Sentences with phrase «taking in information»

They see possibilities everywhere and are constantly taking in information that becomes fodder for creative expression.
The value in doing this work in a small group setting is twofold; (1) it offers the opportunity to practice all learned skills in an intimate setting rather than passively taking in information that you may not ever apply and, (2) it provides the experience of empathy and connection - key ingredients to shame - resilience and courage.
It is designed to help you identify your preferred way of doing things in four key areas: directing and receiving energy, taking in information, making decisions, and approaching the outside world.
The Myers - Briggs ® instrument is a research - based personality assessment that sorts individuals into one of sixteen personality types indicating preferences for deriving energy, taking in information, making decisions, and orienting oneself to the world.
But taking in the information of a career advice article and applying it to your job search can be very difficult.
Smart contracts achieve this by by taking in information as input, assigning value to that input through the rules set out in the contract, and executing the actions required by those contractual clauses.
The 8» Surface Mini will be a «consumption class» device, geared more towards taking in information or...
The 8» Surface Mini will be a «consumption class» device, geared more towards taking in information or dropping a few notes (with supported pen input) rather than pounding through documents on Office.
There's some various pieces of data in here, and basically nobody who's listening on Audible cranks up the speed on the classics because they want to enjoy them, but if what you're doing is just taking in information — taking it like download it to your brain, and my podcast app has a real nice rewind 30 seconds» button which I use all the time because I'm like, «Wait.
Is he / she capable of taking in information, analyzing that information and developing valid conclusions?
It reminds me a little of Choose Your Own Adventure books meets television — it's a solution that suits our ever more ADD culture and makes darn sure that people learn something no matter what their preferences for taking in information, be it video, audio, infographics, and so on.
«By putting science in its rightful place as an ongoing part of the policy discussion of the nation, parents can become educated in the context in which they are used to taking in information — policy decisions that affect their lives.»
There is something to be said for taking in information slowly and internalizing it.
We're visual creatures and people are used to taking in information that way.
Your preferred way of taking in information and making meaning of new information is called your «learning style».
Differentiation means giving students multiple options for taking in information.
This is very different from the traditional math classroom, especially in middle and high school where students sit quietly taking in information, writing down examples, and working on practice problems independently.
Other definitions refer to the sensory channels (modalities) that an individual prefers to use when taking in information.
Reading and taking in information is one thing, but it really comes down to if you can put everything you learned to practice.
At this size, circuits can begin to execute really useful behaviors by taking in information from different environmental sensors and performing calculations to decide on the correct response.
While they were taking in the information, a distraction was introduced, showing a different number of dots.
«The reason is that they are taking in the information faster as they develop.»
They are learning from our verbal and non-verbal behaviour, as well as taking in information from everyone else around them.
Now taking in information can not hurt but you should be careful who you are taking information from.
Switch it up so you're using more of your senses to take in information, and staying more engaged to retain more of it.
We take in information via sight, sound, and touch, and the neocortex determines what that information means for us.
The first patent the company holds for self - driving car technology is for a camera and sensor system to take in information about a vehicle's surroundings and input commands to a computer.
When we take in information and barely scrutinize it because it confirms what we already think, that's called biased assimilation.
Something a simple as not eating and in particular, not drinking regularly can change the chemistry of a persons brain, it changes the way you perceive things, take in information — extreme cases can cause delusions, false sensory intake...
so instead of saying «this isnt the real thing» maybe just take in the information, appreciate it for what it is, and contribute to the conversation.
If you're missing how your child takes in information, it might make you feel as if the two of you are speaking different languages.
Sensory Integration is our ability to take in information from our senses and organize it so we can function in our world.
But, take in the information wisely, and be open to new experiences.
In other words the brain takes in information from the senses and over time learns to process and make sense of the new sensory input.
From the day your baby's born, her eyes will aid her physical, mental, and emotional development by allowing her to take in information — a little bit at first, and eventually much more — about the world around her.
Step 1: Take in information from the senses.
Our minds do more than take in information, of course.
The findings, published in the November issue of the journal Nature Communications, show that humans are visually wired to speedily take in information and make a snap judgment about what's real.
It's this back and forth chemical chattering that allows our brains to take in information, process it, and execute our behavior.
Those in meh moods only took in information about the face; happier folks could also remember the surroundings.
What the difference is now is that not only do I take in information, I also write something every day.
If this person is a follower of Weston - Price, she may not be able to take in this information.
Of course, part of the reason we go to class is to take in information, to be guided toward an experience of something pleasurable or uplifting or challenging, to be inspired by our teachers.
With regards to how to use this guide successfully, we strongly encourage you to read through each and every advice article that we have created and take in the information and that we have offered.
«The Black Stallion» inspired plenty of kiddie animal movies, but it's deeper impression is in films that try to recreate that feeling of being a child through intimate camerawork and editing that simulates how the mind takes in information.
She has the drugs removed from her stomach at the hospital but she has already absorbed enough that she can somewhere take in all information around her and remember it, as well as instantly change her appearance and move objects and people with mind control.
The barrage of stimulus is in itself an amazing way to power up the brain's ability to take in information.
Social media is a two - way street that gives you the ability to take in information, respond, communicate and collaborate.
The new ways in which people read and take in information online have not yet birthed a targeted curriculum, says Leu.
Scientists from Adriaan De Groot to Anders Ericsson report that human brains are very particular about how they like to take in information and about what information actually sticks.
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