Sentences with phrase «tables talking about»

«I was raised around the family dining table talking about hair,» he says.
Because if I've learned one thing in life, the world can definitely use more table talk about thick, rich chocolatey brownies!
It wasn't until this morning at the breakfast table talking about that pulley that it dawned on them that this version of a gingerbread house involved no actual candy.
«I'm hopeful with a new governor in place, we can get everyone at the table talking about these very important records.
Because we were sitting around a table talking about aerospace product as though it were soybeans — what are the trade regulations, the tariffs, the restrictions; if you do this, then we'll do that.
It's not like we usually sit around the dinner table talking about poop so how are we supposed to know what's normal?
This week in our game discussion table we talk about Prince of Persia, Metal Slug 7, SingStar ABBA, and Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories.
But I really didn't feel good about betting on a company that, in the 21st century for crying out loud, had a board full of men sitting around a table talking about golf.
My family doesn't particularly enjoy sitting around the dining room table talking about income statements or recent dividend raises.
I watched the episode with my family, and the next evening we sat around the dining room table talking about how to translate the urgency of the climate crisis to evangelicals skeptical of science.

Not exact matches

When Caio Bailoni overheard AJ Mojaddidi talking at the next table about cybersecurity, a partnership was born.
«Before they could even start talking about the business they were building, they had to explain to the guys around the table how women thought about their closets or whatever it might be.»
When the social scientist and derivatives trader sat down at the same table at a friend's wedding in 2011, they got to talking about their shared interest in «epic failures,» like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Fukushima nuclear disaster and Hurricane Sandy.
Of all the things to talk about at the dinner table, why do we talk about what we talk about?
After hearing me talk about it to other people at our table, the executives asked me to share my innovation with the group the next day.
Talk about turning the tables on cancer!
It's like putting a piece of paper between two people sitting at a table, and talking about it.
Instead of talking about your needs, focus on the company's needs and what you bring to the table that justifies that higher pay, she said.
I can't sit around one table with the entire team and have pizza and talk about the future of the company.
But when most employers start talking about employee engagement, they think of Silicon Valley's classic ping - pong table lounges and catered on - site meals.
«We can talk about whether it's going to be a square table or a round table if that's what you're excited about.
It's just a really memorable symbol that you're going to talk about when you're out with friends or at the dinner table
Clients spend an hour and a half on the phone with an editor talking about their goals for the book, another 90 minutes creating a table of contents and an outline, another 30 to 60 minutes approving it and six to eight hours being interviewed by the editor.
Pompeo said the economic pressure on North Korea spearheaded by Trump «has led (Kim) to believe that it is in his best interests to come to the table to talk about denuclearization.»
Failure to talk about money in a sales meeting will lead to one of two negative outcomes: shocking prospects with a price they could never afford or leaving money on the table by presenting a price that's far too low.
The NDP and Mulcair have for years been trumpeting the struggles of average families, often talking about the «kitchen table» issues affecting Canadians.
Opening new talks about the deal would mean getting Canada and Mexico to come to the table, and any new agreement would yank Congress into the process.
There was also talk at the table about the sequence that had Williams in play for a governor spot and now as the new president of the NY Fed.
He asserts, therefore, that our goal should be to create a «global classroom» in which «anybody anywhere in the world could sit around a table and talk together about important issues.»
Perhaps all my questions amount to this: When it is time to talk about terror, tragedy, and world - historical occasions, what do writers» precisely as writers» bring to the table?
We imagine sitting round a dinner table with them, only instead of cajoling them into eating a cream cracker, we'll be sharing wine with them, talking about why they like it, hearing them make jokes, and asking them about their travel plans.
Now I'm finding it difficult to relate to them in some ways — talk about the tables turning!
The sentiment behind the interview and its fallout is as clear as it is absurd: It matters not how a professing Christian loves, or how much fruit of the spirit is exhibited in his or her life; the only way to determine whether someone is a «real Christian» is to sit around a coffee table and talk about theology.
Many of us at The Lasting Supper have experienced this and so we talk about it around our online table.
Clearly it's all a big joke, a poke in the eye of those repressed types who wouldn't want to talk about sadomasochism with their grandparents around the game table.
Some of my earliest memories are of gatherings at my grandparents small apartment in Milwaukee where my relatives would crowd around the dining - room table and talk passionately about Israel.
A substantial part of the table talk is about who is up and who is down and who is likely to be replaced by whom and why.
It's pretty clear that Paul is talking about something profound in 1 Corinthians 10 regarding both the context and the ramifications of our table fellowship, and it's pretty clear that the deep significance of this has become dulled by the way in which we commonly use, place and define communion in most church services.
When I talk about not waiting for permission anymore, about being loved and free, about not waiting for a seat at The Table, I'm thinking about you.
I can not fathom the pain and frustration the Brown family experiences because a son and heir will no longer sit at the dinner table, talk about his first year of college, or have kids.
But Katie spoke up, and there was usually some young man jotting down the table talk — openly, and with the approval of the master who sometimes gave a specific direction about what to write.
Immigration won't be on the table for Rubio to talk about so that leaves he and the GOP nothing again.
But to say of him, as Luther is reported to have done in the «Table Talk», «in all his writings there is no statement anywhere about faith in Christ, about victory over sin» was a calumny.
And we know also that Jesus often compared the kingdom to a banquet in which all are invited — slave and free, rich and poor alike — and he often talked about how the least among us would take the high place of honor at that Table to eat with the Master.
The people who talk a good game about freedom and service and fairness» usually reserving their most ardent rhetoric for the $ 30,000 per - table fundraisers» never seem willing to promote the monastic ideal though, and they don't refer to the soup kitchens and outreaches, the church - administered hospitals or training and recovery programs as models of anything except, sometimes, intolerance.
Lunch boxes, food containers, baggies and thermoses... shelves and fridge stocked with after - school snacks and drinks... breakfast items for the brain and the body... tasty suppers that you can make on a busy weeknight... lazy Sunday's around the family table where you can talk about your crazy week... Have you started planning those back - to - school menus yet?
Learn more about Table Talk Cards here!
With the launch of the new Best of Bridge Sunday Suppers book a couple weeks ago, I've been talking a lot on TV, radio and various interviews about the idea (and significance) of Sunday supper — of getting as many people as I can around the table for dinner to regroup and reconnect and get ready for the week.
We are now if full fall mode, where roasts are more likely to grace your dinner table, and if you have any questions or just want to learn more about it — check out their Facebook page today where they will be talking about how to pick roasts out, how to cook them, etc..
There has been a lot of talk about the harmful effects of table sugar and high - fructose corn syrup, mainly because they contain so much fructose.
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