Sentences with phrase «taken aboard»

Halfbike's compact, lightweight 17 - pound design means that it can be easily taken aboard public transportation, elevators, carried up stairs or stored in smaller spaces that would not fit a conventional bike.
In the second, ma.r.s., Ruff has taken images taken aboard NASA aircrafts which depict close - up forms on planets.
Here are some photos and videos taken aboard Sailaway, luxury Lagoon 500 catamarans based in Port Douglas, Australia.
Here are some photos and videos taken aboard Sailaway, luxury Lagoon 500 catamarans based in Cape Tribulation, Australia.
Pulau Bidong, courtesy of Flickr upload bot 35 Vietnamese refugees wait to be taken aboard the USS BLUE RIDGE, courtesy of DHN Jetty at Pulau Bidong, courtesy of Flickr upload bot
Cinnamon and Gunpowder by Eli Brown Culinary genius takes the high seas when a renowned chef is captured and taken aboard a pirate ship.
But things quickly get worse when they are rescued by another boat and taken aboard a ship.
While railing against government hypocrisy, religious ignorance, and media - reinforced herd mentality, Bill found transcendence through substance use, which nearly destroyed him (when asked why he ultimately quit drugs, he'd respond that «once you've been taken aboard a UFO, it's kind of hard to top that»).
He was rescued by a group of escaping prisoners and taken aboard their ship, a living ship.
For example, by mixing about six metric tons of hydrogen (a surplus of hydrogen could be taken aboard for this reason) with carbon dioxide, a chemical processor could create enough methane and oxygen to propel the vehicle during liftoff and the trip back to Earth.
Only child seats that display no defects and that carry a visible seal of approval awarded by the European Union or an official government agency may be taken aboard.
Only forward facing child seats that display no defects and that carry a visible seal of approval awarded by the European Union or an official government agency may be taken aboard.
It was clear right from the off that the crowd were fully tinselled up, had taken aboard one or two extra pre-matchers, all swallowed down by a festive Crème de Menthe chaser.
It's always nice to see smart young academics move up in the world, and one of them, my friend John Schwenkler, has had his fine blog Upturned Earth taken aboard at AmCon.
In March, the United States imposed the ban on flights originating at 10 airports in eight countries — Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey — to address fears that bombs could be concealed in electronic devices taken aboard aircraft.
This seasonal whale watching tour takes you aboard a 24 - passenger sailing catamaran from Hervey Bay to Platypus Bay at Frasier Island.
The voices of the fans have also been take aboard and the result is that the Safety Car and mechanical failures are now in so you can have an even more realistic experience, or just throw your controller through the window because your ten - second lead just go nullified by some idiot crashing and causing a safety car.
Much of the game takes place in the alternate and simulated city of Steelport (the main city where previous Saints Row games have taken place) but your journey will also take you aboard Zeniak's ship, and other Tron - inspired locales.
The upcoming open - world action game also took aboard actor Mads Mikkelsen as one of its primary antagonists, and while making gaming magic, Mikkelsen and Kojima have formed a strong friendship.

Not exact matches

«The incident that took place aboard Flight 3411 has been a humbling experience, and I take full responsibility.
That same year, Dickinson was brought aboard to helm the conception and rollout of EQ, a process that took 18 months.
She grabbed it with both hands to keep herself aboard, but still took a major deduction similar to a fall.
During the past two decades, Maitland, now 71, who generally takes four or five vacations a year, has flown in a hot - air balloon over the Swiss Alps, ridden a camel by the Great Pyramid in Egypt, seen India from atop an elephant, and taken in Bangladesh while floating down the Ganges aboard a barge.
She was trying to take a sabbatical when he lured her aboard.
Under more dire circumstances, I was a passenger aboard a several aircraft in Iraq that took fire, including an Air National Guard C - 130 that was damaged badly enough to get the heck out of Baghdad and fly directly to Kuwait in 2007.
A manager then came aboard the plane, using a computer to select four people to be taken off the flight.
One clear example of this would be the person on their way to the airport for an overseas vacation who gets caught in a traffic accident and ends up instead in the hospital with a broken leg, only to find out that the plane they would have taken crashes and everyone aboard is killed.
Now, they say, we have had another media revolution — television has taken over as the primary communication locus in society — and once again the church must come aboard and reinterpret the tradition of the Christian religion, this time in television, the medium of the age.
Noah took two of «each kind» of animal into the ark, so there were dinosaurs aboard.
That evening, the students climbed aboard a flatbed trailer loaded with bales of hay and took a hayride out the middle of the desert.
«We are sure he will wow guests and take the experience aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train to new heights.»
He takes the ride aboard Shutthefrontdoor, who is likely to go off one of the shortest priced favourites in recent Grand National history.
In Week 13, the public jumped back aboard the Tebow Train and, after yet another victory, has returned to the well as 75 % of spread bets are taking Denver for their Week 14 matchup with Chicago.
Geoff Collins, former Mississippi State coordinator, takes over the D. Former Miami head coach Randy Shannon is aboard as associate head coach and linebackers coach.
The same day Never Say Die took the St. Leger, the Del Mar Futurity was won by Blue Ruler, another of his progeny, with Willie Shoemaker aboard.
The two Pan-Am teams promptly eliminated all the others, met each other in a lively exhibition (Blue won 5 - 4) and left together for Milan aboard an Alitalia jet to take on the world.
When Skipper Snaith comes back to port after a casual day's sail aboard Figaro, counting from the time the spring lines are set, it often takes him half an hour to travel the 100 yards from his boat to his automobile.
For some, it's the dread Slattery's bus, though the visitor ends up taking what Ryan clearly considers the wimp's way to Cheltenham — out of Dublin Airport aboard a 757 that is filled with seemingly - serious, respectably - suited men in their 50's heading for business appointments.
The public has also jumped aboard the Cleveland caboose, with the majority of the tickets taking the Browns (see chart below).
«All aboard the Sam Darnold train,» is the closest he gets to telling us EXACTLY who is being taken with the second pick.
To those who claim he looks like a man struggling to stay aboard, he says, «Looking good on a horse would take away my most important asset, which is to hustle.
Ninety seconds later, after clipping trees off of Twickingham Drive, the plane crashed, taking the lives of the 29 people who were aboard.
Hungarian athletes get ready to leave New York aboard Greyhound Scenic Cruiser for six - week exhibition tour of the U.S. which will take them as far as the West Coast.
June takes her to the bus stop and waits until she is safely aboard the school bus.
As part of the media outreach for the movie Mommy Niri was invited to take flight aboard «Up» character Carl Fredricksen's armchair.
You can just strap them into the seat using that padded 5 - point harness and get them to the parking lot as fast as you can where you can safely re-strap her / him into the car seat and close the door of the car while taking a deep breath and prepare yourself for a fun ride home with a screaming child aboard.
If you fear turning into one of those families we've all met aboard planes — those with squalling, unruly, squirming children who tend to bring out the same traits in their fellow passengers — take heart.
Grandma takes the stroller aboard busses and into cramped NYC restaurants where it folds up out of the way.
I did not want to be without our favorite stuff aboard the plane and in the airport but I really didn't want to take the stuff out of the safe bottles / jar and try to put it in travel containers.
The challenge may be that these are bigger than a standard umbrella stroller and take up more space when folded (especially the double stroller models) when trying to hop aboard Disney transportation.
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