Sentences with phrase «tailbone under»

Root in the feet, tuck your tailbone under and raise your hands up to the sky, palms facing each other.
Bring your breath fully into your pelvis and back as you pull the lower abs in, reach your tailbone under and begin to unfurl, vertebrae by vertebrae, down to the floor.
Tuck your tailbone under so your pelvis is level with the floor.
The second time in our lives when tucking our tailbone under is most common is around those menopause years.
Engage core by tucking tailbone under and pressing lower back into the mat.
One of the most important things you can do is to make sure that you're not «tucking» your tailbone under and that you're keeping your posture and alignment spot - on as noted in this post: Good luck and keep in touch!
Breathe in deeply and exhale while drawing the navel into the spine hollowing out your belly and scooping the tailbone under.
Brace your abdominals, tuck your tailbone under to eliminate any low back curvature, and drive your knee into your chest.
As you inhale, you'll focus on lengthening your spine; as you exhale, you'll feel the breath initiate the movement of curling your tailbone under until your spine naturally folds over your leg.
Inhale and curl your tailbone under, scooping the abdominals in, and roll down towards the mat.
How to Kneeling on hands and knees, exhale to curl tailbone under to round the spine and stretch lower back; inhale to return to flat back.
Taking a deep breath, draw your palms up your thighs to your hip bone and arch your back; then exhale, reversing the movement, and curl the tailbone under while curving the spine into a «C» shape.
Kneeling on hands and knees, exhale to curl tailbone under to round the spine and stretch lower back; inhale to return to flat back.
Exhale to tuck the tailbone under and begin to roll back down smoothly so you are lying on your back.
Spiral your thighs inwards and tuck your tailbone under.
Tuck your tailbone under and extend the back of your neck again.
Press your feet together, tuck your tailbone under and let your knees drop open.
Often, people who clench their buttocks and «suck in» their abdominal muscles end up tucking their tailbones under.

Not exact matches

Keep your hands planted, tuck your toes under, then press your tailbone up in the air as you shift your weight back into your heels.
Keep your hips facing forward and your tailbone tucked under as you press your heel toward the ceiling, pulsing the leg for 20 reps.
Engage your abdominals and buttocks before tucking the bottom under and rolling the pelvis and the spine up off the mat — one vertebrae at a time, starting with the tailbone and finishing at your shoulders.
Ab shredding move of the day for all you Ab - shredders: Start in a hollow hold position - which is arms by your ears and legs up off the floor core engaged with tailbone tucked under, low back pressing down.
Start in a hollow hold position — which is arms by your ears and legs up off the floor core engaged with tailbone tucked under, low back pressing down.
If you continue to breathe like this, you'll find that the base of your pubic bone moves back at the top of the inhalations and your tailbone gently curls under at the end of your exhalations.
Standing and walking with your tailbone tucked under - again this is encouraging the tailbone and sacrum to move toward the pubic bone with similar effects as above.
Tuck your toes under (keep the feet hip width apart and pointing forwards with heels lifted) and as you exhale lift the knees away from the floor (keeping a slight bend) lengthen your Tailbone bringing your sitting bones up towards the ceiling.
This should help keep the tailbone tucked under you.
(Don't bend at the waist and don't let your tailbone roll under)
If you have some difficulty keeping your hips lifted or if you are using this as a restorative pose you may put a block or a support under your sacrum which is the place at the base of the spine just above your tailbone.
I hope your tailbone isn't tucked under!
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