Sentences with phrase «take notes»

As Lee told the audience, «If someone asks you questions [during a pitch meeting], take notes, and send a follow - up the next day saying, «These are the things that we discussed; I wanted to follow up on these points.»
And you can listen to them at your leisure... skip around to the presentations that interest you most, take notes... And more importantly, you can listen to them as many times as you like, so you don't miss a thing.
Get ready to take notes, and have a look at the blog posts, white papers, and other resources from Intelligent Office, your local business partner.
You are going to have to be prepared to take notes, cross check and use some logic and likely arithmetic.
If possible, it's a good idea to record the conversations so you don't have to take notes.
It's the manager's responsibility to let employees know a topic is so crucial and the details significant that they need to take notes.
You can always scroll back through the participating tweets (designated with a specific hashtag) and take notes later.
Forgetting to tell staffers to take notes.
Because I'm often on the go, I have invested in a planner that I can mark important dates in as well as take notes, my favorite black pen, a sturdy laptop bag, and a stress ball that my wife gave me.
(Maybe take notes on the book's inside back cover.)
Just open the app, take notes, and you're done.
A co-pilot in the passenger seat will be there to take notes, and the entire ride will be recorded on camera.
I rarely surf the web or use social media on a computer anymore, opting instead for the tablet, which I also use to take notes when out on assignment.
When you find a speaker to be impressive, take notes, then apply his or her techniques to the next time you have the opportunity to raise awareness about your company.
He turns his full attention to her, not pausing to take notes during their conversation.
By combining Wrappup's current prediction engines with Voicera's AI, we are providing even better predictive highlights for your meetings, allowing you to speak naturally and let the AI take the notes
Designate someone ahead of time to take notes and vet any questions people have, since time is limited.
You can take notes, clip web pages, store images, take audio notes, and then share them across devices and among coworkers.
For an enjoyable take on what happened to several entrepreneurs when they jumped into something too quickly, check out this Fizzle podcast and take notes for future reference.
More important, I've begun to take notes from them.
And don't forget to take notes.
It's essential to take notes during meetings, on - the - go moments of inspiration, and those impromptu business interactions, but who wants to shuffle through notebooks and sheets of paper to find them later — not to mention try to decipher sloppy handwriting?
In addition, some workers told Valukas they did not take notes at safety meetings because they believed GM lawyers didn't want a paper trail.
During meetings, participants can take notes and track action items through a shared online interface.
Take some notes and figure out what you can improve on your landing pages.
You can call this company the professional matchmaker of Silicon Valley, which has elements that even Linkedin should take notes from.
Take notes on meetings you attend while traveling, keep programs of conferences you attend, sign in to conferences, and keep e-mails sent to those you met with during business meetings.
Watch what they're doing, ask questions, and take notes.
Take notes on which openings work the best and which you should avoid repeating.
I was the kid scrambling to class who couldn't listen and take notes at the same time.
I take notes on it to make sure that I've got the information.»
Using the Buzzsumo search results, you can take notes to create a unique and more effective content strategy for your blog.
Invest in a CRM system and have people take notes.
During your meeting, take notes.
However, because some people may need an electronic device to take notes or keep watch on email, be sure keep it on a silent setting so no loud notifications sound off.
«When I read something in the newspaper or a magazine that piques my interest, I take notes
Trying to take notes while your boss pontificates around the perimeter of what he would like to say.
Take notes.
Ask questions, take notes, and create a step - by - step timeline to outline your plan.
This is the flipside of the last rule: Don't make him take notes to remember what you just told him.
Rule No. 4: Take notes.
Unless you have a photographic or phonographic memory, be prepared to take notes on pertinent information or advice given.
Ask upfront if it's all right for you to take notes during your sales presentation.
In the coming years, look for the role to grow exponentially as more established corporations take notes from the scrappier, more flexible startup companies.
Don't try to take notes yourself; you need to be focused on the meeting.
OK, got to digest this meeting prep sheet then ghost in my MeetingBuddy so they can take notes on the call and get started on the follow - up work.
I know you are going to learn so much from him, so get ready to take notes and start practicing with Michael Port in Episode 236.
To ensure accountability, assign a different person each week to take notes and have those notes shard out to the team.
The most exciting part about the Apple Newton was its handwriting recognition feature, which let people take notes as if they were writing in a notebook.
Assign a person to take notes about who said what so managers can reflect on what happened and telling remarks about whether the company is solving a problem in a better way.
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