whether it be with the issues of police brutality.
Some of you are probably incensed at the systemic injustice that has allowed the absurdly wealthy to accumulate riches while people with lower incomes struggle to get by.
Faithful obedience takes its cues more from the plight of the oppressed and seeks to serve the God of life by rescuing them from the deadly grip of systemic injustice.
What really frosts my backside is that much of the church is so concerned with whom marries whom, or whom is sleeping with whom, or what kind of language people use or what they eat and drink that the systemic injustices are allowed to run past with nary a blink.
For every story of global women who rose up together to end war or deforestation or cultural evils, there were women who died broken, alone, and unmourned by the world due to civil war or systemic injustice and evil.
Part 2: It's Time to Listen: «Will White Evangelicals Ever Acknowledge Systemic Injustice?
It's not perfect and I have some pretty big thoughts about the often over-looked aspect of orphan care that is employment, education, healthcare, attachment issues, and systemic injustice (Big!
The metaphors about racial tensions and systemic injustice are clear without being annoying.
Pursuing justice can be as simple as our choices as consumers or as involved as leading coalitions against the systemic injustices that plague our legal and educational systems here in the U.S. and abroad.
For instance, Martin Luther King Jr. who chose the third way of peace - making in the face of systemic injustice and evil for African - Americans.
In addition to all of the beauty, dignity, and goodness that I experienced, I was caught in the thicket of complexities, and systemic injustices, the importance of community development for long - term change instead of isolated aid (which can often hurt more than it helps, in the long run).
Though it rankles morally, the fundamental legal and philosophical distinction between letting somebody die and causing their death avoids the systemic injustice involved in forcing individuals to be Good Samaritans.
When you think about it, the single greatest source of unnecessary human misery is systemic injustice.
If it is not about the spritual growth and strengthening of the individual and if it is not about freeing the individual from authoritarianism and institutionalism and empire and systemic injustice, then it is not church.
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