Sentences with phrase «takes object recognition»

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Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory believe that household robots should take advantage of their mobility and their relatively static environments to make object recognition easier, by imaging objects from multiple perspectives before making judgments about their identity.
Although the area that will become the VWFA does not respond preferentially to letters at age 5, Saygin says it is likely that the region is involved in some kind of high - level object recognition before it gets taken over for word recognition as a child learns to read.
Sorting out the tangle of physical senses and psychological expectations in species recognition will be the work of decades, but Kaplan and Miklósi made a start by looking at what it took for their test dogs to make a few basic distinctions: Is this object alive?
The diagnostic criteria of specific phobia include a marked and persistent fear of the specific object or situation that is excessive or unreasonable, an immediate anxiety response upon exposure to the feared stimulus, which may take the form of a panic attack, recognition that the fear is excessive or unreasonable, avoidance of the anxiety - producing situation, the phobia interferes with normal functioning or causes marked distress.
It aimed to take on Google Assistant as the company's new AI system, offering object recognition in the camera and aggregating news and important information into a central hub on the home screen.
The Photos apps now gets Places so you can see where they were taken, but Apple says it is also adding Advanced Photo recognition to Photos so it can spot faces as well as object and scene recognition.
Without any hustle - bustle Snapchat launched its new feature, it is the object recognition filter that will recognize the picture you are taking and will suggest the most relevant borders and stickers.
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