Sentences with phrase «taking everything on»

Other topics addressed included monomaniacal focus, which occurs when your team is properly split into areas of focus so that your agents aren't taking everything on themselves.
You don't have to fix everything in the second draft, so don't worry about taking everything on in one fell swoop.
Taking everything on board.
So it's perfectly reasonable to ask detailed questions about a resume and to take everything on it with at least a grain of salt.
The problem I see over and over is that entrepreneurs are so smart we think we can take everything on.
«It is degrading to an American to take everything on trust, and even the young farmer and tradesman should scorn to surrender their right of judging either to lawyers or priests.»
The Bristol City manager praised the Chelsea striker's desire to learn, saying, «He is like a sponge, he wants to take everything on board.
And since strongman training takes everything on a whole new level, it also has a great effect on the rate of fat burning, due to its ability to boost the metabolism and result in a large accumulation of lactate in the body.
I am a proponent of supplements, in moderation: there is absolutely no need to take everything on the market!
Demystified is good, but even there, you need to not take everything on blind faith.
To her credit she took everything on board and ended up with this drawing and watercolour painting...
My understanding is that the hacker took everything on the server he gained access to - ie the whole email database back to the mid-1990s.
An effective people manager won't try to take everything on at once.
So I pulled out my iPad when I got home and did what he said to do: take everything on your mind and write it down in a way that makes sense to you.
If you take everything on yourself, chances are your work in key areas will suffer.
The managers who have the most difficulty handling their time are those who try to take everything on themselves, contends Mike James, senior vice president of Coldwell Banker Bay Area in San Ramon, Calif..
But trying to take everything on by yourself can be a huge time waster, not to mention the effect it has on your wellbeing!
I usually just pile stuff on the stairs and then the kids (6 and 4) take everything on the stairs up to the playroom.

Not exact matches

As a college student, Kaling illustrated a daily comic for the school paper called «Badly Drawn Girl,» which «riffed on day - to - day campus life and took a witty stab at everything from fraternity life to alumni.»
I take a few calming breaths and focus on the task at hand and not everything that needs to be done.
In August, Moore made a similar argument on mass shootings in the US, claiming America «asked for it,» because it has «taken God out of everything
It takes huge amount of discipline to follow through on everything, but once you build a cadence, it becomes natural.
Coupons at Amazon, in free bonus gift cards or whatever shape they may take, feel a lot like everything in life going on sale.
Stanford says Morneau and the Bank of Canada should use the mandate review to «put everything on the table,» and take a hard look at adopting a completely different target, such as job creation or «sustainable growth» instead of inflation.
«And he writes everything down and he will make sure he takes action on it.»
Pressure is mounting on boards to take a firmer grasp of everything from strategy to compensation.
I started yelling at the contestant, because I felt this person didn't need us and was taking away an opportunity from some struggling mother who mortgaged everything after working on her company for eight years.
According to Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Sarkozy is at a crossroads, and «everything indicates that he will follow the path of renouncement and confirm the unwritten rule of his predecessors, who took the Elysée with promises of revolution but preserved their hold on it with the «marche tranquille.
It's easy to carry on as if everything is fine, in the interests of positivity — and that can blind you to the tactics that you might need to take to avoid failure.
Paul Vaughan - France, owner of the farm, told The Times: «I will take the images as good feedback and will do everything I can to work on every aspect of my husbandry.
Take the advice of your mentors and fit it into your life as you see fit, but everything you do should have your own spin on it.
«We're taking on the expense of producing everything, and they're getting us wide exposure.»
«What I see with a lot of founders is that they'll take on $ 6 million before they have everything figured out.
We were fortunate and privileged to fund it by ourselves, so we took the decision from the beginning to control everything - the fate of the business, how we hire, how we fire, and so on, and we didn't want anyone interfering with that.
If the owner dies, creditors are likely to take everything, and the owner's family will be left without the income or assets of the business to rely on.
When customers call, a staffer takes the order on a Greenie, noting everything from organism (there are 50) to destination.
If everything goes according to plan, Zappos will take over the old city hall — a slightly loopy paean to 1960s Modernism with a circular courtyard and an 11 - story tower that for some reason has no windows on one side — at the end of 2013.
I've been approached on numerous occasions, but everything takes time.
In a 2013 CNN interview with Piers Morgan, Buffett shared his take on everything from politics to parenting to technology.
The platform players want to see companies take wing, because they impose a tax on everything those companies do.
If you're so busy working hard and taking life seriously, you're probably missing out on everything else.
And when you take measures to set yourself up for an effective delegation process, you're not only giving yourself time to focus on your most vital business activities, but you're alleviating some of the pressure of always doing everything yourself.
We love his provocative take on everything from satire to Wilt Chamberlain.»
If you're in a control tower and you're talking to the airplanes that are taking off, you also have to coordinate with another controller controlling the airplanes that are on the ground, and you have to interface with computers that are keeping track of everything that's going on.
This was a great way to take everything we had on MochiGames and put it in a great package.
They don't worry so much about square corners, neat piles and getting everything done exactly on time and to a T — they're focused on paying attention to what's most important for the business in the moment and that always taking precedence even if other tasks get left undone.
You can also find new names to love for everything from turkey jerky to eco-friendly laundry detergent pods to almond flour crackers (a personal diehard favorite after taking a chance on the brand via ThriveMarket, a healthy eating discount store).
Apple hasn't been shy about taking on President Donald Trump on everything from the environment to immigration.
Famous for serving shots that feature scorpions, Nacho Daddy also offers meatless and dairy - free takes on everything from chicken nachos to queso — a rare find on the Vegas Strip.
If you treat fulltime employees well, they might go above and beyond for you, taking on extra responsibilities and working extra hard to make sure everything they produce is of the highest quality.
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