Sentences with phrase «tail base»

Palpation (waist, ribs and abdominal tuck, and dorsal spinous processes at tail base) to assess adipose tissue mass
Low tail carriage and broad tail base is linked to anal furunculosis (chronic and painful inflammation)(German Shepherd)
Body: American Beauty iron handle on top, bakelite spoon handle rudder, wavy antenna Lighting: Top gooseneck, flicker flames underneath; rear flicker flame tail Base: Aluminum nose cone for an industrial water pump, with 4 pool balls; small hood ornament rocket by a pot top knob moon; red pot top, top of an old extinguisher.
Children and adults can enjoy having their very own tail because the designers make each tail based off of your own measurements.
Sawtell showed that neurons receiving input from these cells were able to predict the position of the fish's tail based on a combination of motor and sensory signals, a crucial step in the learning of motor skills.
Obese: She has large fat deposits over her chest, back, tail base and hindquarters.
The best way to check your pet for fleas is to comb your pet with a fine - toothed flea comb especially over the lower back near the tail base.
Length: You will want to measure your dog from nose tip to tail base, and then add on a minimum of two inches.
Commonly there is hair loss, redness, and possibly scabs and infections over the dog's hips and tail base.
There are four types of skin problems cats can have as a result of allergies: hair loss without much skin changes; miliary dermatitis - which causes small pinpoint scabs, especially on the neck and over the hips and tail base; eosinophilic granulomas - which are raised, red, hairless lesions, commonly on the lips, but can be lower on the jaw or neck, or even on the rear legs; severe itchiness at the face or neck.
If you look at your dog's tail base and work your way up the spine you may notice little pepper - like grains in your dog's fur — this is known as flea dirt.
The tail either hangs down from the tail base, or is held horizontally for 3 or 4 inches and then drops down.
Even Manx cats (that have little to no tail) show movement at the tail base as their emotions change.
You will need to make a regular visual inspection of your dog's facial folds, neck folds and the folds around his tail base.
Try looking on the pet's stomach, around the tail base and around the neck.
It is usually the head, the belly, or the tail base.
It can also occur on the tail base.
To assess body condition, your veterinarian will likely feel the skin over your pet's ribs, spine and tail base to assess the layers of fat covering these areas and will also look for a waist.
Eye infections and matted droppings around the tail base may be an indication of dental disease.
Removal of deep facial folds, peri-vulvar fat tissue, lifting the vulva from a deep fold and surgery on the tail base to alleviate screw - tail are generally curative.
Other areas of the body like lip folds, armpit areas, peri-vulvar areas and excessive wrinkles around the tail base, sometimes called screw - tail, can also be affected.
During her examination, we found that she was missing hair around her back and tail base and was covered in fleas.
Itching and hair loss down the middle of the back to the tail base and down the rear legs is often associated with FAD.
This is often worse around the tail base.
Allergies usually cause irritation of the face, neck, over the top and tail base, and the abdomen.
Itching and hair loss in the region from the middle of the back to the tail base and down the rear legs (the «flea triangle») is often associated with FAD.
Check places on your pet where he can't easily lick, chew, or scratch, including the head, neck, and tail base.
Itching and hair loss around the tail base, neck, and head should be considered suspicious for flea allergy dermatitis.
Overweight dogs qualify as obese if they have a thick layer of fat over the ribs, spine and tail base.
Skin allergies cause cats to lick the tail base, groin area, and their flanks.
Tail chasing can also indicate itchiness or inflammation near the tail base, lower back, genitals, or anus.
The dog will typically scratch and chew the back half of his or her body including the rump, belly, back legs, and tail base.
As noted above, the typical areas that dogs with fleas will itch and scratch are anywhere on the back half of the body including their rump, belly, back legs, and tail base.
An infested dog may bite at his anus or tail base, or drag his bottom across the floor.
A dog spinning in circles in a tiny cage 24 - 7 would not trigger a USDA violation as long as that dog appears outwardly healthy and the cage is at least 6 inches taller that the dogs» head and 6 inches wider and longer than the dog measures from nosetip to tail BASE.
«They can get a greasy appearance on the tail base,» says Pointer, as well as hair loss.
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