Sentences with phrase «taking adolescent dogs»

Amy Boyd, a canine behavior counselor at the Humane Society and SPCA of Austin, TX, oversees a team of volunteers who spend their time playing with puppies or taking adolescent dogs to obedience classes, while others pursue more advanced training and learn how to evaluate temperaments, match adopters with a suitable dog and even counsel owners on behavior problems.

Not exact matches

At about 10 months to 18 months, depending on the dog and the program, the adolescent dogs are returned to the program facility and enter a rigorous daily training program that takes up between 3 to 5 hours each day.
What To Do If Timidity Has Already Taken Hold: While preventive steps are best, should your puppy or adolescent dog already show signs of timidity, he should be gradually introduced to many new and unfamiliar people, until your puppy develops more confidence and trust.
Moreover, young adolescents quickly learn that bother from older dogs may be largely prevented by taking the initiative and demonstrating active appeasement before they are harassed.
Although it's perfectly possible to leash train a dog who's adolescent or adult, but it takes a lot more strength, energy and patience....
O'Neil then takes the next step, one that makes this book eminently valuable to anyone looking for an adolescent or adult dog — she gives readers clues on how to find the perfect match among adult dogs just as Michele Lowell, Chris Walkowicz, and others do for people choosing a breed and a puppy.
This either is a result of people becoming too absorbed in their own lives, so they lose interest in their dogs, or their adolescent dog starts snarling and barking at strangers and other animals, so the owners get embarrassed and stop taking their dogs places.
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