Sentences with phrase «take test»

But Hyde's team argues that the gap is a statistical illusion, created by the fact that more girls take the test.
And most patients will agree to take a test if urged to do so by a doctor.
Researchers first put participants in a good or bad mood by having them take a test on facial emotion recognition.
For every 10 people who take the test, one will get an incorrect result.
If they take a test with a similar format, they will likely do well.
In one scene, students take a test and submit it to their teacher; one of the students is confident and excited, the other is anxious.
«But I don't think insurers would be seeking to ask people to take the test,» she says.
Compared to White students, Latino students were 45 percent less likely to take the test, Black students were 35 percent less likely, and Asian students were 32 percent more likely.
I usually advise undergrads to take the test early enough that there is time to take it again before applying.
Some have recently completed their training and have not had a chance to take the test, which is offered once a year.
The experiment asked 54 athletes from rural Midwestern high schools to take the test twice, once while giving their best effort and once while subtly sandbagging.
Simply go to the online registration site to obtain a unique web address where your students can sign in and receive instructions on how to take the test.
Although students can take the test at any time, it would be very helpful to have their tests completed before the end of the current school year.
Alice Klein decided to take the test
He invited Thomas Edison, the phonograph's inventor, to take a test drive, as shown in this photograph.
Before and after they experience the false physicality, the volunteers take a test that measures their implicit racial bias.
It let people take a test that describes personality types according to the «Big Five» traits, which include degrees of agreeableness, conscientiousness and extroversion.
We have said if a student is productively working they should be able to take the test and continue it,» explained Elia.
«Common core, he's realizing then one out of every five kids doesn't take the test, that it's an issue,» said Astorino, who says «just renaming it» won't fix the problem.
According to Jeanette Deutermann, founder of Long Island Opt - Out, that's because parents in other areas don't know their children don't have to take the test.
I suggest that we lock Cuomo, Commissioner King, Ms. Tisch and the rest of the Regents in a room and have them take the test (s).
«When they take the test in May, they are not ready,» said Fariña of children who extend their vacation days.
Last April, 100 districts responded to Newsday's survey on the final day of ELA testing, with 43.6 percent of eligible students refusing to take the test.
«Some little old people didn't want to take the test, anyway,» Lawlis reported.
Take the test do the job, you chickenshit.
better yet take the test, try doing are job OR ARE YOU TO AFRAID!!!!
Take this test to find out.
Your teen can also get a customized study plan by entering in a few details such as what test they are taking and when they will take the test.
If you're sensing a pregnancy even before it's time to take a test, this may... Continue Reading →
Wait a week and take another test using first morning pee.
At that time, they can take a test called an 11 - plus.
If you are real concerned take a test just to be sure, few women have said they had period like bleeding during pregnancy.
Wait a few days and then take another test.
So if you decide to take a test earlier than that and get a negative result, try again in a few days.
Then again, on the off chance that you need to take the test early, it is effective enough to discover the pregnancy hormone in the urine up to five prior days you expect your period, compared with other pregnancy kits.
It is also recommended that should you test negative after you have experienced implantation bleeding, then you should wait for at least four days to take the test again.
How did you go from not wanting to take the test at all to wanting to take the FAR more inconvenient version?
Because worse than glossing over detail for you (but providing a clear course of action: take this test where you drink glucola), far worse is talking so far above someone's level of comprehension that they go home not understand what it is they are supposed to do.
If this is the case, and you're not sure when to use the test, begin to monitor your cervical mucus and wait to take the test when you've noticed an increase in this clear, stretchy, egg white - like mucus that is secreted around the time of ovulation.
Take the test yourself, or review parent guidelines, so that you and your teen will have common ground for safety conversations.
There WERE also older installers that didn't think it was fair, and who didn't feel they needed to take a test.
Once you take the test, you'll be eligible to receive a 10 day trial of their best selling product.
Our pregnancy test overview covers key questions such as when you can take a test, how a test works and whether home pregnancy tests are 100 % accurate.
For example did you know the best time to take a test is early in the morning and that drinking a lot of fluid before a test can make it less likely to detect the hCG hormone which indicates your pregnant.
IS THAT INSANE???? I know other women are so eager but I feel like once I take the test my anxiety will go to a debilitating level.
Athletes take the test prior to their seasons under normal conditions and again within 24 - 72 hours after a concussion to see how well they score and if they need to seek further medical evaluation.
If your hospital or doctor is trying to encourage a breastfeeding mom to take this test before then, the results will not be valid.
The Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown is more hygienic than different pregnancy tests kits available in the market, its extensive wick makes it effortless to take the test precisely.
Come take a test drive for just $ 25 to see what we're all about.
A week or two before you're scheduled to head back to work, take a test drive — go in and prepare your workspace, inbox, and task management system so you can hit the ground running.
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