Sentences with phrase «taking human error»

Last year I discussed how governments could and should put personal injury lawyers such as me out of business by taking human error out of the driving equation and embracing self - driving vehicles.
These technological advances are intended to keep our roads safer by taking human error and negligence out of the equation.
This is because self - driving cars take human error out of the transportation space, which is likely to lead to...

Not exact matches

Rather than expose miners to the risk of a human error - induced accident involving a multi-ton vehicle, Clearpath takes the driving out of human hands.
Automation decreases human error and the time certain tasks take to perform.
If a Bible verse (or discovery) is detrimental to the cause, it is either: taken out of context; is allegorical or metaphorical; refers to another verse somewhere else; is an ancient cultural anomaly; is a translation or copyist's error; means something other than what it actually says; is a mystery of god or not discernible by humans; or is just plain magic.
If a Bible verse is detrimental to the cause, it is either; (i) taken out of context; (ii) symbolic, allegorical or otherwise means something other than it says; (iii) referring to another verse somewhere else that rectifies the error; (iv) a translation or copyist's error; (v) a mystery of God not discernible by we mere humans; or (vi) just plain magic.
Contraception is the promise of child - free sex, and when something goes wrong and a child is conceived ¯ due either to the technical failure rate of contraception or to the possibility of human error in anything we humans undertake ¯ abortion takes that child - free promissory note to the bank.
If a bible verse is detrimental to the cause, it is either: taken out of context; is allegorical; refers to another verse somewhere else; is a translation error; means something other than what it actually says; Is a mystery of god or not discernable by humans; or is just magic.
If a bible verse is detrimental to the cause, it is either: taken out of context; is allegorical; refers to another verse somewhere else; is an ancient cultural anomaly; is a translation or copyist's error; means something other than what it actually says; Is a mystery of god or not discernible by humans; or is just plain magic.)
If a bible verse is detrimental to the cause, it is either: taken out of context; is allegorical; refers to another verse somewhere else; is a translation or copyist's error; means something other than what it actually says; Is a mystery of god or not discernable by humans; or is just plain magic.
Because we love the guy, but he was taken out by the errors that we humans are so often capable of falling in to..
If a bible verse is detrimental to the cause, it is either: taken out of context; is allegorical; refers to another verse somewhere else; is a translation or copyist's error; means something other than what it actually says; Is a mystery of god or not discernible by humans; or is just plain magic.»
In the first seminar, devoted to Dostoevsky's «The Grand Inquisitor» (from The Brothers Karamazov), participants will take up the Inquisitor's claim that human freedom was a divine error and that human happiness requires that the burden of freedom be transferred to the few.
I'd agree, but add that it takes faith and humility, and the resulting spiritual experience, to understand not only scripture and theology but also all the human errors that have been made in presenting them.
- If a bible verse is detrimental to the cause, it is either: taken out of context; is allegorical; refers to another verse somewhere else; is a translation or copyist's error; means something other than what it actually says; is a mystery of god or not discernible by humans; or is just plain magic.
Options for Sexual Health states that the pill is 99.7 % effective when used properly, and even with some human error taken into consideration it should still be around 92 % effective.
I take full responsibility for correcting similar human errors.
«You try to get enough signatures because human error takes over in over in some incidents,» he said.
Taking the dictionary definition, blunder is «a gross mistake; an error due to stupidity and carelessness», and the authors are at pains to point out the distinction between blunders that are primarily behavioural or human in character and those that are more institutional, systemic or cultural.
«It's taken years of trial and error, making educated guesses and taking baby steps to finally produce functioning human muscle from pluripotent stem cells,» said Lingjun Rao, a postdoctoral researcher in Bursac's laboratory and first author of the study.
I'm assuming that every model and every human brain is just so prone to error, that that is the primary human condition we need to take account of.
The printer enables Atala to scale up the technology, eliminating the time it takes to create new organs by hand and the possibility of human error.
As the book's title suggests, the best model for parents and teachers — honed over millennia of human evolution and trial and error — is not the carpenter who works diligently from an established blueprint, but the patient gardener who provides a safe space to let nature take its course, and then gets out of the way.
«Would we have spotted occasional human error, if you take it in the context of the annual cycle of assessment that's year on year for the whole cohort?
These questions take more time and money to grade, and are more prone to human error while grading, but there are pluses.
Thankfully, investment firms have addressed this issue with something that takes uncertainty and human error out of the equation.
Finding the right habitat — whether it is for a human or an animal — can take a little trial and error.
The ships foundered due to human error, bad weather, lack of local knowledge and as shipping lines vied for the lucrative migrant market — lives were undoubtedly lost due to companies taking cost - cutting measures.
The raw and flawed, artless, aesthetic of Prouvost's visuals echo the motto of Prouvost & Sons Ltd., which is, «we promote imperfection» and bring to mind a statement by the critic and commentator, Pavel Buchler in his book «Ghost Stories» where he writes, «to produce a blurred photograph has come to be seen as the exclusive right of the professional, even a sure sign of the professional mandate, whereas the same blurred image taken by the lay photographer implies a «human error».»
Rachel Maclean's music for the Glasgow based band Errors, which she made whilst in - residence at Wysing early in 2015, takes us into the mind of an apparently alien species who stumbles upon a world of lost humans.
But it just takes one for us to have a wake - up call and recognize that claims that fail - safe procedures were in place, or that blowout preventers would function properly, or that valves would switch on and shut things off, that — whether it's because of human error, because of the technology was faulty, because when you're operating at these depths you can't anticipate exactly what happens — those assumptions proved to be incorrect.
Measuring the distance apart and speed of 2 satellites in space orbiting the earth to the width of a human hair with no margin for error [damn those drift recalculations], and taking into account unknown factors with respect to the true values for water depth, water weight at different salt concentrations, ice depth magma flows, volcanic activity etc [ie making a lot of guesses], plus taking human motivation on board [like CO2 increase must melt ice surely] can give you an accurate measurement of the volume ice in Antarctica.
this has evolved into major research ------ as in many people have their fingers into the pie ---- a huge pie ---- billions ---- and all of these will be out of work if the truth was to come out ---- many are blind to the truth and do not want to hear it ------ for it will mean they are out of a job ------ Note the Climate change people do not want to use Satellite data ------ it is not corrected ---- but want to use the ground based monitors ---- which are corrected for location caused errors ---- by humans ------ with their lively hood at risk this adjusted Data is then feed to other researches ---- who take this data as fact --------
Unfortunately for everyone concerned with climate change, regardless of individual views about the degree to which it is prompted by human conduct or a result of natural variation, it only takes a small number of high profile errors or examples of malpractice to undermine everyone's trust: a crucial point when billions, perhaps trillions, of pounds and dollars could be spent erroneously.
Its developers say that it dramatically reduces the amount of time it takes for lawyers to review a patent application and eliminates human error.
In some cases, I'm still forced to leave calls with a human, my least favored technique, since it takes too long to spell out my name and just increases the likelihood for error.
The investigation had produced more than 30 million documents, including emails, spreadsheets and other materials, that had to be reviewed and sorted into privileged and non-privileged information, a task that would take a team of junior lawyers months to complete and potentially be prone to human error and inconsistencies.
Your pain and suffering is the result of human error, so it is easy to feel like you have been taken advantage of in a vulnerable state.
In determining whether a product is defective, a manufacturer is required to take into account expected human error and act reasonably to prevent avoidable injury when that type of human error occurs.
The main issue in these situations is that they're all targeted to human error, and therefore there is no certain action that could be taken in order to mitigate the risk of a loss of this nature.
«None of these attacks appear to be overly sophisticated, but rather take advantage of mistakes and human error to gain access,» he told the E-Commerce Times.
It remains to be seen how these revelations of AggregateIQ's work with this network of organizations will be met in Great Britain, but taken together, the «Brexit files» within the AIQ development repository are a stark reminder that even the most technologically advanced kinds of data are not immune from insecurity or human error.
As previously mentioned it is highly recommended hiring an experienced real estate attorney to take care of the closing as in addition to resolving any legal disputes, they are likely to make use of specialist real estate closing software which will reduce the chances of human error when preparing the settlement statement by means of validating input, ensuring figures are within allowed ranges and automatically calculating figures used throughout the HUD form.
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