Sentences with phrase «take bigger doses»

I also take bigger doses of ascorbic acid during times of stress or illness... more on that below.
If you wish to take bigger doses, the liquid from is much easier to take and cheaper.
How do you get people to take a big dose of vitamin D?
Follow the rule of 1.0 — 1.5 g / lb of protein per day, but take your biggest dose of protein on one critical moment — after your workout.
Taking a bigger dose may make you feel good — like smoking or eating fast food — but its unhealthy.»
It takes a big dose of reality with a side of wisdom to take the leap into the valley of Sugar Daddy dating.

Not exact matches

Two years ago, Bob Shor got a scary introduction to one of health care's biggest problems when his father accidentally took a double dose of insulin, sending him rushing to the doctor.
Liverpool's high pressing game will come to not in this big PL game because the Gunners have more than prepared themselves to negate whatever the Reds have on offer against them in the game by making themselves bigger in the game than the Reds have imagined by inflicting on them a heavy punishment on the field of play during the playing of the match to make them pay for the sin they've committed against Arsenal by giving them a dose of their own medicine for having the audacity to come to the Emirates Stadium and took away all the 3 points that were at stake in an opening day PL game without at least leave a point for Arsenal to collect in the match..
Committing to being a surrogate takes courage and a big dose of selflessness.
You'll want bigger batches of multiple - feed bait because it takes more doses to work.
«But our bodies are designed to keep our nutrient levels consistent, so taking a single big dose of Vitamin B after a big night may have more of a placebo effect than anything else.»
But it does suggest that if you're trying to build muscle, taking in a big dose (i.e. 25 grams) of protein as soon as possible is preferable to snacking over the course of a few hours.
Make sure to take this in gradually, and not in big doses.
Chitosan is typically supplemented in 1,500 - 3,000 mg dosages and should be taken in either two 1,500 mg doses before the two biggest (higher - fat) meals of the day or in three separate 1,000 mg doses before meals.
Men and women in the sports business usually take doses of HGH for about six months before their big game and the results are usually rewarding.
Women don't have anywhere near the amount of testosterone needed to build big muscles; and all those women you see posing on stage in bodybuilding competitions are taking huge doses of steroids and other growth promoting drugs.
Nutritional yeast has a daily amount of b12 but if your taking a sublingual supplement with a big dose, then you only need to do this once a week.
Guillermo Del Toro finds ways to take caution to the wind and throw entertainment on screen in big doses.
Remember, there's no secret tip or special trick to successful budgeting; it just takes time, practice, and big dose of discipline.
She's 6 pounds and Boo is 50 pounds and her dose is the 4.4 - 9.9 lbs 112.5 mg and Boo's is the > 44 - 88 lbs 1000 mg so it was a pretty big overdose but I read online she could take up to 5x her dose with no effects but idk how true that is and I need to know if I need to take her to the emergency vet or if it's not anything to worry about
Oxenfree takes the best parts of 80s nostalgia, removes the bits you'd really rather forget about the actual 80s and injects a big dose of supernatural horror.
However, take rumors and leaks with a dose of salt until Google steps on stage with the big reveal.
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