Sentences with phrase «taking in too»

(too much time on email, unplanned, lengthy meetings, interruptions, mental stress from taking in too much info, etc).
Upset stomach typically occurs after meals, usually from eating too fast (taking in too much air), eating foods that don't agree with the dog's system (i.e. table scraps, allergens such as wheat, corn, dairy), or eating while excited or nervous.
Alfalfa is also higher in calcium, and because taking in too much protein and calcium can cause health problems in rabbits and guinea pigs, grass hay is now recognized as the healthiest hay for adult animals.
It describes the different reasons an individual may fall in the trap of taking in too many animals.
You should make water freely available to your puppy throughout the day, monitor their intake so you can judge if they're taking in too much or too little, but don't restrict access as their needs may vary.
Also, taking in too much protein can be stressful to the kidneys, especially if there is any pre-existing kidney disease, which occurs commonly in older cats.
But taking in too much water can create dire health situations for your pets.
We are very aware that many good small cap firms lose their edge by taking in too many assets and being forced to adjust their investment style.
The main thing to keep in mind however is that any healthy diet that keeps you performing at an optimal level should be eluding the extremes of taking in too much of a particular nutrient and / or being deficient in another nutrient, as well as meeting your daily calorie quota.
Chewing and eating slowly produces beneficial hormonal changes that prevent us from taking in too many calories.
Is obesity and energy balance disorders the cause just by taking in too many calories or it's spending too few or is it a hormonal regulatory defect that's triggered probably by the carbohydrate content of the diet?
We also decided that obesity was called by just eating too much and taking in too much.
Starting the day with a big glass of water can also prevent you from taking in too many calories at breakfast, as dehydration is often confused for hunger.
One thing's for sure: you can eat a high volume of food without having to worry about taking in too many calories, so you're unlikely to gain weight by accident with this style of eating.
If you start taking in too much protein the body's just going to store it as fat eventually anyway, it's called a gluconeogenesis.
Taking in too much calories without burning them off creates fat.
Sugar is not the enemy - BUT you need to ensure that you not taking in too much sugar and getting it from the right sources.
The bottom line is that drinking green tea won't just prevent you from taking in too many calories.
I currently am taking in too much fiber, and so while I have been using ground flax seed in my smoothies, I'm switching to oil.
So if you keep eating, you soon dip back into taking in too many calories than you are expending.
You could be taking in too much salt.
For me, I think the SIBO issue is more so that I am taking in too much fiber.
I eat a can of black beans per day — over 1 1/2 cups — and I am concerned that I may be taking in too much manganese.
In addition to taking in too many supplements, people often take a high quantity too.
What you can do: «Sugar may contain half the energy of fat but unless you are consuming a moderate amount of sugar you may be taking in too many empty calories,» Renn says.
Watch out for taking in too much fat; that often translates to an abundance of calories as well, which quickly packs on as extra pounds.
Here are four sneaky reasons you may be taking in too many surplus calories, and what you can do to stop it.
Obesity and its associated diseases result from taking in too many calories overall, not just calories from sugar, they say.
This means that, while it may look like your little one is taking in too little to survive on, it's plenty of nutrition at first.
Try to keep baby's mouth is above their belly and that they are not taking in too much air while eating.
If you are breastfeeding and you think your baby might be taking in too much air, make sure she is latching well.
In case there are many noisy and sucking sounds during the drinking, the baby might be taking in too much of air.
Gas pains can also be caused by taking in too much air at feeding time.
If you hear a lot of noisy sucking sounds while she drinks, she may be taking in too much air.
If he drinks too quickly or too slowly, he might be taking in too much air as he gulps it down.
If your newborn is gagging and spitting up when nursing, he might be taking in too much air when pulling on and off the breast.
The Baby Care And Advice website said if you are overfeeding your baby they can get lactose overload, which occurs when the baby is taking in too much lactose from too much milk and doesn't have enough enzymes in their stomach yet to break it all down.
But according to The Bump, if you notice that your baby turned away from the bottle a few times during a feeding and then subsequently spit up that may be an indicator that the baby is taking in too much at one time.
A common reason for this appearance is that baby is taking in too much of the foremilk and not enough of the more calorie - rich hindmilk.
Because the Church is universal she must often decide between many cultures, traditions, attitudes and tendencies, and in doing so may not please anyone completely, taking in too little that is new for one and retaining not enough of the old things for another.
Regardless of which side of the field you found yourself on, you more than likely took in too much food, brews and frivolity and are in need of a serious detox.
Team Kluever (Sunset Foods)-- Currently tied for 12th with 0 points (Last Week: NR)-- This Squad still remains somewhat of a mystery to me as I have not been able to take in too much of their games.
Set the number too high and the underdog takes in too much money.
While it can be dangerous to take in too much vitamin A from meat, carotenoids are another story.
If it's too big, you can take it in, but don't take it in too much — you can always make another straight seam at the shoulder if it's still too large, but you can't make it larger again!
This tends to happen when babies take in too much air or the milk they are drinking does not agree with their delicate digestive system.
Gagging is common when your little one takes in too much milk too quickly, according the KellyMom website.
This tends to happen when babies take in too much air or the milk they are drinking does not agree with their delicate digestive system.We know how difficult it is to see your baby uncomfortable, so we have taken -LSB-...]
When your baby takes in too much milk, too quickly, her belly becomes distended and triggers the diaphragm into the sudden contractions.
As your article notes, however, this does not mean people should overconsume, any more than they should take in too much sugar or honey — common sense needs to rule!
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