Sentences with phrase «tailing missions»

On the flip side, the vice desk is the least absorbing, mostly because it involves far too many boring tailing missions that feel like a slog to get through.
The fourth act is a terrible drawn - out tailing mission followed by a vehicle sequence on rails.
Eavesdropping has been pleasingly binned as a campaign staple and the few tailing missions that do appear are without any of the eyeball pulling frustration of previous games.
What they didn't love was the game's generic plot, cliched characters and tedious chasing / car tailing missions:
Neither have the missions changed very much, although Ubisoft seem to have finally grasped how distasteful people found the tailing missions and keep them to a minimum here.
The combat system of yore has thankfully been buried alive in the desert (queuing patiently for its trip to the afterlife), tailing missions have died quietly without a fuss, and a map of pointless collectibles has had a rock tied to it and been sunk in the Nile without ceremony.
Mission design maybe better than Black Flag, as the tailing mission has checkpoints,
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