Sentences with phrase «to take issue with something»

And as long as they provide reasonable notice for such changes, I can't take any issue with them for doing what's good for business.
One member of the congregation took issue with me as he left the sanctuary.
Many readers took issue with it because it said that you should not be on your phone while you are nursing your baby.
Unfortunately, whether the opinion of the critic is harsh or complimentary, someone will most likely take issue with it.
Whether it's the right thing to do or not, your boss may take issue with you asking for more money.
Ironically, this whole sub-thread is the result of YOU and NIGEL taking issue with me saying, «I don't like that word.»
Cuomo told him to listen to his entire proposal before taking issue with it, and noted that state education spending is at a record high.
One of the other benefits of membership in the Steyn Club is that you can take issue with him in the comments section.
I find it incredible that other posters take issue with you when you clearly come from a humanist perspective.
I've recently received a bashing from an american lawyer who took issue with myself as the author and Paul Brennan (a credible commercial lawyer and author in Australia) who stated in his review of The Naked Lawyer that I have «produced the Karma Sutra of client care».
I also must take issue with you over another point you made i.e. the club has indeed developed a 4th place mentality slowly (at first) over the last 10 years and it is become ever more obvious that Stan is happy with that while charging the fans top dollar.
And Comixology and publishers wont change their practices until people take issue with it.
It's a tiny grievance, though; the game is still a blast to play, and given how recent it is, I can't even take issue with it not being re-released.
Would that your diety were real, he'd probably take issue with you paying lip service to his religion, yet maintaining a healthy set of jugdments and obvious hatreds.
D.G. Hart takes issue with him for his rejection of organized religion.
If someone from the congregation takes issue with something Jes said or did, I direct them to Jes.
i mean why would god take issue with us knowing things?
In that normal moment with my daughter, though I had a pinch of anxiety that someone may take issue with me feeding and comforting my daughter at my breast, my focus was on her, not normalizing breastfeeding.
He also faced some criticism from police officers who turned their backs on him at the funerals of two police officers assassinated while sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn in 2014 and took issue with him warning his half - black son, Dante, about the potential dangers of interacting with police.
I'm certain that there are quite a few people who will take issue with me suggesting that a Halloween be spent playing through this open world zombie game — after all, DayZ isn't exactly an intense experience through and through.
Joe Romm, the former Energy Department official who now blogs on climate and works for the Center for American Progress, a nonpartisan / liberal / progressive (depending on who's choosing the adjective) research group in Washington, has again taken issue with something I've written, partly because I left out a link to supporting sources for my statement that the world could face a tripled demand for energy by midcentury.
Apart from Amman and Wahl's paper, there were three other papers taking issue with it.
For all his talk of the importance of science and scientific evidence, Paul Nurse never actually takes issue with those he now demands should be «crushed and buried».
«One gripe First Nations have is that administrators apply rules,» and when First Nations take issue with them the administrators say, «' you should be talking to the legislator about the problem.»
While the practice might sound good in theory, some users took issue with it at a time when Facebook's ability to uphold privacy is under scrutiny.
«Dags» took issue with me blogging about my children eating the occasional piece of salmon coated in wholemeal breadcrumbs or chicken rolled in Cornflakes.
But I do take issue with it being reclassified as «emerging.»
Tom I have to take issue with you on blaming Capitalism (which I now like to call Free Market).
Cuomo told him to listen to his entire proposal before taking issue with it, and noted that state education spending is at an all - time record high.
A friend of De Kooning's took issue with him when he saw he had a «banal» Ellsworth Kelly print in his studio.
Some people have taken issue with us saying Bay Roberts is the worst place to live in Canada because we don't list every single location in the country on our list.
Now I love John, Paul, George, and Ringo, but I take issue with them here, and I know I am in the minority.
Dear Reality; Speaking as one who has had many, many clergy serving the needs of many people over a century I must take issue with you on your «no clerics, no nuns, no bibles» etc..
I spent a good deal of time preparing that sermon and I delivered it with confidence, even though I knew that there would be many in the congregation who would take issue with it, because I believed that what I was saying had integrity.
Instead of (perhaps rightly) taking issue with them, clarifications should be sought and the possible truth of their comment must be explored.
Now you take issue with him for being too «laudatory»!
I think that Nobo is exactly right on this point, even though I have taken issue with him on other points regarding transition and concrescence.
It's hard to take issue with something that has saved lives by the mere fact that it offers hope where none could be found before.
Thus, as soon as he returned to Jerusalem, they took issue with him.
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