Sentences with word «systole»

Thickened valves fail to form a complete seal, which allows blood to leak back into the atrium during systole.
The study extends previous research from co-authors Professor Critchley and Dr Garfinkel from BSMS, which identified how on each heartbeat (known as cardiac systole), the heart fires powerful signals to the brain.
The following measurements were made at end - diastole and end - systole from M - mode images: LV wall thickness, LV internal diameter, and interventricular septal thickness.
Using a compositional technique called systolic composition (with systole also referring to the rhythmic contraction of heart), Thaemlitz will present «sonic peripheries and moments between dominant melodic contents.»
A cardiac arrest is the cessation of normal circulation of the blood due to failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract effectively during systole.
Crossan says that he's looking for the diastole and the systole of the Bible's cardiac cycle, but he isn't.
The main variables represent the heart's performance during the contraction phase (systole) and the vasculature's performance during the relaxed phase (diastole).
Instead, omecamtiv mecarbil binds to an allosteric site that stabilizes states of the motor domain primed to interact with actin at the beginning of force production, thus increasing the number of motors that can participate in force production once the cardiac contraction cycle starts during systole.
The moods that coalesce represent the systole and diastole of a music genius» pulsing heart.
The heart muscle has become so thickened that the left ventricle chamber is too small to allow an adequate amount of blood to flow into it (diastole) before it contracts (systole) and perfuses the cells of the body.
A heart murmur called a continuous (occurs during systole and diastole) murmur, is a clue to this disease.
The thickening of the leaflets and consequent inadequate coaptation result in mitral valve insufficiency, with regurgitation into the left atrium (LA) during systole.
These pathological changes are associated with a characteristic systolic heart murmur when the valves become incompetent and blood is ejected back into the atrium during systole.
Blood pressure has two phases called diastole and systole.
The pre-ejection phase (PEP) is the time interval from the beginning of the electrical stimulation of the ventricles, the systole, to the opening of the aortic valves.
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