Sentences with phrase «tail head region»

Fat cells most commonly are harvested from the tail head region.

Not exact matches

The team determined that mantis shrimp display circular polarised patterns on the body, particularly on the legs, head and heavily armoured tail; these are the regions most visible when when they curl up during conflict.
These results suggest that Smed - beta - catenin - 1 may be active in the tail region and inhibited in the head region by the regulated expression of these Wnt genes.
Always start at your dog's head and neck region and work your way towards its back and tail.
Gently brush or comb your cat's hair, using strokes towards the tail starting from the head region, in the direction that the hair grows.
Lots of issues aren't «scientificly orderly» (which I put in quotes because we have yet to define what that actually means) in some specific region on this planet, that doesn't mean heads or tails about this particular debate in general.
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