Sentences with phrase «takes picking»

It takes picking things up and seeing how they've been styled to get the gift juices flowing.
In a moment of hubris or weakness or lunacy — take your pick — I decided to prove those theories were right.
Take your pick: a Pillsbury Pizza Pop or a gourmet calzone?
Spring breakers can take their pick between classy and trashy, as the Strip offers everything from topless pools to quiet infinity pools, from packed, fist - pumping nightclubs to bottle service - only lounges.
To «gussy» oneself up, Cleveland, proprietor of the excellent Finishing School blog, advises gents to consider a nice pocket square or a pair of great cufflinks, while ladies can take their pick of jewelry.
«Take your pick, but recognize that if the morning doesn't know what the afternoon's doing and the closing bell doesn't look like it either, we've got a ton of work to do around these levels until we find some much - needed stability,» Cramer added.
The idea was to demonstrate that other polls showing Republican popularity tanking were wrong (or manifestations of the Liberal Media, take your pick).
or take your pick of mild health nuisances.
Take your pick — $ 52, $ 75, $ 82.50 or $ 100 a barrel?
Freud, Darwin, Plato — take your pick.
Granted, one might question the skills of some highly paid CEOs (whose companies perform terribly), but the same could be said of some highly paid hockey players (who individually perform poorly - I'm a leafs fan, take your pick)
Take your pick of disasters: Enron, Long - Term Capital Management, Barings Bank, Orange County, Dirk the Day Trader whose wife just found out they've lost the house - name the financial disaster, and you'll find people trying to hide an overleveraged, mismatched portfolio from the scrutiny of others.
But you can swing private lifeguarding as a seasonal business if you live in a cold climate, as long as you're supplementing this service with another stream of income — just take your pick from any of the other 40 small business ideas on this list.
Take your pick, just don't over simplify the discussion by missing the point entirely.
It's long been a conceit of the Left that conservatives are dumb, and if not dumb, then deranged, or paranoid, or racist, or self - interested — take your pick.
Tichels, head wraps, caps, shawls, mantillas, hats, snoods: take your pick.
Take your pick of which incomprehensible account is true..
Verses 15 - 21; take your pick.
Take your pick, it's probably right.
He was either married, gay, a pedophile, or he liked Rosy Palm and her five fingers... take your pick.
Take your pick of the topic at hand.
Anyway, take your pick, they're all myths that some adults still take seriously.
Of course the sequencing is not quite right, because the poem was written / inspired (take your pick) before science did its work.But the intuitive observer could see a clear evolution form plants to animals to human life, with continuities and differentiations.
Russ — Simply google «contradictions in the Bibe» and take you pick of the results.
Take your pick, but based on the Bible, I have to go with option 3.
You don't have a tick box for religion when you go for an abortion and if you did you could take your pick.
So take your pick, eternal God creates universe, earlier universe creates current universe.
There is a very long list of «gods»; some uncannily similar to «Jesus» btw, take your pick.
We have the Gospel according to Crossan and the Gospel according to Mark» take your pick.
Take your pick, the list goes on.
These are not nine desirables from which we can take our pick.
She's either a charlatan trying to make money off this nonsense or she's certifiably insane, take your pick.
Atheist means, self centered, secular, Jew, King and a pig, take you pick, they all represent nothing else but hinduism, denial of truth absolute, one hind, stink, many labels.For more visit and click on word Choice to open file.
Take yer pick, Brun - boy.
Take your pick, or pick your nose.
So take your pick.
Really??? Give me a break... I believe that some pastors become involved in politics because they truly believe that one party (take your pick) is more righteous than another.
Instead, I decided to point out that some are using the blessed or worrying event — take your pick — to promote an explicit anti humanism.
Industrialists could take their pick.
2) What the hell (or heaven, take your pick) does this particular screed have to do with the National Day of Prayer.
Take your pick: a reasoned, reasonable morality, or Christianity.
Christian theology is not, as it sometimes appears in seminaries, a matter of paying your money and taking your pick.
Take your pick, and tell us when the (poof) «soul» pops in.
Perhaps the finest set of comments on contemporary events through juxtaposition is the temple scene: «Roll on up — for my price is down / Come on in — for the best in town / Take your pick of the finest wine / Lay your bets on this bird of mine.»
I'd really rather you didn't build multi million - dollar synagogues / churches / temples / mosques / shrines to my noodly goodness when the money could be better spent (take your pick): Ending poverty Curing diseases Living in peace, loving with passion, and lowering the cost of cable I might be a complex - carbohydrate omniscient being, but I enjoy the simple things in life.
So if food trucks are more your thing, you can take your pick.
1/2 cup good unrefined sweetener — I used molasses sugar last weekend for a nutrient rich sweetener and yesterday used a combo of that or maple but you can take your pick.
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