Sentences with phrase «systems pointing at»

ATM skimming is also pretty common so whatever you do, make sure you only go to ATM machines that are directly connected to a bank or to go to machines which have surveillance systems pointing at the machines at all times.
This means that once the data infrastructure is created, software developers will be able to create products leveraging the content accessed through the linked data standard, and content creators will be able to publish their paid or free content in a way that would make it discoverable by any system pointing at the linked data instance.

Not exact matches

It's used to move electric energy at «high voltage between points of supply» and points where it is either delivered to other electric systems or «transformed to a lower voltage» and sent to consumers.
«We are at a point where [Trump] has a real shot at the presidency, despite having blown up a political party, undermined confidence in our electoral system, declared open season on journalists, and unleashed a river of racism and misogyny.
There are still plenty of ways for it to fail once it gets off the ground — the structure could be torn apart by supersonic shockwaves or the side boosters may not separate, since that system has never been tested, for example — but at that point, SpaceX could probably launch another Falcon Heavy within a few months.
«The company believes that malware, installed through the use of compromised third - party vendor credentials, affected one particular point of sale system at fewer than 300 of approximately 5,500 franchised North America Wendy's restaurants,» the company said in its quarterly filing Wednesday.
Malware that targeted the point - of - sales system was found at roughly 300 locations, the company said originally.
At some point any installed software can be damaged because of a system failure, and you may lose all your work.
Most pipeline - management training revolves around technical training on using a CRM system, but what managers really need is training on making better pipeline management decisions — for instance how to determine the ideal pipeline size for each rep. Managers need to know at what point in the sales process their actions have the biggest impact.
«Our [point - of - sale] system gives percentages, and every night I look at lunch, dinner and our labor costs,» he says.
We may well be standing at a similar technological tipping point as researchers develop the vision and technologies that could launch humanity into the solar system.
«You can also integrate the technology with a point of sale system to catch financial losses at the register, such as an employee making bad choices or a cashier working in cahoots with another thief,» says Garth Gasse, director of assets protection for the Retail Industry Leaders Association.
... We have to figure out if a kid feels like at 16 or 17, he doesn't feel like the NCAA is for him or whatever the case may be, we have a system in place where we have a farm league where they can learn and be around the professionals, but not actually become a professional at that point in time.
Carrying a crushing debt load, and facing potential ruin, they developed a meticulously detailed reporting system that at one point had them calculating a full - blown income statement every day.
This is especially true for laptops connected to public wireless access points — like at hotels or coffee shops — and also on a home system.
After that comment raised eyebrows, FICO — creator of the most widely used credit - scoring system — clarified that «at this point, social media data is not part of any FICO score.»
Cities also need to continue upgrading their transit systems, so while there may be spending pauses during tough economic times, that money has to be spent at some point.
Watch happenings at these key points as well as system wide.
The U.S. federal sentencing process is a point - based system, where the nature of the offences, mitigating factors and other elements are plugged into a sort of mathematical equation to arrive at a numerical «offence level» score.
«But at some point we'll be able fabricate a biodevice from a patient's own cells that will duplicate the most important functions of a kidney and that won't be rejected by the patient's immune system
«At that point, I found out the five orders we had in the system were all gone,» Bagley says.
At one point, his computer server started choking on too many ads, slowing to «a chug, chug, chug,» says Davis, who had to spend an unexpected $ 500,000 to get his systems up to consumer - friendly speed again.
The Blinger plugs in to any electrical outlet at the point of sale and requires no additional integration with the existing POS system — a rejoinder to critics who argue mobile payment infrastructure is too costly and complex to achieve widespread penetration.
UAVs are «a mainstay,» said Ryan Hartman, senior vice presidents of Programs at Insitu, owned by Boeing.Over the next 25 years, he said, «Technology will have evolved to the point where we'll be operating unmanned systems in the national airspace safely and responsibly.»
Under this system, tariff s of 200 % to 300 % are imposed on foreign milk and milk products while here at home, prices are manipulated to the point where, according to a paper by former Liberal MP Martha Hall Findlay, a typical Canadian family is paying in excess of $ 300 a year more than they need to for milk alone.
For one, Rug World's annual revenues have passed that million - dollar milestone, the point at which Shallenberger feared manual systems would leave his company stalled.
«Your cash - flow system is vulnerable at points where information gets transferred — between salespeople, operations departments, accounting clerks — because errors disrupt your ability to get paid promptly.»
There's no time for deep analysis about whether a customer should be offered a discount at a certain time; the challenge is to employ new predictive technologies to push Reliance's systems beyond the point where they're «still relying on rules that had to be written by programmers,» to address specific situations.
It upgraded the point - of - sale systems at all 1,750 locations and introduced online check - in, a service popular with competitors.
Olympus Corp ended up 6.6 percent to 1,985 yen, reaching the 2,000 - line at one point for the first time since October 2011, after UBS Securities started its coverage with a «buy» rating and a target price of 3,000 yen as the company on Monday submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange a written affirmation on the internal control system as stipulated in the securities listing regulations.
At some point, the accumulating side effects may reach a critical mass and force a critical review of, and change to, the supply management system.
Lalonde said the group of companies selected him as a go - between with Montreal city officials, and he pointed at firms of varying sizes as participants in the system including: SNC - Lavalin, Dessau, CIMA, Genivar (TSX: GNV), Tecsult, SM, BPR and Roche.
You might argue that the rail system will, at some point, reach a capacity constraint.
This was the key point made at Cisco Systems» recent E-day Business E-fficiency Forum in Perth, according to Cisco Systems small and medium business development manager Peter Ambrose...
To browse, you have to go back and forth through a detailed system of menus, categories, and merchants while constantly being tempted by thousands of competing products at thousands of price points.
The system they have devised assigns 1,000 points at the beginning to each of Rongcheng's 740,000 adult residents.
At the same time, many in the industry point to ongoing concerns about how the largest banks in the system are treated and the impact that has on smaller institutions.
Software, while not always the most visible part of an autonomous driving system, is at this point arguably the most important (and most difficult).
Our findings have important implications for how policymakers should respond to the next financial crisis, which will inevitably occur at some point because crises are an inherent part of our financial system.
But continuing with quantitative easing raises the likelihood of inflation at some point in the future and also increases the vulnerability of the banking system to a rise in interest rates.
On this last point, for some institutions, the ON RRP is an imperfect substitute to lending in private unsecured markets because, in the tri-party repo system through which the ON RRP is settled, cash is not returned at maturity until late the next day, whereas in private unsecured markets, earlier return of funds can be negotiated.39
The newly implemented system in Crown Point gives officers access to all doors at every school in the district.
Bitcoin exchanges are essentially the point at which traditional financial systems and cryptocurrencies collide.
«Convergence and harmonization means... Canada bending its regulations or simply adopting U.S. federal regulations, and I ask the question: at what point does the narrowing of policy room to manoeuvre fundamentally compromise democratic accountability in our political system
Despite investing at different points in a company's life or specializing in investments within specific industries or markets, venture capitalists typically employ a comprehensive screening system to determine whether a company or investment is appropriate for the fund's portfolio.
Hence, concerns about system - wide financial stability risks seem limited at this point.
Gross adds that the global monetary system, which has evolved and morphed over the past century but always in the direction of easier, cheaper and more abundant credit, may have reached a point at which it can no longer operate efficiently and equitably to promote economic growth and the fair distribution of its benefits.
It is a capital - intensive game where 30 % of the assets lie idle at any given point in time, and each driver in the system is an unpredictable moving part.
At that point, Tesla was equipping its cars with the semi-autonomous Autopilot driving system, while Uber was working on its own autonomous driving tech.
Meanwhile, the arcane content distribution channels, controlled by online travel agents and the global distribution systems that sit behind them (i.e., Orbitz, Travelocity, Sabre, Travelport) had no access to the data that would enable the product differentiation at the point of sale.
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