Sentences with phrase «tail movement»

But all dogs do express themselves with tail movement.
The tail muscle and nerves facilitate tail movement and play a role in bowel control.
In what is thought to be among the first studies of frustration in free - ranging animals, the findings, published online in the Journal of Comparative Psychology, suggest that animal tail movements reveal their emotional states, particularly the exasperation they feel when stymied during problem - solving tasks.
Animal tail movements reveal their emotional states, particularly the exasperation they feel when stymied during problem - solving tasks, new research suggests.
Fight or flight Small, high - speed tail movements that give the impression of vibrating are a sign that the dog is about to take action (run or fight, usually).
Jagnandan thinks tail movements help the lizards maintain balance and stability as they walk.
Some people have hypothesized that the slow hypnotic tail movements when hunting are designed to mesmerize or distract prey.
It is important to note that there are other causes of odd tail movement, reluctance to wag the tail, or tail flaccidity.
This graphic displays Costa's hummingbirds» tail movements.
Kind of reminds me of the snout - to - tail movement we've seen in the States.
Tail movement is much more about a dog's arousal level than their friendliness.
Breeds that have naturally high - set tails like chow chows or breeds with naturally low - set tails like whippets may make interpreting his tail movement a little trickier.
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