Sentences with phrase «take care my children»

For if I take care crass of birds, how much more will I take care you my children
During this time, I couldn't take care my children and feed them enough breast milk because I spent so much of my time trying to make money outside.
In the best 40 plus dating community, you should take care of yourself as you take care your children.
The study of research is a qualitative research by using purposive sampling to select 10 volunteers who have unwanted pregnancy mother is 13 - 21 years old and they have to take care their children is newborn to 2 years old from Phichit province in Thailand.
During the teenage pregnant and after they give birth, they always take care their children such as leave a school, jobless, neighbor gossip and facing to guiltily, grieving and death.
The society and government still have an attitude about the teenage pregnancy; they are fault and have a problem, but the government never take care and lack of enough help; for example, they have a information about the teenage pregnancies are not ready to take care the children.

Not exact matches

If you've gone through a divorce, suffered the sudden loss of a family member or had to take care of a sick parent or child, Welch says you'll want to disclose that without going into too many details.
Slate takes a look at the childcare «cliff effect»: when low - income parents who start earning above a certain threshold and suddenly become ineligible for child care subsidies.
Take the $ 2.2 - billion over three years on child care, including to provide free licensed daycare spots for kids older than 2 1/2 until kindergarten.
This is what it's like to have 12 weeks of leave after having a baby, if you're lucky enough to even have a job that offers it: You begin figuring out child care almost right away; the irony that you barely know how to take care of this little person and now must somehow assess someone else's ability to do so does not escape you.
Traditionally in China, children take care of their parents when they get old so having only one child or no children means less support for the future.
They're not my children, but I want to know that they're taken care of.
The fact is, many working families are already living on far less than 70 % of their income when you take out non-discretionary expenses like mortgage payments and the feeding and care of children.
It would be unwise or dangerous for that person to take care of children and cook meals, but it's on the horizon for home robots.
«Being a female in an all - male shop, I kind of got these eyes on me when I had to take time off for child care purposes.»
Female veterans are more likely to have children to take care of than male veterans, says James Schmeling, co-founder of Syracuse University's Institute for Veterans and Military Families, making it harder for them to find and hold down a job.
Like HappyFeet, Kinderdance classes often take place at child - care facilities or preschools.
«The miles people currently walk to fetch water, even fetch dirty water, is time and energy spent that could be spent otherwise — to get educated, to take care of children, to earn money,» says Hendriksen.
Generous daycare subsidies might be the smartest thing governments can do: Extensive research shows the most effective way to increase the number of women taking part in the economy is to ensure reliable, affordable child care.
The law can protect parents from being fired for taking time off to care for their children.
Even though working moms are the sole or primary or breadwinner in 40 percent of American households, they are still also overwhelmingly the ones taking care of, or arranging for the care of, children and the elderly.
That's all it took for some two dozen global leaders to commit to the goal of providing 100 million children with modern frontline health care over the next several years.
The policy is a popular one for the Conservative base because it's most helpful for traditional one - income families, where one spouse, usually the mother, stays home to take care of the children.
To top it off, many of today's younger workers are children of China's one - child policy, which means that they alone are responsible for taking care of their parents when they retire.
Mr Reese and his partner Biff Chaplow already have two adopted children, having taken on Mr Chaplow's toddler niece and nephew when his sister became suddenly unable to care for them.
You can visit the dentist, relax in a mobile spa, and even take your kids to the child care center.
For example, in Chile, women are largely expected to take care of their children and parents, making it much harder for women to take an active role in running a business, the report notes.
Usually, he says, people develop a taste for that «type» because they had a parent who needed their children to take care of them, a dysfunction that psychologists call enmeshment.
If an employee wants to work part time to take care of an ailing spouse or a sick child, this should be treated as a «demand» for FMLA leave (Family and Medical Leave Act) and not a «request» for a flexible schedule.
In 2013, researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center had participants watch videos of women in everyday situations, like working in an office and taking care of a child.
This isn't the solution for those looking for part - time drop - in care or those who want to drop off their children and then take off (physically or mentally).
Around the same size as an infant, the dolls are thought to hold the spirits of child angels, and owners who take exceedingly good care of these dolls will receive good fortune, according to Bloomberg.
What it's about: A magical nanny swoops in to take care of the children from a disenchanted family.
His ultimate message is for us to take care to nurture our children so that they will have a healthy emotional base as they grow.
But the C. D. Howe report speculates that the rising number of sick days women are taking off — an average 2.9 more days a year than men — has less to do with illness than the fact that women are often saddled with taking care of both children and elderly parents.
The policy also covers leave to care for a sick parent, child or partner and may be taken throughout a 52 - week period in no less than three business - day increments at a time.
If you take care of a child or have a schedule that fluctuates often, you know that keeping a routine can be near impossible.
(He is also married and has a stay - at - home wife who takes care of their children.
Middle children lean toward public service and care - taking roles while the youngest in families prefer more creative roles and technology.
That's why our Government took money from bureaucrats and lobbyists and gave it to the real experts on child care — mom and dad.
And when states fail to increase their per - child payments to keep pace with market rates, parents find themselves armed with a voucher than no one will take: Since the child care providers can make more money accepting a child whose parents can afford to pay market rates, that's what they do.
One mother told her that, without the slope - effect program, she would have had to take a pay cut to maintain her child care eligibility and be able to afford to work.
Paid family and medical leave allows workers to take longer leaves of absence for the birth or adoption of a child, to care for a loved one, or to recover from a more serious personal injury or illness.15 Paid family and medical leave can be provided through a social insurance system, as it is in the three U.S. states that have active paid leave programs, or through another type of structure such as a government - business partnership.16
The 2014 law required states to take certain steps to help families get and retain child care assistance — and many have taken steps like allowing families to stay eligible for assistance for a full year without having to continuously recertify their income level, giving them a semblance of certainty about their finances for at least the coming year.
For those who prefer simpler methods, a third measure, which just takes out volatile food items and petrol, and adjusts for the recent change to the child care rebate, shows essentially the same trend over the past couple of years, though at a slightly lower rate (Graph 15).
In a study published this year that tracked Best Buy's ROWE program, researchers at the University of Minnesota found that, while it had helped reduce employee turnover, women who took part still spent 10 hours more on child care per week than their male flextime colleagues.
If we take up child care tax credits (like Trump ran on), we need to finance them with some other kinda tax hike.
Some parents wanted peace of mind that their children's financial affairs were being properly taken care of.
The union took aim at «a hyper - masculine industrial camp culture, which can result in increased risk of sexual harassment, assault, increased levels of violence against women in sex work and hitchhiking and increased levels of child care and gender inequity.»
The tool is also child safe as it takes care of the hygiene of the owner.
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