Sentences with phrase «tablets inscribed»

A path ascends to the summit of Mount Sinai, where Moses is said to have received the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
For the Huari (about AD 500 to 800) and Inca civilisations especially, the system of knotted strings called quipu, accomplished the same bureaucratic ends as Mesopotamian clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform.
Since then, we have found 216 tablets inscribed with a cuneiform script familiar from southern Mesopotamia.
Moses descends the mountain carrying the two stone tablets inscribed with the Decalogue, presumably («the writing was the writing of God,» v. 16); sees what has occurred (Joshua suddenly appears again, cf. 24:13); and in fury breaks the tablets, symbolizing the covenant which Israel has in the same way just shattered.

Not exact matches

The new covenant, in contrast, is a text inscribed on the tablets of the human heart.
Accordingly, it is a text within a text, and insofar as it is inscribed on the tablets of the human heart, it may remain concealed and invisible.
The old covenant was inscribed on stone tablets and issued to Moses in an ambiance of glory for transmission to the people of Israel.
The Jewish scriptures tell how Moses communed with God on the top of Mount Sinai, and returned with the tablets of stone on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments, which have served for more than three thou sand years as the basic moral code of the Judeo - Christian civilization.
And now, go, Write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness for ever.
The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
Translating golden plates is cuckoo but saying Moses inscribed the Ten Commandments onto stone tablets is perfectly rational?
God, who has an eye on the poor, and perhaps specially on us 20th century theologians, in his infinite wisdom inscribed the Decalogue on tablets of stone (Deut.
These included the Italian hero, Giuseppe Mazzini (1805 - 1872), who lived at 18 Fulham Road, SW6; 183 North Gower Street, NWI *; 10 Laystall Street, EC1 *, which sports a fine memorial tablet, inscribed «the apostle of modern democracy»; and 5 Hatton Garden, which has a similar memorial.
The numbers inscribed in the clay — which calculate the total distance traveled by the planet — matched those on the perplexing geometric tablets.
Or maybe it's one of the ancient Linear B clay tablets excavated at Knossos in Crete, inscribed with recognisable numerals and part - pictographic signs such as animal heads, handled cups and chariot wheels?
Consisting of four columns and 15 rows of numbers inscribed in cuneiform, the famous P322 tablet was discovered in the early 1900s in what is now southern Iraq by archaeologist, antiquities dealer, and diplomat Edgar Banks, the inspiration for the fictional character Indiana Jones.
This is applicable to any search for a relationship, but in the case of Russian women you must follow this rule as if it was inscribed on stone tablets handed down from Heaven.
A little sheet of cow horn flattened, framed in leather, and inscribed with the English alphabet, the horn book was held in a child's hand as an instruction tablet.
However, the one thing that the latest video has brought to the fore of the tablet and which was not to be seen in the earlier video is a thick metal strip running along the breadth of the tablet with the worlds «Google» inscribed on it.
The names of the 25 dogs that lost their lives are inscribed on the polished granite tablet topped with a bronze Doberman pinscher named Kurt, the first to lose his life in the battle.
Inspired by the clay tablet's function as a primitive bearer, she negotiates the physical and metaphysical appearance of the tablets and the performative aspects of marking or inscribing.
Written language is central to Khan's painting, sculpture, and photography — from his stamp paintings, with their abstract forms built up from densely printed words and phrases, to the vast inscribed tablets that constitute his monument for the UAE Memorial Park, inaugurated in 2016.
The archive as physical property is examined within Lawrence Lek's «Memory Palace» (2014) video, taking its audience on a virtual tour of an imagined Tabularium space in which server racks and monitor screens take the place of inscribed tablets.
The small tablets derive their shape from Ramm Fortun's sketchbook, and are inscribed with the artist's chosen symbols for mouth and soul.
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