Sentences with phrase «take sacred cows»

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As a Jew, he has dared to take on the sacred cow of militaristic Zionism, and has even forcefully criticized such a revered figure as Auschwitz survivor and Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel, charging that Wiesel turns a blind eye to the suffering that Israel, «the homeland for persecuted European Jews and Holocaust survivors,» has inflicted upon the Palestinians.
That independence has allowed him to take on so many of New York's sacred cows: the MTA, unions, the entrenched Democratic machine and the state legislature.
And again, even Duncan admitted as much when he later said that «class size has been a sacred cow and we need to take it on.»
Dean Wesley Smith takes on one of the biggest sacred cows of the writing business — namely, the idea that first drafts are worthless, that a story or a novel is only any good if you've revised and rewritten it...
Nope, but I'm sympathetic to a guy who catches unnecessary shit for taking a critical perspective on widely adored sacred cows.
Presaging Paul McCarthy and Mike Kelley and exerting noticeable influence on artists such as Barry McGee and Ed Templeton, Saul's oeuvre is long overdue for deeper examination and this comprehensive publication provides the first complete overview of his work over the past five decades — from his epic historical canvases to his homage to Thomas Hart Benton, his lampoons of art world sacred cows and works evidencing his particular take on the existential dilemmas of the aging American male.
It seems fitting then, that he should take on some of the sacred cows of the self - important art establishment and give them a little taste of the Larry Rivers treatment.
The root of the problem is two-fold: 1) economic growth is a sacred cow and 2) no serious global discussion is taking place right now on over-population.
His new book, published last month and provocatively titled «Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism,» takes on what Zehner considers the sacred cows of the green movement: solar power, wind power and electric vehicles, among others.
Most of my successful posts have been of this type: taking aim at sacred cows.
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