Sentences with phrase «taboo on adaptation»

But for this to be the product of the end of some relative taboo on adaptation, it would mean that the taboo lasted until very recently, not until the mid-2000s.
For example, in a recent article in Nature called «Lifting the taboo on adaptation `, Roger Pielke Jr, Gwyn Prins, Steve Rayner and Daniel Sarewitz argued that the case for adaptation had not been sufficiently heard.
Lifting the taboo on adaptation.

Not exact matches

It isn't often a period drama (or any other major release for that matter) features the word «cunt» so prominently, but Joe Wright's adaptation of Ian McEwan's novel breaks that and several other taboos in exploring the effect a single act of dishonesty can have on many lives.
Just happened to go to a UW lecture by Nives Dolsak an energy researcher at the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs yesterday on Breaking the Adaptation Taboo: How Information on the Costs of Adapting to Climate Change Influences Support for Mitigation, where I - 732 came up as an example of putting a price on climate change.
This is probably because some people view any focus on adaptation as taboo.
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