Sentences with phrase «taken in the direction»

Make sure those two facts are taking you in a direction you want to go.»
Ideally, trades are only taken in the direction of the longer - term trend.
Unlocking value trapped in dead coins, adding value through the integration and amalgamation of dead coin communities under the CoinJanitor umbrella to create a network effect, and allowing people to transfer that value openly into cryptocurrency markets will be the first step we take in that direction.
«They grabbed my arm and dragged me one way, and they took him in another direction,» Hughes said.
why does so much of the quest which so many say they are on, take them in directions other than the Word?
i know this may take it in another direction, but as a christian when and by whom did the sabbath become just a jewish day of rest?
Some steps churches can take in this direction include stocking libraries with books on the subject and making available an up - to - date directory of medical, legal and welfare services to which people can be referred.
It may be taken in the direction of the fundamentalist who believes he must accept what the Bible says, regardless of the consequences.
But the second step may be taken in another direction, one more appropriate to the kind of Bible we have been talking about.
This recipe is typically done with pudding, but you really can take it in an direction you would like.
HS: Thanks Emilie - how about mashing up some ginger - taking it in that direction instead.
We didn't have a destination in mind, but our feet took us in the direction of Powell's Bookstore, which is where we inevitably ended up.
In case you will read that, I say and always said I would not mind if we were not doing well if all the steps were taken in this direction as no one has a God given right to succes.
Life has taken me in the direction of being a stay at home / work at home dad.
But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path and as such I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction.
My early career took me in the direction of Medical Technology and Biochemistry.
One step the authors have taken in this direction is setting up an online petition for other young scientists and research organizations to comment on and endorse the declaration.
Don't be surprised if what you discover takes you in a direction you hadn't anticipated.
The committee recognizes and approves of the steps that the NSF has already taken in this direction.
I have a feeling it might take you in the direction you want to go.
I started it just before I left, but never really took it in the direction I wanted to.
Take this in any direction you would like — write a guest post for them, share their posts on your Pinterest boards, etc etc..
In those moments that the plot guides us, it takes us in some directions familiar, some directions frightening, and some directions fun.
I went through a glass window, life took me in another direction and I went to college and started acting.
But for all the steps Ragnarok takes in the direction of Infinity War, there's also one major curveball: Thor's eye, which he seemingly loses for good while doing battle with Hela.
Of course, life and work took him in another direction.
Exams like the SBA do not take us in that direction.
This lead some to believe that Buick could be doing a Regal wagon, but we took it in another direction by saying it could be a light off - road variant of the wagon.
At the end after everything was over and they were married, I noticed that the author took it in the direction that they could not stop touching each other.
At Clazwork, a customer is a pivot and each step is taken in the direction to proffer the best in the most easy - on - the - pocket price.
BUT, it could also mean that as an indie publisher / author — you need more room in your storage; your work has taken you in another direction and you just want to clear out some of your inventory to make room for more; or it even could be that you have totally re-purposed the book and you want to clean house to get ready for the new baby.
Scanning options activity can be a good way to spot potentially interesting market action — even if the data takes you in a direction you didn't initially suspect.
Even scalpers understand that their trades have a higher probability of success if they are taken in the direction of the trend.
For example, if you're training your cat to enter his carrier, at first you'll reward for any steps he takes in that direction, then for walking right up to the carrier, then for entering it.
Unsung Story was the creation of Playdek with input from Final Fantasy Tactics creator Yasumi Matsuno, and had a successful Kickstarter in 2014 - but Playdek it seems never really knew what to do with the project, took it in directions different from the project described in the Kickstarter, and eventually put it on hiatus in 2016.
I would love for them to take it in another direction, but I'm sure they wouldn't do that.
At that point they will take one step towards you for every step you take in any direction.
Why you should play: It has just enough of the Zelda setup to be familiar to players, but then takes it in a direction that reminds you about Nintendo's tendency to make games like Chibi - Robo!
Either way, the Metal Gear franchise being taken in this direction is kind of funny to see.
Taken in contrast to the other tech - focused exhibitions, keynotes and lectures here at OpenWorld makes it even more meaningful: just imagine if «green» was a consideration in everything the wall is taking us in that direction.
You responded to me defending myself against personal insults stemming from people acting as though I was defending Alex Hayworth's points, saying, «You chose to take it in the direction of quibbling over semantics.»
In recent weeks, my research has taken me in the direction of medical science.
Personally, I think that we could do a lot better job of teaching elements of the scientific method to the public, and that explicitly rejecting uses of Argument from Authority would be a good step to take in that direction.
9:55 Jim Lakely, the communications director of Heartland, promises, «If the science ever takes us in another direction, we will be the first to go there.»
Although limited steps have been taken in this direction, much remains to be done.
Since then, various initiatives have been taken in this direction.
The people in Bucket 1 are clearly telling us that any effort we take in their direction will fall on deaf ears.
I think when we looked at, at that point we had to sort of say, can we retain the values and the cultures and the reasons we started it and what we appreciated and still get big or get bigger and the risk that was involved from that standpoint and from just a financial standpoint and having to make that, it to me pushed us out of our comfort zone and sort of took us in a direction that we weren't, I don't want to say prepared for, but we weren't necessarily looking for and sort of midway through the drive to have to say, «Hey there's this whole other road trip over there, you want to go on that while you're driving?»
I'm interested to know more about if and how this is happening already in Canadian law schools and whether any steps are being taken in this direction to better prepare students for the future of legal practice in a world where at least some of the walls between disciplines are surely coming down.
You might even take it in another direction and become a docent for the local museum or historical society, some of which pay a small stipend.
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