Sentences with phrase «tabletop pose»

A woman's belly and baby are supported in Tabletop Pose by her abdominal muscles, ensuring the spine isn't pulled toward the floor, pronouncing the curve in her lower back.
In Bharmanasana (Tabletop Pose), I encourage them to move right away, swaying the hips from side to side, circling, or rocking forward and back.
Press up into Tabletop pose and then move back into Downward - Facing Dog.
Tabletop Pose: Place feet flat on the mat down and bridge yourself up into a tabletop pose with the palms pressed against the floor, fingers facing towards your feet.

Not exact matches

From cat - cow pose, move slowly back into tabletop position.
Downward - Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Begin in a tabletop position.
A voluptuous pile of flowers spills over the top of the fishbowl, and the marble tabletop on which it stands bears a scattering of a woman's accouterments, including lavender gloves, a fan and a jewel box topped by carved birds posed as if kissing.
While many of his still lifes are formally, even traditionally, posed, it was not unique for Avery to depict a disembodied object, floating ambiguously against the merest hint of a window or tabletop.
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