Sentences with phrase «take a drink of»

That's nor normal and that's probably not good, I thought, then I took a drink of the chocolate milk I had just imagined drowning in and numbly turned back to my two children.
He got HFM and was miserable, took a drink of milk and SCREAMED in pain.
In all cases, after a sweet, if you can not brush and floss, take a drink of water and swish it around, then swallow.
If you can convince your drunk roommate to leave the bar, can get them into their bed, can take off their shoes and socks, make them take a drink of water and / or eat something and tuck them in for the night, you're ready for motherhood.
When thirsty, it can't hurt to take a drink of water, fill up the empty water bottle, or wander over to the drinking fountain.
You want to test first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth or even take a drink of water.
I was at a cafeteria table at work — someone said something funny just as I took a drink of chocolate milk — and — yeahhh.
A main character takes a drink of liquor to deal with a stressful revelation.
A giraffe must spread its front legs when it wants to take a drink of water.
Rest your chin on your hand or take a drink of water — signaling that you're not going to talk right away.
When you get thirsty, take a drink of water and pour some water into your cupped hand for the dog.
When your pet hamster gets tired on it's wheel it can get off and go rehydrate by taking a drink of water from its water bottle.
Toilet Cleaning Tablets Most toilet bowl cleaning tablets would not be expected to cause problems beyond minor stomach upset, should a dog take a drink of the diluted water in the toilet bowl.
I sat it on a counter, my 3 year old thought it was water and took a drink of it.

Not exact matches

After a few drinks, Moghadam took out his phone to snap a picture of Nas and Zuckerberg together.
While it's tempting to take advantage of the free airline perks, consider skipping the soft drinks and juice.
The good news for investors is the promise held out by a growing cadre of companies working to take on that infrastructure upgrade, turning unusable water into something we can drink and making water consumption more efficient.
From beginning my career on the manufacturing floor of Mars Drinks in the UK to taking the reins as president of Mars Chocolate North America, each role I've held has differed from the last — and has challenged me in new and exciting ways.
«The kinds of things it takes to be well - known and appealing as a teenager often don't last well long - term — drinking, sex, clothes.
It ought to be noted that British health service guidelines state that «caution should be taken by individuals thinking of drinking coffee, or taking anything else, to try and «take the pain out of exercise.»
Rum has been the drink of choice for Maritimers thanks to «rum runs» — when sailors from Nova Scotia delivering liquor to the U.S. during prohibition — that took place during the 1920s and 1930s.
The group stays abreast of trends to enable Coca - Cola to take advantage of the niche markets that it has historically struggled with — among them, teas and energy drinks.
According to Dr. Avi Loeb, professor of science at Harvard University, «In the time it takes you to drink a cup of coffee, hundreds of FRBs may have gone off somewhere in the universe.»
Here are five surefire tips to take the stress out of managing a small business while you're away, drinking piña coladas and kicking back on the beach.
It took discerning consumers a few years of swimming through the ocean of mediocre - to - bad online recipes before they became frustrated with «free,» according to Bill LeBlond, editorial director of food and drink at independent publisher Chronicle Books.
We support his decision to take safe transportation home instead of driving drunk
He was reduced to consuming a single, eight - ounce can of Ensure a day, and that took him hours to drink, and every ounce of his will.
They take more trips to Europe and Asian than the rest of us, and — guess what — they drink more champagne.
We look at the availability of air travel in each state, the quality of the roads and bridges, the time it takes to commute to work and the supply of safe drinking water.
We're all painfully aware of the toll binge drinking takes on the body but what may be less known is the damage it inflicts on the economy.
I entered a Zen - like trance of pulling forward and moving in reverse, again and again and again, all while taking orders from a very friendly horde of extremely tanned old - timers wearing flip - flops and drinking cocktails out of brightly colored plastic cups.
LGH has gone above and beyond taking care of its workforce, actually installing solar cookers that provide the workers and their families with the ability to boil water and create clean drinking water.
He suggested that I drink the equivalent of a bottle of wine within the first couple hours of the flight and sleep for the last six to seven hours, arriving refreshed and ready to take on the day.
Realizing that a tea - based drink would be less sweet than soda, and that less sweetener meant not only fewer calories for the consumer but cheaper production for the manufacturer, he co-founded Honest Tea in 1998 to take advantage of that simple fact.
Royal Caribbean takes a very different approach with its Bionic Bar, where a pair of MIT - designed robots that make hundreds of custom drinks that are ordered from iPad spread around the bar area.
As Murane watched patrons order their drinks, he took note of just how large the beverage lineup was — and how customers took full advantage of the variety.
You're out having dinner, having drinks or whatever, and it just feeds and makes our lives better, rather than something that takes us out of that completely.
The bitter beverage was later rebranded to take advantage of the rapidly growing soft drink market, and by World War II, people were saying, «What this country needs is plenty of Moxie.»
Amidst all the massive marketing stunts, appearances by industry leaders, and day drinking, how do you collect something of real value to take home with you?
A study in June by Wakefield Research found that 43 percent of people said they watched TV while «working» from home, and roughly a quarter each admitted to taking a nap or knocking back a drink on the clock.
I was totally confused, obviously, but stood up and saw a group of passengers physically taking the two drunk guys down.
Take a real break, for a full half hour if you can, without worrying about any of your tasks and responsibilities, and I guarantee you you'll come back with as much energy as you would have by drinking a cup of coffee.
In a bid to better understand the effects of human genetics on cholesterol, a team of scientists had 800 people drink a fatty milkshake, take...
Photo: / JACPcv Healthy oceans keep humans alive — destroy them and we destroy ourselves «Even if you never have the chance to see or touch the ocean, the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every bite you consume.
At the moment, the North American fast - food sector is in the midst of an all - out breakfast war, with Taco Bell pushing its Waffle Taco and McDonald's taking on Starbucks with espresso - style McCafé drinks.
In his classic 1940's book The Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley noted that the psychopathic businessman works industriously and appears rather normal, except for his periodic sprees of «marital infidelity, callousness, wild drinking, and risk - taking».
In other news, the founder of a company that reportedly took in $ 50 million from an initial coin offering (ICO) posted a photo of himself at the airport and then holding a drink at a beach, TechCrunch reported.
VICTORIA — After the Christy Clark government refused to take the issue of lead in the drinking water of North Coast communities seriously, B.C. New Democrat MLA for the North Coast, Jennifer Rice, initiated water testing in three social housing units...
In recent time, loads of people are beginning to switch from taking carbonated drinks to drinking fresh juice because of the health benefits.
The Christy Clark government needs to take these test results seriously and start testing all of the drinking water in public buildings, particularly where children frequent, in the North West.»
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