Sentences with phrase «tacit collusion»

This in turn, should be easy to detect for the cartelists and one could even imagine tacit collusion or oligopolistic interdependence, depending on how concentrated the market is.
In many cases, tacit collusion is difficult or impossible to prove, though regulators are becoming increasingly sophisticated in developing new methods of detection.
At best, it might be tacit collusion which is where companies adopt what other companies are doing when they see the competitors act in the market place but that isn't illegal.
«Capacity discipline» might not be proof of tacit collusion, it might just be proof of good management.

Not exact matches

Judge for yourself by reading the following scholarly description of «collusive oligopoly» and its «modes» or types (the type of collusion that the US airlines have adopted is clearly «tacit»):
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z