Sentences with phrase «systems are sustainable»

We want to ensure our social protection systems are sustainable, adequate and fair.
In contrast, a lot of weight loss gurus in the market would insist that their diet systems are sustainable for the long haul.
This is because all can be appropriate if production systems are sustainable, there is no waste and positive health outcomes are achieved.
Finally, the Auditor General's report observes that background material produced internally for the Department of Finance in 2009 concluded that the elderly benefit system was sustainable in the long term.
Because it's only by getting more people into work and creating better paid and more secure jobs, that we'll tackle the drivers of rising benefits bills and ensure the system is sustainable for the long term.
The costs are comparable, he says, and the system is sustainable long - term.
The system is sustainable in that the same droplet can migrate towards salts at different positions added sequentially.
Serious thought should be given not to just the desirability of such a system, but also whether such an ineffectual system is sustainable.
This is to ensure that the system is sustainable and equitable.
The Big Firms Group, whose 40 members carry out approximately 25 % of criminal legal aid work, also opposed the LGFS proposals, calling on the Ministry of Justice to «quickly abandon the false premise that the criminal justice system is sustainable on its current course».

Not exact matches

«Many other steps could be taken to strengthen our economy over time, such as putting the federal budget on a sustainable path, reforming the tax code, improving our educational system, supporting technological innovation and expanding international trade,» he said.
The terminal was built with many sustainable features, including natural skylights, an innovative air displacement ventilation system, and zero - waste garbage cans.
The robotic system may sound contrived and gimmicky, but for Eatsa founder Dave Friedberg, the tech - driven approach is a means to support a bigger mission: selling nutritious and sustainable food at a reasonable price.
Independent assessments show our retirement system to be one of the most generous and sustainable in the world.
France's mostly taxpayer - funded public pension system may do better at ensuring every retiree is sufficiently funded (for now), and America's mostly private pension patchwork may be more sustainable into the future, but our hybrid system of individual -, employer - and government - funded benefits ranks high on both criteria, sufficiency and sustainability — «which is uncommon,» says Morin
Davis added that the U.K. will have an immigration system that is «sustainable» and allows the number of people entering the country for work to rise and fall depending on the country's needs.
«The aim of the project was to develop a sustainable, zero emissions system for heat production,» Fioroni said.
«The system is not sustainable
He also is integrating sustainable technology like solar power and LED lighting systems, which can cut power usage by half compared with high - powered metal halide and high - pressure sodium lights.
«To address this challenge we're joining with DP World, a global expert in trade and supply chain logistics, and are introducing DP World Cargospeed — an international brand for hyperloop - enabled cargo systems to support the fast, sustainable and efficient delivery of palletized cargo.
In the light of the recent US election, one of the more interesting findings from the Global Opportunity Report 2016 was a lack of trust from North American businesses in the political system to take on the task of pursuing sustainable goals.
Its concept and goal are to be able to provide a sustainable and energy - efficient transport system for the future.
This was probably not done because it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to show that the system was not sustainable.
The report just released by the PBO shows that because of the cuts to direct program spending introduced in the 2010 and 2012 budgets and the changes to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) and the Old Age Security (OAS) system, the government now has a fiscal structure that is sustainable in the long term.
With a mission of changing the world one bite at a time and passion for a sustainable food system, SPUD's goal is to use its connection to local and organic food to help improve the places where we live and work.
«I think it's a great counterweight to what government leadership hasn't done, which is to focus on how do we make this health care system sustainable
As savings were force up structurally, whether because of rising income inequality or a declining household share of GDP, the system responded in ways that were sustainable (increases in productive investment) and in ways that were unsustainable (rising inventory in China, increases in speculative investment in the US, China, and Europe, and increases in credit - financed consumption in the US and southern Europe).
According to this model, a small amount of deceleration in credit growth can occur as additional credit efficiency is squeezed out of the system, but without a sharp decline in GDP growth, substantial and sustainable credit growth deceleration can not occur except after a major transformation of China's growth model, one condition of which is net wealth transfers from local governments to median households of at least one to two percentage points of GDP annually.
Around the world, the race is on to find new, more sustainable ways to power our homes, factories, and transportation systems.
European Commission «High - Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance» (HLEG) published its first report setting out concrete steps to create a financial system that supports sustainable investments, which is a helpful possible template Sustainable Finance» (HLEG) published its first report setting out concrete steps to create a financial system that supports sustainable investments, which is a helpful possible template sustainable investments, which is a helpful possible template for Canada.
They are also far from ecologically sustainable; they take a lot of electricity to run, and often overheat, requiring the hardware to have a built - in fanning system.
The issues that women are concerned about — equal access to healthcare, to financial systems, to the world economy, to employment, to education; a sustainable environment, personal safety, security and autonomy — these are all issues that are important to the Bitcoin community as a whole.
In light of the above analysis, Bitcoin's power usage per transaction isn't remotely sustainable as a wholesale replacement for the conventional financial system.
Bitcoin's power usage per transaction isn't remotely sustainable as a wholesale replacement for the conventional financial system
Many countries are living on economic life support systems that are not sustainable economically or politically.
For instance, CalPERS (California Public Employees» Retirement System pension fund) published its 10 investment beliefs; among them is the belief that «a long term investment horizon is a responsibility and an advantage» that leads them to «favor investment strategies that create long - term, sustainable value.»
The PFRA pasture system is internationally renowned as one of the best examples of multi-purpose land management, providing both sustainable economic benefit and environmental conservation.
In 2013, the Corporation for Social Security Claiming Strategies was formed and one year later, A Comprehensive Guide to Social Security Retirement Benefits and Social Security Claiming Strategies was launched endeavoring to provide advisors with the knowledge necessary to advise clients on the intricacies of the Social Security system and teach them to utilize that information as the foundation for retirement income plans sustainable throughout their client's lifetime and beyond.
The parish system is no longer sustainable in many rural contexts and it is no longer helpful in many urban ones.
Ultimately, we are promoting a more sustainable fashion system to improve the environment and, crucially — which comes hand - inhand with this — protecting the public health of millions of people.
Their communitarian value system is necessary for evolving a just and sustainable form of development.
The current system of for - profit health insurance companies is not sustainable.
This system may be socially sustainable if new technologies increase the productivity everywhere and provide work, incomes and leisure for all in all countries.
The Priority: the right to life for eight billion human beings who will inhabit the world in 20 years or more from now and for a sustainable global ecosystem; through a globalised welfare system.
In the meantime, many research centers (concentrated at present in the West, but happily more and more available through new information and communication systems) are laying the groundwork for tangible, sustainable growth and development.
The idea of shifting to a different economic system, one that would meet human needs on a sustainable basis, is viewed as naive and utopian.
Japan's historically excellent, productive and sustainable agricultural system is being destroyed by deforestation, development, pollution and pesticides.
Nature does establish limits which can not be transgressed: «the laws of Gaia, which regulate what kinds of changes in «nature» are sustainable in the life system of which we are an inextricable part.»
All of the fish served in the Wild Edibles restaurant is mostly sustainable, and the company provides customers with a color - coded rating system in its retail locations that explains the sustainability of its products, Martin says.
«Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition has created this food sustainability index that is a research instrument to measure how communities and food systems are doing in terms of reaching food sustainable goals,» Bahador said.
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