Sentences with phrase «tail swishing»

The next morning, she wakes up to discover she has four hooves and a tail swishing between her legs: she and Winny have switched places!
She's totally entertained by the passing cars, her reflection in the mirror, and Gus's tail swishing by as he paces.
As it becomes more alert or more emotionally charged, the tail swishes faster, wider and in a more regular manner.
Similarly, a large amplitude, slow frequency cat - like tail swish means the dog reeeeally doesn't like you and a high frequency, small amplitude vibration at the tip of the dog's perpendicularly held tail, generally signals the animal is extremely tense and stressed and about to react.
The calves snuggle up close to their moms, tails swishing back and forth twice as fast to keep up.
They are set in position and prompted by remote control to do their animal things; ears twitch, eyes blink, tails swish.

Not exact matches

Little Miss Green has been bought up with cats and dogs, but never seems to quite believe me that Pussus Green has had enough when her tail starts to swish or her ears go back!
But at a certain threshold — like a tickle turning to a sneeze — the electrical activity suddenly spiked, and simultaneously the lamprey's tail began to swish back and forth, as if the creature were swimming, continuing for about 20 seconds.
We grip the splintery sides of the cart as the animals plunge chest deep in the muck; when they swish their tails, mud splatters everywhere.
With each swish of a tail, scientists now have a tool that could study the movements of fish throughout their entire lives.
Their bodies are diaphanous commas afloat in the oceans: a blob of a head attached to a long tail that swishes water through its house.
He and his colleagues have discovered that the locomotion of most creatures that fly or swim can be characterized by a single mathematical proportion called the Strouhal number — the ratio between an animal's cruising speed and the rate at which it flaps its wings or swishes its tail.
Punctuating their displays with swishing, hooting and popping sounds, males bob their heads, fan their tail feathers, raise their wings, and expand and contract distinctive yellow air sacs to compete for females» favor.
Despite the initial panic, there was a wonderful feeling of calm as there's no noise under water apart from the bubbles and swish of a sharks tail (yep there are free roaming sharks!)
He had a long tail that swished happily from side to side and then in a circle when he got a bit more excited to be the focus of my attention.
«Watch out of that classic swishing, thumping tail,» said Dr. Kat Miller, an ASPCA certified applied animal behaviorist.
Some chase or swish their tails.
Playful and sweet, snuggly and full of purrs, they melt hearts with every swish of the tail and uncertain, wobbly step.
There's sure to be plenty of dribbling, (tail) swishing, and hops in these games!
But the important thing to remember is that if your dog does get too excited, accidentally steps on your broken foot, pees a little on the floor and swishes it everywhere with her tail, it is because she loves you and missed you.
Dogs with long tails might look like they are always swishing with wide wags while dogs with docked tails or just naturally short tails will have a harder time giving very dramatic tail wags, requiring the handler (and anyone else) to look carefully to see the message from the tail.
What does it mean when a cat swishes her tail?
That swishing tail and twitching skin was the body language of «I am not liking this.»
Many people mistake a dog who is running around, swishing his tail and play bowing while barking excessively as being aggressive.
The sweet smell of fresh hay, the swish of a contented cow's tail, and the laughter of playing children only survived in childhood memories... as the lonely barn began to lean with the wind, stalls vacant and its corrugated roofing swinging askew.
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