Sentences with phrase «take in a lot of nutrients»

So if we get clogged our vacuum cleaners from inflammation, we can't really take in a lot of the nutrients that we need.

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In additional to being full of nutrients, this recipe took a lot of time and TLC to perfect, but I think I finally have!
Dr. Spock's proposal created a lot of controversies, but not because experts disputed the health benefits of a vegan diet, but rather because they thought that parents might not take enough time and effort to plan a vegan diet that included enough calories, minerals, and nutrients to ensure optimal growth in their children.
Sara Peternell, a nutritionist and expert in family nutrition, says that «babies have a very immature digestive system, so when we introduce something that's more of a refined grain, that takes a lot more energy from the digestive system to try to break it down and extract the nutrients
«In a previous study we measured a lot of crop parameters that indicated that strip - till allowed the plant to be more efficient in taking up nutrients and water and increasing yielIn a previous study we measured a lot of crop parameters that indicated that strip - till allowed the plant to be more efficient in taking up nutrients and water and increasing yielin taking up nutrients and water and increasing yield.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: So, the biggest thing I see a lot of people make, and I'm curious to get your take on it to see if you're doing it or not, is if you shorten this window — let's say, this is your six - hour eating window, is you have to make sure you get all your calories and nutrients in this window.
So, the biggest thing I see a lot of people make, and I'm curious to get your take on it to see if you're doing it or not, is if you shorten this window — let's say, this is your six - hour eating window, is you have to make sure you get all your calories and nutrients in this window.
As demonstrated in this article, it takes a LOT of vegetables to equal the nutrient density of a much smaller animal product (like liver and vitamin A), not even considering that the animal product likely has proper fat and cholesterol attached for absorption purposes.
Digestion is a very energy demanding process, meaning that it takes a lot of energy in order to breakdown and digest the food we consume and absorb the nutrients.
You're going to take in a lot of empty calories with the alcohol, so eating a good portion of appetite - satisfying protein along with nutrient - rich vegetables can help to control your appetite and give your body the nutrients it needs.
Depriving your body of nutrients while in a caloric deficit is a roadblock to results, so eat a lot of different foods and take those vitamins.
If you live an active life, I mean you work a lot and workout, it is hard to take in enough of the various vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, even if you pay attention to what you eat.
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