Sentences with phrase «systolic dysfunction»

Ideally, this surgery should be done in dogs at high risk of rapid progression and before systolic dysfunction begins.
Even though the prognosis was guarded given the marked systolic dysfunction (large enddiastolic diameter in the face of severe volume overload, FS 38 %, hyperkinesia of the septum, severe hypokinesia of the free wall) the owners decided for the surgery.
Dr. Modler, with the collaboration of rock star anesthesiologist Dr. Eva Eberspächer, DACVA, pulled a veterinary «MacGyver» move on this failing mitral valve with secondary left CHF and systolic dysfunction What better way to demonstrate the difference than with a cool series of echocardiograms on our February, 2015 SonoPath truly rock star case of the month.
The ICD Registry identifies an opportunity for the use of medical therapy for patients with prior myocardial infarction or left ventricular systolic dysfunction; nearly 25 percent of ICD patients did not receive optimal medical therapy with ACE inhibitors and / or beta blockers at discharge.
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