Sentences with phrase «tailbone down»

Lift your belly in and up and draw your tailbone down to create space in the lower back.
Pull core up and tuck tailbone down to heels to round back.
How to: Lying on your stomach, lift your torso off the floor and press your tailbone down, keeping your butt and abdominals firm.
Keep the tailbone down.
Scoop your tailbone down and forward.
As you did in the previous two poses, engage your gluteal and hamstring muscles to prevent the back thighbone from moving forward as you move your tailbone down and forward.
Draw the navel into the spine and the tailbone down toward the earth.
Lift your abdominals away from the floor and send your tailbone down toward the floor, anchoring the pubic bone.
It is more important to keep the length in the back, with the tailbone down and the abs lifting, than to push up high.
Pull your tailbone down while lengthening through the crown as if some thread has been suspended from your crown.
This is where I introduce my terminology which is «lengthen the tailbone down (or sometimes I say imagine pulling the tailbone towards the pubic bone), pull the navel in and up as the ribs pull into the midline, broaden through the collarbones, feeling the shoulder blades spreading across the back.»
Lengthen the lower back by pressing your tailbone down and forward; at the same time, and lift your pubis toward the navel.
Notice if your ribs are starting to puff out — draw them in and root your tailbone down toward the ground.
Tuck your tailbone down facing towards your heels in order to work the lower abdomen.
With your hips facing forward, see if you can gently lengthen the tailbone down towards the mat to find a neutral positioning of the pelvis.
Place your hands on your thighs and draw your tailbone down as the pubis lifts.
Then, reach your sternum away from your navel and drop your pubis and tailbone down toward the floor as you did in Tadasana.
As you begin to release your thighs slowly toward the floor, rotate them internally, press your shins and feet back against the wall, and firmly move your tailbone down and in.
Lengthen your tailbone down towards the earth, inhale and slowly start to peel your chest off the floor.
In a standing pose like Warrior II, you've probably been told to tuck your tailbone down and not let your butt flare out.
(make sure your hips are lifted and the Tailbone down, lengthening down towards the heels).
You might also think of sending your tailbone down toward the floor to keep the lower spine long.
Pull your belly in and up, and draw your tailbone down.
Draw your belly in and tailbone down to stabilize your lower back.
Keeping your hips square, draw the tailbone down and gently pull your belly in toward your spine.
Stabilize your lower back by firming the abdominal muscles and drawing the tailbone down toward the floor.
Try not to tuck the tailbone down toward the floor.
Draw your tailbone down as you lift your lower belly up.
Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), rooting the tailbone down and pressing through the soles of your feet.
Place your hands on your hips, encouraging your tailbone down and your lower belly up.

Not exact matches

The back of your baby's head, which is the hardest part, pushes down on your spine and tailbone, pressing on the nerves and causing pain.
It does not matter what it is made from as long as it is soft and will cradle the baby's head and tailbone while he or she is lying down.
Relax your shoulders and feel your tailbone moving down toward the mat.
Avoid letting your elbow drift away by tucking your tailbone underneath you, keeping the shoulders down and engaging the core.
Exhale to tuck the tailbone under and begin to roll back down smoothly so you are lying on your back.
Inhale and curl your tailbone under, scooping the abdominals in, and roll down towards the mat.
Ab shredding move of the day for all you Ab - shredders: Start in a hollow hold position - which is arms by your ears and legs up off the floor core engaged with tailbone tucked under, low back pressing down.
Start in a hollow hold position — which is arms by your ears and legs up off the floor core engaged with tailbone tucked under, low back pressing down.
On exhalation, lengthen the Tailbone, lifting your hips back and away from you, pressing the body back into an upside down v.
Inhale and drop your navel down toward your mat as you tilt your head and tailbone toward one another.
Create your foundation: Internally rotate your thighs, move your tailbone in and down, and press down firmly through your thighs.
Press firmly through the inner edge of your left foot and move your tailbone in and down.
Elongate your spine as if a string was pulling the crown of your head towards the roof and another was pulling down from the tailbone to the ground
Tuck that pelvis in and point the tailbone straight down while keeping the abdomen directly above the hips.
From Tadasana, bend the knees and drop the hips, drawing the sitting bones back and the tailbone slightly down as you fold the upper body forward over the thighs.
With your hands lift the base of the skull away from the back of the neck and release the back of the neck down toward the tailbone.
Once you are on your elbows, place your hands on the back of the pelvis and release your lower back and upper buttocks by spreading the flesh down toward the tailbone.
To help you visualize it, Pace says, «Imagine that there's a rope tied to your tailbone, and someone is pulling it down
«Think about a string on top of your head bringing you up, and a laser beam on your tailbone pointing you down so you get the impression that you're getting taller,» she notes.
Pull your ribs down and think «proud chest» and «long spine» so your tailbone is tilted up slightly.
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