Sentences with phrase «take number of followers»

Not exact matches

Most LIONs take pride in touting their specific number of connections; it's similar to the way celebrities compete to have the most Twitter followers.
The rankings take into account both a brand's number of followers and the number of mentions of the brand through its hashtag, such as #nike.
And the pied piper found more followers, so the naysayers said, as an ever - increasing number of people around the world — in fact, some of the very smartest — started opened their doors to take bitcoin in.
The New York Times» Ross Douthat, for example, takes Republican Scott Brown's strong Internet showing — three times the number of Twitter followers as his opponent, Democrat Martha Coakley, for example, or the $ 1.3 Brown's campaign says it raised in a one - day online fundraising blitz — as a sign that Republicans and conservatives have erased whatever dominance Democrats and progressives once had online.
Truthful tweets took six times as long as fake ones to spread to 1500 people across Twitter — in large part because falsehoods were 70 per cent more likely to be retweeted than the truth, even after accounting for the posters» account age, activity level and number of followers (Science,
So before starting my morning, I took a few minutes re-read my post from earlier this month and reflect on the last few days, and reminded myself that my worth (as a content creator) is not determined by the number of likes, comments or followers I have.
The mobile industry has truly taken off with a big bang and has gained an enormous increase in reputation and number of followers.
If you want to maximize the number of photos you can take with the minimal amount of time you'll have, you might want to heed the following tips for taking the perfect selfie that will ignite envy in your followers on Instagram.
His meticulous architectural landscape painting influenced a number of artists in Italy and elsewhere: his nephew Bernardo Bellotto (1720 - 80) took his style to central Europe - notably Dresden and Warsaw - while his followers and adherents in England included the marine and topographical painter Samuel Scott (1702 - 72) and the landscape and marine artist William Marlowe (1740 - 1813).
The trouble starts with the assumption that your number of followers is the same as an action they might take.
The world today requires not just that we connect on Facebook and Twitter, not just that we count our global presence in the number of «friends» or «followers» we have, but that we truly and deeply take the world into our heart.
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