Sentences with phrase «takes skeptical look»

The latest book by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and legal writing guru Bryan Garner takes a skeptical look at judicial decisionmaking, criticizing judges who stray from the text in interpreting statutes and constitutional provisions.
White takes a skeptical look at the potential for such an existence in his chapter on «regional» art scenes: «Milwaukee as Model.»
In the New York Times, Natasha Singer takes a skeptical look at the involvement of tech entrepreneurs in school reform efforts.
Though the US industrial sector is down 2.3 percent in the past month, Jim Cramer is recommending that investors take a skeptical look at the foreign industrial sector as well.
Along the way, they take a skeptical look at some of the much - hyped claims about online politics, including that it has transformed fundraising, advertising and organizing, that it both «balkanizes» politics and brings new voters into the political process, and that YouTube is the new killer political application.
The New York Times took a skeptical look at the power couple's plans in «Young, Rich and Relocating Yet Again in Hunt for Political Office.»
The hosts take a skeptical look at stress and the modern attitude toward «curing» what was once considered a normal part of everyday life.
Penn and Teller take a skeptical look at New Age medicine and its outrageous, unsupported claims of healing despite a heap of evidence that it doesn't work.
I do not take for granted that a new Justice will be as prepared as Justice Stevens was to take a skeptical look at the exercise of government power in criminal cases.

Not exact matches

Skeptical lawmakers will take another look today Cuomo's plan to invest billions of dollars of ratepayer money into aging nuclear power plants.
If you are skeptical, just take a look at the programs some universities have tailored to deliver the knowledge that is needed to break into cosmetics science.
In this wide - ranging, humorous talk, Seth Shostak takes a look at Star Wars and other science fiction films from the point of view of a skeptical scientist, tells stories about the movies he has been asked to advise, and muses about aliens from space and how we might make contact with them.
I stumbled upon this faux fur coat online and was originally skeptical ---- it looked too good to be true for the price, but I decided to take the chance and order it anyways.
Space is too short to highlight every noteworthy feature, but here are a few that have stood time's test: E. D. Hirsch's placement of progressive education within the Romantic tradition (first issue), Joel Best's skeptical view of school violence (2002), Michael Podgursky's discovery of the well - paid teacher (2003), Bruno Manno's and Bryan Hassel's takes on the charter movement (2003), Brian Jacob and Steve Levitt's technique for catching teachers who cheat (2004), Barry Garelick's jeremiad against progressive math (2005), Frederick Hess and Martin West's exposé of school «strike phobia» (2006), Roland Fryer's identification of «acting white» (2006), Clay Christiansen and Michael Horn's vision for virtual learning (2008), and Milton Gaither's authoritative look at home schooling (2009).
Both sides use economic theory to try and predict the various benefits, and frankly, I tend to look at all economic predictions with a very skeptical eye because it is almost always blinded by political or self interest, or tries to argue «pure» economics that looks real good on paper, but doesn't take into account that humans rarely act completely in their actual best interest since emotions, ignorance, etc all get in the way.
I would like to see hundreds of personal finance blogs begin taking an independent look at what works in investing, to become a bit more skeptical of the claims of The Stock Selling Industry and to become open to the idea of looking at the historical stock - return data to see what has always worked in the past and what has never worked in the past.
When I first spotted the game in the Nintendo Press Conference, I was a little skeptical that Kirby's newest outing have the cahones to take on the expectations of the hardcore fans, as it looked to appeal to a younger audience with the new art direction.
Taking it from the other end, I haven't seen (in some desultory looking about) any quantitative estimates as to carbon uptake in a Savory - style scheme that I could compare to the target number, but absent any actual estimates, I'm feeling pretty darn skeptical about the TED talk claims made.
R. Gates, the skeptical warmist: The additional benefit of the pause is a point I've brought up a few times lately — it is making everyone really take a look at both the natural variabililty that could have lead to the pause, but also the real contribution of natural variability to the warming of the the last quarter of the 20th Century.
If we take the Politicians, Oil, Coal & Chemical companies out of the picture for a moment and just look at the people that they designed their Skeptical Anti-man induced Global Warming spins for... you clearly see a huge group of hateful and stupid people who don't care what the issue is about, as long as it deviates from what they consider a Liberal view... they're happy.
Muller decides to take an open - minded and skeptical look at the evidence, and decides to change his mind.
The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is a collaboration between Skeptical Science and The University of Queensland, that takes a interdisciplinary look at climate science denial.
Skeptical Science also notes that the graph on page 33 of the SPPI document has taken a sea level graph from the University of Colorado at Boulder which shows a 3.2 millimeter per year sea level rise trend, and literally rotated to make the trend look flat.
Hopefully, it will move a few skeptical hearts to take another look a climatological reality — and maybe even get Ed Greisch to consider whether the literary essay might not have some redeeming value after all.
Mann and colleagues were «a bit skeptical» that the evidence would really support this extension, but «decided it was worth taking a closer look
I still get the skeptical looks when I say we can take a legal service delivery process that currently extends over four weeks and cut it back to a day.
With Bitcoin being a front runner and financial news, is making those who have been skeptical, those who had not known, and those who have been dragging their feet and sitting on the fence take a better look at both Bitcoin and by proxy, all other cryptocurrencies.
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