Sentences with phrase «take the right course»

With oil prices rising again, it now has to prove to investors and analysts that it took the right course.
«If we can provide community college students with the proper guidance and mentoring to take the right courses, in the right sequence, they can be competitive at the university level,» says Singh.
I think it is profoundly important that parents keep up not only with the progress of their children in the courses they're taking, but also in whether they're taking the right courses.
Problem 2: Students aren't working hard enough, taking the right courses, or learning enough.
Be sure your child is taking the right courses in middle school to prepare for high school and college.
You just need to take the right course.
Your search for jobs as a business analyst, just like with any job - hunt, can be made easier by taking the right course of action.
Meeting these goals is possible if you take the right courses.

Not exact matches

Right now, the full program costs $ 716.40, or $ 179.10 per course, a significant discount from traditional grad school marketing programs, which can cost at least $ 1,000 per credit taken.
By taking this down time to really reflect on the course of your work and life, you can ensure that when you're back up to full speed you're actually running in the right direction.
The Landing Page Conversion Course takes you from «Landing Page 101» right on down to «Copywriting» and even «Testing and Optimization.»
Over the course of 2016, Cowin's stake in Domino's Australia (he invested in a local pizza parlour that eventually took over the brand's franchise rights) doubled in value.
«Sales still has to take the swing,» he says, «but it can set you up on the right course
At CodeAcademy, you can dive right in and take courses that teach you everything from HTML & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python and Ruby.
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If you want to dig even deeper into why it pays to diversify than take a moment to take our brief Slicing up the Stock and Bond Pie Mini Course found in the right hand column.
Take an online course or two so you can learn from the professionals and do it right.
My objections would have more to do with the lengths some might go to cut their taxes under such a system; selling stocks in droves right before tax season, giving gifts out to family and friends (perhaps with the intent to take them back after the tax man leaves), and of course, owning more assets outside of America.
So even if we can plausibly imagine that a slightly better Morsi and a slightly more disciplined opposition might have existed and could have made better choices over the course of the last year, and thus allowed the fragile shoot of democratic compromise to take hold, these choices weren't made, and so the chasm between the liberals and the faithful, and the dependence of the former upon the army, are now simply the facts of Egyptian situation, the ones that one must now work from, right?
Of course, the government has taken on this human responsibility because the churches — filled with the Christian Right — have failed abysmally in following Christ's exhortations regarding taking care of the needy.
I may be Catholic, but I'm not a maniac about it, runs their unofficial subtext — meaning: I'm happy to take credit for enlightened Catholic positions on the death penalty / social justice / civil rights, but of course I don't believe in those archaic teachings about divorce / homosexuality / and above all birth control.
Of course, the powerful and politically connected are the ones undermining rule of law, but challenging them takes courage, which rights lawyers often derive from their faith.
Of course the sequencing is not quite right, because the poem was written / inspired (take your pick) before science did its work.But the intuitive observer could see a clear evolution form plants to animals to human life, with continuities and differentiations.
Science takes credit for trying to interpret what God has created (yet of course there theories are always wrong or never proven, even after proven, often changed when found out to be false (because scientists are wrong all the time and think they are right)
Of course many Christians are republicans but they are not only for the rich, not only for the greedy, only for war, only for taking away rights and only for hateful behavior.
apparently you don't take the Word (logos) very seriously, however your definitely on the right course in Daniel and creation mathematics might give you a better clue here the 70 weeks are matched to the ministry, death and martyr of steven to start the church age 7 year long week.
Of course there is no way to measure physically as to which side is right, including the atheist side, and yet you still make your choice because in your POV it is the logical choice to make, wherein my POV there are times that such physical evidence is not available and so a leap of faith needs to be taken.
He was taking the course because he needed one more humanities course for graduation, and it met at the right time.
... At last he broke off his reading with a groan as he discerned the right course and determined to take it.
She must see the dance steps on the floor (in her mind, of course), and see how she is taking two - steps left, and then right, and then a turn... all the signals that the abuse dance is ok, is normal, and needs the partner to continue.
Suppose one person believes that the right course of action to take is that which increases their own power or wealth, and another believes that the right course is that which helps others and advances the common good.
In fact one (of many) miscues in the gospels is when Jesus is claimed to have ordered his apostles to «take up the cross» — the cross would not have had meaning to Jesus when he was living... unless of course... oh right... the cross had been around as a religious symbol for thousands of years... oops.
My listener, before going further, if it seems right to you, we shall look at the course our talk has taken up to this point.
You are, of course, right that this is a consistent theme of Paul's, but there are others who take «sin lists» (none of which actually includes being gay, of course) as somehow trumping this, rather than illustrating what is not beneficial.
Yeah... as the population grows and we continue to make more synthetic products and compounds that take a millenia to break down, if ever... of course, you must be right, man and what we how we are contributing to the Earth in that sense has -0 - effect.
When they ask me to fly for them... well it takes me a long time to meditate to get to the frame of mind to do it right, or i could go terribly off course — you wouldn't want that to happen would you?
News Flash: Right, take a course in Biblical Archaeology but also recognize theory for what it is, theory, not fact.
We have no right to believe, of course, that a magical change will take place at death.
Kill fathers» rights, Kill the knowledge of the Father, and take over, with a little killin» of course.
But, of course, principles alone are not enough to ensure that the development of people takes place along the right lines.
I'll take it anyway I can get it right now, in moderation, of course.
Of course we're so happy to be back home and just unwind and catch up on my favourite things ~ taking it easy, eating in the backyard, grabbing the blanket and just relaxing out on the grass in the park and hitting the nature trails right by my house.
Minestrone Soup is delicious any time of year, of course, but what makes it really nice right about now is that it's cozy and comforting enough for the dreary, drizzly days we've been having... but the veggies can easily be swapped out to take advantage of the spring bounty that's about to -LCB- Read More -RCB-
I am taking a Slow Cooker Savvy course on Craftsy right now taught by a successful cookbook write and cooking teacher specializing in Italian Cooking.
What am I saying, of course you have, you're probably on cloud nine right now hardly taking in a word I'm uttering.
If you have a high - speed blender, you can used spinach or romaine, of course, but you can take it a step further with kale or collards — one leaf per serving is about right.
I lost about 75 lbs over the course of years and your take on maintainance was right on.
Oh and again - this recipe will take you 5 - 10 minutes from fridge to bowl, much less time than it'd take to drive to your store, unless of course the store is right next door.
And, of course, this article wouldn't be complete if I didn't take that grain of salt and stick it right in the wound.
The third big U.S. threat, Linda Meyers, hit a gate high up on the course, took a bad fall, and broke her right collarbone.
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