Sentences with phrase «tailored messages»

Get into their head with tailored messages like: • Facing foreclosure?
By taking some simple steps to gauge the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign, retailers can tailor their messages for optimal impact and effectiveness.
The importance of tailoring your messages should never be underestimated.
Make sure you target specific groups with highly tailored messages.
Once you have your list divided up into segments, then you'll want to tailor each message so it speaks as much as possible to the concerns of those individuals.
This insight allows us to create individually tailored messaging that engages individuals based on their unique psychological profiles.
Sure, we can help tailor messages, but there is no magic to having strong core content.
You can start with a sample, and then tailor your message to fit your circumstances.
Once you choose an activity, you should think about that audience and tailor your message accordingly.
This will help you find something you can grab or use and it will enable you to tailor your message around it.
Title: Using tailored messages to encourage healthy lifestyle choices in a brief, self - directed intervention.
This is the best of both worlds that allows you to include your best lines as well as tailor your message to her.
Someone merely translating doesn't have much freedom to change or adapt content to fit the overall message of the original purpose while tailoring that message to a target audience.
By carefully tailoring your message to the right audience, your firm can increase its business and help more clients achieve the closure they're looking for.
Imagine millions if not billions of precisely tailored messages, including synthetic video, in future campaigns — all machine - generated.
Again, this sales and marketing professional tailored his message to the employers stated needs, by highlighting the experience and specialties that he knew would be relevant to that job.
You can learn more about them, to refine your job search, tailor your messages when contacting prospective employers and be better prepared for interviews.
While email samples and templates are great starting points for your own message, you should always tailor a message to fit your situation.
This will also help you to easily tailor each message to fit the individual recipient.
They are targeting individual customers with tailored messages likely to appeal to them based on their shopping patterns and other demographics.
The data on users is valuable to those who wish to tailor messages for advertising, for political messaging or propaganda.
We have to tailor our message so it is of interest indispensable to our audience.
Tailor the message in a way that informs the prospective employer of your potential and what you can do for them.
Cambridge Analytica was retained to execute an efficient and cost - effective e-commerce campaign with the intent of identifying those consumers with the highest propensity to buy, then activating them through the use of sophisticated predictive analytics techniques and uniquely tailored messaging.
Writing in the same issue of Nature Climate Change, Hopkins says Lee's study highlights the need for tailoring messages about climate change to different cultures and countries.
Interneurons in the lower spine send tailored messages to specific muscles via another type of neuron called motor neurons.
Geo - targeted and weather triggered, Improve With Lowe's tailors each message specifically using your geographic location and local weather.
It allows drivers to monitor the efficiency of their vehicle with average speed and fuel consumption readings, access vehicle telematics and performance data while on the track, while at the same time it can capture biometric data through a heart rate monitor and receive tailored messages from Nissan.
(According to the Harvard Business Review's website, contextual marketers might be considered those using «the power and reach of the internet to deliver tailored messages and information to customers at the point of need.»)
For example, instead of sending the same lead nurturing emails to everyone in your database, you can segment by buyer persona and tailor your messaging according to what you know about those different personas.
According to a new University of Georgia study, bed sharing can likely be decreased if public health officials tailor messaging to their unique population.
He intends to tailor his message more explicitly to minority voters, drawing more attention to his overhaul of the Rockefeller mandatory - drug - sentencing laws.
But Democrat Mark Critz won handily after tailoring his message to local concerns and attacking Burns for saying he would protect tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.
Participants learn how to identify a public engagement goal, determine the relevant audience, craft tailored messages to achieve their goal and rehearse their engagement scenario.
Impact of a Collective Intelligence Tailored Messaging System on Smoking Cessation: The Perspect Randomized Experiment.
As the general election campaign heats up, Obama and Romney have begun tailoring their message to appeal to college students and other young voters.
Whatever you decide to write for your captions, tailor the messaging based on your brand and target audience, and you'll see better overall results from your Instagram marketing efforts.
Those who grasp this important aspect of marketing can appropriately tailor messages that stand apart from the competition, rather than making messages that fall in line with what everyone else is doing.
About 30 million of those (a number previously reported by The Intercept) contained enough information for Cambridge Analytica to match profiles with other data and complete its «psychographic» work — learning about individuals and trying to target them with personally tailored messages.
Less clear is their power as a tool for targeted persuasion; Cambridge Analytica has claimed that OCEAN scores can be used to drive voter and consumer behavior through «microtargeting,» meaning narrowly tailored messages.
The test data is supplemented by recent issue surveys, and together they are used to categorize supporters, who then receive specially tailored messages, phone calls and visits.
Even when it rebranded itself to compete for American political clients, as a specialist in profiling individuals» personality characteristics in order to better tailor messages, SCL, curiously, chose not to obscure its foreign heritage.
Don't just use a generic template — «thank you for your time, it was great meeting you and I look forward to hearing from you» — ensure you stand out by tailoring your message.
Once obtained by Cambridge Analytica, political campaigns could use those profiles to target users with highly tailored messages, ads or fundraising requests.
Some MPs are concerned that his radical stance of facing down corporations and taking on Tory cuts will have little resonance in areas where Labour is facing a tough electoral challenge from Ukip; but asked if the party should tailor its message for different audiences, Corbyn said: «No: you've got to give fundamentally the same message, of the injustice of economic austerity, and the way in which local government is being punished».
Cambridge Analytica was retained to execute an efficient and cost - effective e-commerce campaign with the intent of identifying those consumers with the highest propensity to buy, then activating them through the use of sophisticated predictive analytics techniques and uniquely tailored messaging.
Kuo said the new findings are further evidence that pediatricians should tailor their messages about breastfeeding and solid foods to each particular parent and child - rather than always giving «the same spiel» about introducing solids at the four - month visit.
An example could be collecting data on percentage of time an individual has spent in sedentary activity and then delivering an individually tailored message to their mobile device promoting them to engage in some sort of physical activity.»
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