Sentences with phrase «tacit approval»

In the O / T, God doesn't exactly command His Chosen People to commit r / ape, but certainly gives tacit approval of the practice.
This is seen mainly as giving tacit approval for ridesharing companies to operate within the state.
«By the US accepting the UK siege on the Ecuadorian embassy in London it gave tacit approval for attacks on embassies around the world,» the group tweeted.
It appears that Mr. Romney had to get tacit approval from his church to run for the Senate in Mass as pro-choice and supportive of gay rights.
The prime minister here serves at the discretion of the king — and also, many people say, by tacit approval of Jordan's security services.
The Court has interpreted their non-action as tacit approval.
The idea that Al Assad would launch such an attack without Russian at least tacit approval seems rather unplausible.
Xinhua said the manager of Husi's quality department, Zhang Hui, told investigators «such meat had been produced under tacit approval of the company's senior managers.»
Progressive Democrats over the years have questioned his commitment to the movement, in part because of his seemingly tacit approval of a break away group of Democrats that have swung the balance of power in the Senate for the past six years.
The Tory votes are also tacit approval of the government's handling of Windrush and immigration.
Do you speak out against your fellow gamers who make derogatory remarks concerning another players» disadvantages or do you allow those remarks tacit approval by your silence?
And, now that the ABA is highlighting, and offering tacit approval of, state law requirements, the less compliant your law firm is, the more likely you will be exposed to state - and bar - imposed penalties.
At the same time, though, the kingdom had already quietly signaled its acquiescence or even tacit approval of the Israeli claim to Jerusalem.
You would think they would be equally as outraged by some of the actions of CREA, yet they appear to be granting tacit approval.
If you are unwilling to take legal action against your loved one, then you are giving tacit approval for their activity, which, in essence, no longer makes it fraudulent.
«Standing by and saying nothing» was likely to be seen as «tacit approval for what has gone on, and encouragement for more of the same», he reckoned.
He instead gave at least tacit approval to an unprecedented power - sharing agreement between the GOP and a group of breakaway Dems.
I thought keeping silent will be tantamount to tacit approval of such views.
But Pakistani officials wanted him dead, and the American drone program rested on their tacit approval.
Some flee from jobs they love, forced out by mean - spirited co-workers, subordinates or superiors — often with the tacit approval of higher management.
They bring it on themselves by their silence and tacit approval of terrorism committed in their name.
But alas, we're like the Israelite of Jesus day, unaware of the time of visitation, collectively assuming that His healing's and miracles are signs of His winking and tacit approval, rather than an attempt to soften our callous hearts so He can deliver a harsh and penetrating warning to His beloved.
Already, Francis» cautious comments about American airstrikes and the use of force have fostered a welter of interpretations, from «tacit approval» to a «yellow light» to outright endorsement.
The fact that Paul mentioned an aspect of the Athenians» idolatrous worship was not a tacit approval of their entire religious system.
There appears to have been tacit approval and consent by the school for the prayer to be included in the ceremony, therefore the school did indeed sponsor and endorse the prayer and violated the First Amendment thereby.
Maybe they don't condone it per se, but by refusing to report these instances to law enforcement, they DID give their tacit approval.
The Prophet taught in three ways: by oral instructions; by the example of his personal behavior; and by his silence, his tacit approval of other people's actions, by letting others do as they pleased without comment or reproach.
Up until the latter half of the last century, their terrorist activities were undertaken with the tacit approval of a significant percentage of the population and sometimes with the explicit support of law enforcement agencies in the southern states.
The Sunnah, based on the verified traditions concerning the teachings, actions, and tacit approval of the Prophet, is justifiably binding on all Muslims.
Giving tacit approval to the mutilation and se «xual exploitation of children is just like chosing rice over bread to the devoted Catholic, it seems.
It is a moral shame that these politicians as well as some church religions are giving their tacit approval to this Anti-God position.
The NT has little to say on the subject other than those couple of verses I quoted — and while don't consti / tute an outright support of slavery, they do give tacit approval.
The way priests are constantly shuffled around, the tacit approval of the churches leadership coupled with the fact that thousands of cases have been reported across at least 2 continent's over a period of decades paints a pretty filthy picture.
In some places in the world their bigoted behavior is even buttressed by the tacit approval or outright sanction of that country.
Pope Pius XII gave tacit approval to the Third Reich's policies by adopting a «neutral» stance.
I suspect that no trade occurs without Dame's tacit approval.
A license tells the people you work with that you are operating with the tacit approval of the government, and that you are accountable to a regulatory body for your practice.
Yet serious infractions occur with the tacit approval of the health ministry.
There is a belief among de Blasio backers that that Moskowitz has launched her competing rally with the tacit approval — if not outright encouragement — of the pro-charter Cuomo administration, which is at odds with the mayor over pre-K funding.
Is it a tacit approval?
«No President has by his inaction and tacit approval, done more to erode the authority of the state and allow lawlessness and plain thuggery to flourish as the incumbent.»
The position does not include a prevailing wage component for construction workers, which labor unions have pushed back hard on — opposition that has won the tacit approval of Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Rapid progress in ties with India during the former PPP - led government, especially Pakistan granting India the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) as a reciprocal gesture, could not have occurred without the army's tacit approval.
In 2011, when a group of moderate Democrats announced they were leaving their party's conference in the state Senate to form an alliance with the Republicans, Cuomo signaled his tacit approval, in part because it meant that his veto pen wasn't the only thing keeping restive downstate liberals from having the run of the state.
What is even more shameful in all this is the tacit approval of the President to acts of thievery and corruption in his government.)

Phrases with «tacit approval»

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