Sentences with phrase «take ecological science»

A new network of observatories aims to take ecological science to the continental scale in the next 30 years.

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The development of a new philosophy of science which radically questions the earlier mechanical - materialistic world - view within which classical modern science worked and also the search for a new philosophy of technological development and struggle for social justice which takes seriously the concern for ecological justice, are very much part of the contemporary situation.
And even if the current 18 - year trend were to end, it would still take nearly 25 years for average global temperature figures to reflect the change, said Michaels, who has a Ph.D. in ecological climatology and spent three decades as a research professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia.
Carbon credits & markets seemed like a high finance scam mostly; I researched carbon sequestration & coal gasification for some meetings, but I took the science at face value — warming as just one aspect of oncoming ecological apocalypse.
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