Sentences with phrase «take place in the history»

What if He takes His place in history / With all the prophets and the kings / Who taught us love and came in peace / But then the story ends, what then... But what if you're wrong / What if there's more / What if there's hope / You never dreamed of hoping for
In the regular meetings of a circle of friends at Heidelberg, after almost ten years of discussions, we finally arrived at the conclusion that even God's revelation takes place in history and that precisely the biblical writings suggest this solution of the key problem of fundamental theology.
It is not impossible that in the not too distant future gay activism as we have known it will have taken its place in the history of popular culture along with wife - swapping and «open marriages.»
It is an event that took place in history, that, like all historical events, took time: the time of Jesus» earthly life, and the three days of His burial.
He said: New York State should step forward and take its place in history.
Furthermore, the essence of space and time now is just a set of relationships between events that take place in the history of the world.
Although his unusual upbringing and his many controversial political sympathies once overshadowed his literary legacy — a wide - ranging body of work that includes criticism and poetry as well as his trademark ficciones — Borges has indisputably taken his place in history as one of the most important writers of the 20th century.
An opening quote in the film states, «When the law oppresses people, the outlaw takes his place in history
Before Eddie Fisher took his place in history as Elizabeth Taylor's most famous cuckold, he stood shoulder - to - shoulder in the pop music pantheon with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Tony Bennett.
That magnanimous act was to save their lives and the hotel where they sought refuge, the Royal Hotel won the hearts of the democracy movement and took its place in history.
When it comes to games like Call Of Duty I think the histories that you can learn from within these games are fantastic and you can learn a lot from titles such as these that contain facts and events that have taken place in history.
If the cryptocurrency is in a bubble, it's like no other, as Bloomberg reports out of all the infamous bubbles that have taken place in history bitcoin outshines them all.
This announcement also takes its place in history for the very first time the tripartite committee has launched a nationwide effort to raise the skills of finance professionals and help companies develop an active «Singaporean core».

Not exact matches

«Our current members understand the history of the ban and have played an important part in the cultural shift that has taken place since then.»
Yahoo is expected to reap an enormous windfall from its ownership stake in Alibaba, following its public offering, one of the largest in history, which will take place in the next few months.
The third and final installment of «The Witcher» series, in which you're out to stop an evil otherworldly army called «The Wild Hunt,» will take place in a massive open world that's «larger than any other in modern RPG history» and «30 times larger» than previous «Witcher» games.
To understand the pros and cons of the proposals in more detail, let's take a trip down memory lane — and Goldman's history is as good a place to start as any.
The event, a first in the history of Mexico, where 82 % of the population is Catholic, was only announced by the church after it took place as officials feared people might misinterpret the ritual.
If you noticed your site drop in ranking right around one of the particular dates outlined in Moz's change history updates, it will be easier to identify the penalty that took place.
It's scheduled for decommission in 12 years to finally take its place among sunken space history.
That's because three of the largest token sales in history took place in June — Bancor ($ 153 million), Status ($ 95 million) and TenX ($ 83 million)-- and they were central to the overall growth.
By next week, closing arguments will take place to see if one of the biggest media mergers in history will go through.
Three of the 11 biggest mass shootings in American history have actually taken place in just the last five months.
It may sound silly, but October's history as a month of heightened volatility may also have played a factor in terms of market sentiment; for example, the «Black Tuesday» crash of 1929 and «Black Monday» crash of 1987 both took place in October.
In his Natural History of Religion (1757), the Scottish philosopher David Hume — in agreement with other skeptical and agnostic English and French thinkers — said that Christianity's claim to absolute truth was to be blamed for the devastating civil wars that had taken place in Britain and FrancIn his Natural History of Religion (1757), the Scottish philosopher David Hume — in agreement with other skeptical and agnostic English and French thinkers — said that Christianity's claim to absolute truth was to be blamed for the devastating civil wars that had taken place in Britain and Francin agreement with other skeptical and agnostic English and French thinkers — said that Christianity's claim to absolute truth was to be blamed for the devastating civil wars that had taken place in Britain and Francin Britain and France.
The leaders hide church history from its members, when we find it, we take it to them, and of course are called aposates, there are so many mental systems in place at every level to control the people and there thoughts and actions, at a very young age.
And to say that Biblical teachings are invalid because there are other similar beliefs that have older known written sources invalidates the Biblical teachings also should take into consideration that for certain Biblical believers that all those truths whether they are known to have been placed in the Bible first or known thus far to have been placed elsewhere that they believe that they all come via deity who at the beginning of human history on this world dispensed those truths to humanity and that to those who believe in the biblical teachings believe that through time they are more complete than those of other ancient beliefs due to God restoring those truths through revelations given to later prophets like say Moses and other later Old and New Testament prophets and apostles.
Philip K. Dick's 1962 alternate - history novel took place mainly in Japanese - occupied California, with a look - in on the Neutral Zone in the Rocky Mountains.
Such was the burden of the prophecies of Amos in the middle of the eighth century BC History takes place within a moral order.
If one holds that during the course of human history a process of development and refinement in the Church's understanding of Christ has taken place, this does not mean that one is rushing headlong into a position of historical relativism that is ultimately corrosive of the objectivity of our faith.
This union of history and the moment involves a tension and a contradiction, for although redemption takes place at every moment, there is no definite moment in the present or the future in which the redemption of the world could be pronounced as having taken place once for all.
He outlines the theological history of that split, but he does not share with the reader the philosophical integration and synthesis that has been taking place since at least Etienne Gilson as a result of drawing out from the metaphysics of St. Thomas what is implicit in his writings.
While decisive steps have been taken at several points in your history to place limits on the exercise of power, the nation's political institutions have been able to evolve with a remarkable degree of stability.
Along with Vaughn, Colin Farrell and Taylor Kitsch have also been linked to starring roles in True Detective season two, which will take place in California and may or may not be about the «secret occult history of the U.S. transportation system»...
Both thinkers give a central place to divine influence in time, hence to the importance of history for God, and both agree that human self - determination always takes place within narrow limits (e.g., TWP 63).
If such an eventuality actually took place, experience «would... include in an undivided present the entire past history of the conscious person, not as instantaneity, not like a cluster of simultaneous parts, but as something continually present which would also be something continually moving» (CM 152).
The writers accurate use of common names of the time shows they had access to reliable information about the people and places involved in the history of Jesus and that their writings took place at about the same time as the events (there would have been no way to access information regarding names of that time hundreds of years after the period, remember, no books, no libraries, etc..)
God, this Yahweh, is the be-all and end - all of Israel's existence; and if that summum bonum of the knowledge of God is to be had, it must be had in the knowledge of what takes place in the human arena of history.
Even if we consider the 2000 years of history that are recorded in the Bible, these biblical records only cover the tiniest fraction of human events that took place during these two millennia.
The Holocaust took place in what had been nominally Christian territory; moreover, the record of the churches in opposing it was not the noblest page in Christian history.
Individual leaders and groups take shape in specific places with distinctive histories and contemporary circumstances.
Although this sounds like something out of a history book, the laws took place in the summer of 2016 under Russian law called the Yarovaya package.
The story of the fall, told in Genesis, is to be taken as something true of each of us, not as a historical account of how sin came into the world at a specific time and place in human history.
The divine vision for the world goes far beyond what takes place in the course of our own species» history or of events here on earth.
«God is Love», says the first letter of St. John, summing up in that simple three - word phrase the conviction to which the primitive Christian community had come when it thought about, meditated upon, responded to, and in profound acceptance came to grasp what indeed God was «up to» in that crucial event which took place at a given moment in history.
Creative transformation is a process that is taking place at all times and places but that is particularly manifest in Jesus and in his impact on human history.
For instance, Dave Hunt, author of best - selling books such as The Seduction of Christianity, writes: «The most significant event in almost five hundred years of church history took place March 29, 1994....
Luther, he suggested, did much to shape the leading notions of the 16th century, a time in which the greatest progressive transformation of human history took place.
Examination in the Principles, History, and Method of Science will take place once in each year commencing on the last Monday in May, provided that if the last Monday in May be Whit Monday, the Examination will commence on the last Tuesday in May.
how many times in ancient history did plunder and war take place just becasue they wanted to overcome and avenge each other??
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